Here we go, it is time for confession. We love video games but there are just some that we never played. You may call us blasphemous but we are who we are. We talk one more time about the current state of Halo and some of the Acti/Bliz deal. AreUDead joins Hop and Fen as they discuss all the gaming goodness. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 09/08/22
Hop and Fen are joined by the gents from @OhGoditHz, Eddy and JJJ to discuss all things gaming. We talk the news and what we are playing as usual but this time we take a deep dive into the most important pillars of gaming. Is it story, gameplay, performance, or graphics? We debate it here. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 08/18/22
Last episode we discussed what would it take to get you back into a game you've fallen out of touch with. Well this time around Hop and Fen discuss those games we have given second chances to and those we don't see getting that second or third chance. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 08/05/22
Video games are great! We get to have fun with a hobby that provides so much. Sometimes we lose touch with a game that we love or maybe felt like it didn't live up to expectations. What do we need to get back into the groove? Come listen to Hop, Fen, and guest SithWarrior discuss what it takes! Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 07/21/22
Take a listen as Hop and Fen get into all the things wrong with Gamer Entitlement. We also discuss are we owed any thing as gamers and if so what might that be. As usual we discuss what we are playing and some highlights of news. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 07/09/22
Summer Game Fest has come and gone. There has been so much to talk about. Hop, Fen, and guest Ubo talk about the great moments they pulled from the show. It is a great time to be a gamer! Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 06/25/22
Here we go again! E3 may not be happening for another year, but Summer Game Fest is alive and well. This episode we talk about our hopes and dreams. Audible__Silence joins the show to share his thoughts as well. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 06/08/22
Keeltrocity of the podcast 'Ruminations of Redrum' joins Hop and Fen. We discuss several stories relating to horror/thriller. A true horror happens when Xbox servers go down and more delays on some highly anticipated titles. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 05/19/22
So much to talk about this episode. Embracer Group, COD, ACT/B, Halo, and games we are currently playing. This episode Hop and Fen talk about how we mix in time for other content we enjoy in other mediums. There is just so much great content out there and not enough time! Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 05/06/22
Is there a Borderlands movie reference this episode? You bet there is! Also we get into the news, our views on ads in gaming, and what we are playing. This episode we go deep on whether there are too many games right now? Is it a bad thing? How do you decide what to play next? Hop and Fen share their thoughts as always! Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 04/20/22
This episode Hop and Fen are joined by the one and only Ubo! We give you a run down of interesting news stories, communities updates, and what you can move your sticks to come April. Our deep dive this episode is subscription services and their place in game. So of course, we bring you our very own for just $1! Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 04/08/22
Hop and Fen talk about many things related to this wonderful hobby of video games. The games we are playing, the news, and what's going on in the TAG community. This deep dive we talk all things HUDs and Maps. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 03/18/22
Game Reviews has had it's moment in the world lately. Good, Bad, or in-between. This episode Hop and Fen talk about their take on reviews, what they find important from them, and how they would review a game. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 03/03/22
Hop and Fen take a trip down memory lane and discuss the games that defined us a gamers. It was difficulty to narrow the list down but we each dive into our top 3. Of course there is our current playlist and the news. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 02/17/22
News just keep rolling in and our community has been on fire with its reaction. Hop and Fen get into it as well as discuss how games are growing beyond the game itself. Movies, TV, books, and even podcasts. Is it too much? Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 02/03/22
In this episode we talk the biggest story of the week, Microsoft plans to buy Activision/Blizzard/King. Our thoughts, reactions, and way to early predictions for this mega deal. Most importantly, we take a moment and remember a class act of the TAG community, TheBigJay19. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 01/22/22
TAGCast is at it again with a brand new season. As is tradition, we start a new season by talking about the previous years of games. Hop and Fen get it on and talk about their favorite games from the last year. Of course we talk the news and what we've been playing lately. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 01/13/22
Fen and Hop discuss what we are excited about for 2022 in Video Game Land. Fen also challenges Hop to go full Fu Manchu for 2022. Then there is also the news and what we are playing. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 12/22/21
Holidays are upon us and we are having a great gaming season. Hop and Fen are just having fun playing games. This episode we ask Santa for some things we'd love in gaming. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 12/11/21
FPS Season is back on! We give our impressions on 2 of the big 3 multiplayer shooters that dropped. The TAG community also had some thoughts on the third. Come let us know what you think. Hop and Fen also discuss the news and community updates. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 11/18/21
Do you ever think that the bad guys in video games are more than just fodder? Well this episode is for you. We talk about some of our favorite enemy groups from the games we've played. Also we give our impression on the Halo Infinite campaign overview. We got you covered on the news and this month's game releases. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 11/04/21
How do you know a game isn't for you? What do you do about it? A deep dive that Hop and Fen get into and share their opinions on. Fen may have dusted off his soap box for this. We also get into the news and other gamer related topics. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 10/20/21
Another episode of the TAGCast and we talk about those who claim to be a gaming purist. One of us may be one for a certain franchise that rhymes with beers. We also get into the news and talk about what we are playing. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 10/07/21
This episode we discuss spoilers. We all have played a role as either the spoiler or spoilee or both. Today it is getting harder and harder to avoid them. We get into how we feel and avoid them. Also Hop and Fen talk the news that was interesting to them. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l
Published 09/24/21
Hop and Fen get things going with this month's first episode of the TAGCast by reminiscing about late night video gaming and how things have changed since then. Of course we get into the news and our current play lists as well. Come join the fun at TheAdultGamer.com in our Discord server! TAGCast Intro produced by Mitch_42 TAGCast Logo developed by S1lverTongu3dDev1l 
Published 09/09/21