253. More than Conquerors
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Episode 253-More than Conquerors One of my main goals is to be a victorious Christian. I want to be an overcomer. I want to be able to conquer whatever difficulties come my way. Romans 8:37 tells us that in all things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. But what does that really mean? First and foremost I know I cannot be victorious without God’s leadership. That means I have to lean on Him every step of the way. Paul, in Romans 8:35, asks the question. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Then he goes on to list a bunch of things that are real fears people have. These are things we are afraid might cut us off from God and everything we love.  As I share this list that I compiled from various versions of the Bible, think of your own life. Have you encountered any of these things:  trouble, hard times, tribulation, calamity, anguish, hatred, distress, hardship, persecution, harassment, famine, hunger, homelessness, deprivation, bullying threats, backstabbing, destitute, naked, danger, peril, sword, threatened with death, or the worst sins listed in Scripture. To be victorious, to overcome, to be a conqueror, I can’t focus on difficulties that are happening or may happen. I really have to follow 2 Cor. 10:5 which tells me to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” In other words I have to intentionally take authority over my thought life.  In this episode we talk more about how to do this and how to be victorious in our lifestyle change journeys.   Overcomers Academy Link: https://www.teresashieldsparker.com/overcomers-christian-weight-loss-academy/ VIP Freedom Coaching Link: https://www.teresashieldsparker.com/vip-freedom-coaching/ What Is A Stronghold Free Offer Link: https://www.teresashieldsparker.com/sweet-surrender/what-is-a-stronghold/  
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