The largest non-commercial marine mass mortality event on record (as of 2013) created a ‘natural experiment’ and an opportunity to study genomic changes in wild populations with unprecedented detail. Rather than observing only the aftermath—a team of researchers from UC Merced is reconstructing the population and genetic consequences of an epidemic outbreak of sea star wasting disease. The team measured the abundance and genetic variation of Pisaster ochraceus, a keystone species, in the year...
Published 12/01/17
See how California farmers and UC agricultural researchers are working to merge both conservation tillage practices and precision irrigation to save time, labor, and water while reducing the cost of producing crops for California agriculture. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32368]
Published 10/06/17
Farmers can't control the costs of seed, fertilizers, chemicals, water or the price they can get for their crops - but they can control tillage costs. Learn how California's farmers, ag industry and UC researchers are working together and finding ways to cut costs with minimum tillage practices. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32367]
Published 09/08/17
Explore how California dairy farmers are working together to perfect techniques to maximize the benefits of conservation tillage in producing dairy feed to reduce inputs and costs, increase quality and ensure healthier more productive and sustainable agricultural soils and production. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32363]
Published 08/04/17
In California's Coast Ranges plants not only use water directly from rainstorms, but also harvest the thick fog that blankets these mountains. UC researchers are investigating how different plants in the forest, from the tall redwoods to the ferns of the forest floor use different water sources, so we can understand how climate change will alter the forest as the patterns of rainstorms and fog events changes in the future. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32514]
Published 07/28/17
In much of California, if you've ever wandered the trails you've probably come across livestock. This short video gives you a fun look at a year in the life of a cow, so you'll have a better idea what's going on with that herd - winter, spring, summer or fall. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32513]
Published 07/07/17
With an over 700 percent increase in productivity in the last century, the California tomato industry represents 95 percent of all processing tomatoes produced in the US. See how UC scientists and California farmers continue to develop methods to sustain this productivity, improve soils and reduce water use. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32362]
Published 07/07/17
Ever wonder what to do when you're walking Fido and you encounter livestock on the trail? This fun and quick video gives you all the details on how to keep both Bossie and Fido safe and happy. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32512]
Published 06/23/17
Making novel use of a technique to detect food-borne pathogens, Emily Wilson of UC Merced reveals the microbial ecology of the conifers in Yosemite's Tuolumne Meadows to understand the beneficial properties they provide the trees. Series: "Sustainable California" [Science] [Show ID: 25858]
Published 06/09/17
The norm in conventional agricultural practice is to make the residue from old crops disappear, a practice that hasn't changed in over 70 years. Explore how California farmers and UC scientists are working together to perfect techniques to maximize the benefits of these crop residues to develop healthier more productive soils, reduce water consumption, and ensure sustainable agricultural production. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32361]
Published 06/09/17
Ever wonder what to do when encountering grazing livestock on the open range or the trail? This fun and quick video shows you what to do so you and Bossie can both go on with your day in a peaceable kingdom. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32511]
Published 06/09/17
A team of researchers strives to understand the hydrological cycle in a California Redwood forest, using advanced technology to track the life cycle of water in the forest; where it comes from, how long it stays and how it is used by the forest ecosystem. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32515]
Published 06/09/17
The third class of UC Global Food Initiative student fellows from University of California campuses throughout the state who gathered for a springtime field trip in the Central Valley to learn more about the relationships between food, farming and the environment, share about their work on UC’s efforts to sustainably feed the world’s growing population. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32523]
Published 06/09/17
We think of the sagebrush steppe as a symbol of the American west, but until only 250 years ago, this was not the case. UC Davis anthropologist Robert Bettinger sheds light on the cascade of large-scale ecosystem changes brought on by humans in California that threatens the last remaining Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32534]
Published 06/09/17
Marty Ralph of the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes summarizes the significant role that the phenomenon of "atmospheric rivers" plays in California's water supply and natural cycle of drought and flood. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32562]
Published 06/09/17
How researchers at UC Merced are developing a better understanding of the three sources of water upon which California depends in order to adapt to the effects of environmental changes and make better use of this most precious of our natural resources. Series: "UC Climate Solutions Channel " [Show ID: 32342]
Published 05/05/17
Introducing Sustainable California - where you connect with your University and the real-world solutions it is providing to maintain the sustainability and vitality of our state. Become part of real-world solutions so together we can meet the 21st century challenges of global climate change while maintaining California's unique biodiversity and sustaining the human and environmental health of California. Series: "Sustainable California" [Science] [Show ID: 32037]
Published 05/05/17
Researchers from UC Berkeley's Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) have developed an innovative remote sensing network to provide real-time assessment of California snow pack in order to better manage water supplies for a variety of users. Series: "Sustainable California" [Show ID: 32352]
Published 05/05/17
Throughout history, the loss of arable land has attended the decline of great civilizations, from Mesopotamia to the Nile. Now with the stresses of environmental change and ever increasing demands on agricultural productivity, efforts to maintain the viability of our agricultural natural resources are ever more important. This introduction to the principles of conservation agriculture shows how California's farmers and scientists are collaborating on developing the practical solutions to...
Published 05/05/17
Problem-solvers, catalysts, collaborators, stewards and educators. Since 1913, University of California Cooperative Extension scientists, along with campus partners, have been helping make California the nation's leading agricultural state. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources links the people of California to their great university through local expertise, nine Research and Extension Centers, and statewide programs such as Integrated Pest Management, 4-H...
Published 05/05/17
Explore how a species of Scrub Jay, the Island Scrub Jay, is expanding oak forests on Santa Cruz Island, helping to recover natural habitat on California's Channel Islands. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 31252]
Published 08/08/16
California Ecology and Conservation brings together 27 students from across the UC system for seven weeks of intensive learning at NRS reserves. Guided by experienced field instructors, undergraduates transform into scientists by conducting independent research studies. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 30875]
Published 06/07/16
Explore how the the nature of highly seasonal rainfall cycles and periodic fires create conditions that have shaped Mediterranean climate ecosystems and all that lives within these very special regions. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 24605]
Published 07/14/14
The climate of Mediterranean Climate Ecosystems is largely driven by different processes in nearby coastal oceans. Atmospheric processes over the oceans influence seasonal rainfall patterns, while currents and ocean temperatures affect both local and regional climate conditions - understanding these are key to understanding Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 24604]
Published 01/20/14
Great weather, abundant harvests, fabulous food, some of the world’s most cosmopolitan, and romantic, cities – as well as the world’s most critical biodiversity hotspots -- make up what are known as Mediterranean-climate Ecosystems. This episode of the six-part series explores how geology has shaped life in Mediterranean climate ecosystems. Series: "UC Natural Reserve System" [Science] [Show ID: 24603]
Published 12/16/13