Navigating the Future of AI: Insights from Andrew Ng and Audrey Tang
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We are back to Part Two of a two-part series featuring highlights from the Navigating the Future of AI forum hosted by Taiwania Capital.  This episode offers audiences an exclusive opportunity to hear from two global AI leaders and experts from the 2023 TIME 100 AI list: Andrew Ng and Audrey Tang. Andrew Ng is the founder and CEO of Landing AI, managing general partner at AI Fund, founder of DeepLearning.AI, while Audrey Tang serves as Taiwan’s Digital Affairs Minister. They shared the insights with us regarding the development of AI and the concern we need to address. This talk covers: AI research is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field, what are the issues that need to be addressed before we move forward?How to reach the balance between innovation and regulation, especially regarding AI development?AI research and development requires a lot of resources, should AI research and development be an international collaboration?The fear of AI is on the rise, how can we manage it?How does Taiwan develop AI capabilities based on semiconductor strength?How Taiwan’s industries leverage the opportunity created by AI?What’s the national AI strategy for Taiwan?How to align Taiwan’s AI talents to global AI development?Is it too late for entrepreneurs in Taiwan to get into generative AI? 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: _______________________________________________ 《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。 台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。 想要了解更多最新市場動態? 歡迎關注我們🙌 🌲台杉投資 🌲台杉青年創業學院 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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