In an eye-opening conversation with professional archeologist and herbalist, Lauren Lembo connects us to the world of traditional plant medicine and wakes us up to the social and environmental costs of many personal care products we assume to be green and wholesome. Lauren is the owner and founder of Blue Fox Botanicals, a New Jersey-based company producing vegan skin care solutions and herbal formulas that are sustainably cultivated, fair trade, locally produced, ethically packaged, and...
Published 10/04/21
If the children are our future, it's in good hands with the kids of MUN Impact. Beyond the rich academic training provided by Model United Nations, MUN Impact provides the tools, ideas, networks and inspiration for these kids to translate their knowledge, skills and vision into real world projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Published 09/13/21
Bruce Dietzen, creator of the Renew Sports Car, Founder of Carbon Negative Fiber is about to quantify that with his Drawdown Hemp Project. In a bid to win the Musk Foundation’s $100 Million X Prize for Carbon Removal, Bruce has built a coalition of entrepreneurs from all disciplines of the hemp industry to develop a consensus on the carbon sequestering power of hemp.
Published 08/26/21
Still very much misunderstood, the effectiveness and importance of cannabis as a plant medicine has everything to do with our endocannabinoid receptors. Tammi Sweet explains the nuances and mechanisms of our biological interactions with this miraculous master plant and teaches us how we can benefit from its medicinal properties.
Published 08/15/21
Visionary, film producer, and activist, Ryland Engelhart is guided by the fundamental question, “How can I use my life to awaken more love?” After years as "Mission Fulfillment Officer" and co-owner of the legendary, family owned, plant-based Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre restaurants, Ryland co-founded Kiss the Ground and is now engaged in full time advocacy of regenerative agriculture.
Published 06/27/21
If we're going to stop fracking and pipelines, we need future-thinking energy policy. Tom Gilbert of ReThink Energy NJ joins us to discuss how his organization informs and empowers citizens and decision-makers to support sensible policies to bring about a swift transition to clean, efficient, renewable energy. Resources and links: https://www.sustainabilitynow.global/2021/05/02/048-rethinking-energy-policy/
Published 05/02/21
Co-founders of Possible Planet, Jonathan Cloud and Victoria Zelin are on a mission to finance the transition to a regenerative future by creating strategies to attract capital and investment in clean energy. Today's conversation is about PACE, (Property Assessed Clean Energy) — a source of financing that: 1) requires no money out of pocket to make clean energy property improvements, 2) pays for itself with clean energy savings and 3) attaches the cost to the property rather than the property...
Published 04/04/21
Chris Neidl and The Open Air Collective use open-source software development principles to reverse climate change in their Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Leadership Act (LECCLA) — legislation requiring state agencies to include climate impact during concrete procurement. Low carbon bids are more likely to win the business. This is a big deal. States' collective buying power could create enough demand for low carbon concrete to broaden its availability in the private sector.
Published 03/21/21
Smart buildings are good right? Adjusting room temperature and lighting based on patterns of use is more efficient, uses less resources and is therefore more sustainable. Collecting more detailed data enables greater refinement of systems and environments. But when is enough, enough? Join us for this provocative conversation about data collection, sustainability and privacy.
Published 03/07/21
After reinstating the 1942 Kentucky Hemp Growers Association and then inspiring the planting of three feral hemp seeds by Woody Harrelson in the 90's, Joe Hickey has been a primary force behind the legalization of industrial hemp. A nearly magical plant with over 25,00 uses that include food, fuel, fiber, housing, health, and so much more, industrial hemp p also nutrifies the soil and is thought by many to be the salvation for struggling farmers.
Published 02/13/21
Director of the documentary film “At War with the Dinosaurs,” John Michael Parkan is a hydrogen energy evangelist extolling the virtues and promise of a burgeoning hydrogen economy. Hydrogen is the third most abundant element on earth and is a sustainable green-energy alternative to fossil fuels that has been around since the early 1800’s. All the major car manufacturers have produced a hydrogen fuel cell car and the technology is more planet-friendly than battery-powered electric vehicles.
Published 01/31/21
Jason Schramm has focused his passion for the vegan lifestyle along with his tech skills on developing global directories for vegan events, vegan-friendly movies, and plant-based meal delivery. VegEvents.com, the largest listing of vegan events throughout the world. VegMovies.com came next, VegMealDelivery.com was a creative response to the COVID lockdown.
Published 01/16/21
Anne-Marie Bonneau, the Zero-Waste Chef, is an author, blogger, fermenter, sourdough-er and zero waste evangelist. Join us for the premiere showing of her interview: a wide-ranging conversation about consumerism, cooking and composting; sourdough, fermenting, and starting a movement. Resources: https://lnkd.in/eEWuDu3
Published 12/19/20
Raz Razgaitis, co-founder and CEO of FloWater, is on a mission to eliminate single-use packaging and put bottled water out of business by making tap water safe and tasty again. Raz sees the bottled water industry as our contemporary "Big Tobacco," capitalizing on a manufactured need while wreaking untold public health consequences due to plastic pollution. FloWater prevents 5.5 plastic Water bottles every second and its water is free of pathogens, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and micro-plastics.
Published 11/21/20
Eden Green is helping establish food safety, food independence, and sustainable farming. Its turnkey greenhouse and vertical farming technology gives you the ability to locally grow large amounts of produce safely and efficiently, while using exponentially less land, energy and water than traditional farming and other indoor solutions.
Published 11/15/20
Meet Colin McIntosh, Founder & CEO of Sheets & Giggles, a fast-growing brand in the $12B US bedding space. His motto is, "Do good, have fun, make money — in that order. Colin shares his entrepreneurial insights: the business criteria that lead him to the bed linen space, marketing strategies that set S&G apart, and most importantly, how he built S&G around his underlying commitment to sustainability. Resources:...
Published 11/08/20
Eco-visionary Brian Hicks couldn’t stand sending the hundreds of thousands of pounds of spent coffee grounds from his and other restaurants to landfill, so he started a business called GroundSteam to collect and convert them to compost instead. Building on his success, Brian has since expanded his service to divert millions of pounds of coffee waste from restaurants in the Edmonton area.
Published 10/13/20
Tim Tan of Affordable Abodes is tackling the low-cost housing crisis in Indonesia and Malaysia with modular, kenafcrete houses. Kenaf is a plant much like hemp with thousands of uses, one of which is as the primary ingredient in an eco-concrete-style construction material called kenafcrete. Affordable Abodes streamlines the construction process by using lightweight, 2ft x 10ft steel reinforced kenafcrete panels to build better homes faster and more affordably than conventionally possible.
Published 09/24/20
Transitioning from traditional fossil fuels and fertilizer to regenerative energy and agriculture? Kari McDonald’s Energy Junction bridges the gap by generating electricity, biochar, bio-stimulants and wood vinegar, biogas and biodiesel.
Published 09/12/20
Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, is an inspirational example of the unstoppable power available when we stand up and take action. She’s gone toe-to-toe with Monsanto over the dangers of glyphosate and is currently leading the charge against the 5G technology poised to infiltrate our communities with potentially devastating health consequences.
Published 09/02/20
Explore microbial magic with Dr. Christo Miliotis, eco-entrepreneur & microorganism enthusiast. From gut & soil health to delectable foods, pest & weed control to hydrogen gas, learn how microbes are the key to a thriving future. More info and resources mentioned in this interview can be found at https://www.sustainabilitynow.global/2020/08/15/32-the-magic-of-microbes-w-dr-christo-miliotis/
Published 08/16/20
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT is sounding the alarm about Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, the world’s most popular weed killer and its possible correlation with the epidemic rise of autism. With glyphosate in our soil, food, and perhaps the air we breathe, Dr. Seneff suggests that it plays a significant role in the rise of cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, obesity and it may have an impact on susceptibility & spread of COVID 19.
Published 07/31/20
Join us for an informative interview with Cameron McIntosh, president and founder of Americhanvre Cast Hemp. We’ll discuss hempcrete — an amazing building material that is carbon sequestering, fireproof, non-toxic, soundproof, and resistant to mold, rot, mildew and pests. Hempcrete construction can also save up to 60% of the heating and cooling costs vs. traditional construction.
Published 07/19/20
Founder of Fearless Farmers, Amy Milliron creates online and onsite regenerative farming curricula for kids of all ages. Amy advocates for regenerative agriculture as a path to reverse climate change, heal the soil and improve health.
Published 06/27/20
Like industrial hemp, Kenaf has tens of thousands of uses. Bob Lawrason of Kenaf Partners USA joins us to discuss the role kenaf can play in reversing climate change, reducing pollution, restoring the land, and generating profit for farmers. Learn more and find resources mentioned in this interview at https://www.sustainabilitynow.global/2020/06/13/28-kenaf-the-next-industrial-hemp/
Published 06/13/20