This week Voice of the Ummah welcomes the YouTube sensation Smile2Jannah AKA Zeeshan Ali. Being in lockdown won't stop us from bringing you brilliant guests and important topics! Zeeshan's unique style of bringing together Islam, Comedy and Current Affairs packaged into short videos for the masses has helped him gain an avid following. He's also a teacher by trade and understands the challenges that Muslim Youth continue to face and imparts some brilliant advice for parents about the...
Published 05/14/20
With the continued lockdown situation here in Britain and many parts of the world, VOTU brings you another episode with a special guest appearance. This time we welcome Tauqir 'Tox' Sharif, an activist on the ground in Idlib, Syria to talk about the impact of COVID-19 in Syria and the comparison with the situation in the West. We also speak about the latest on Tox's British citizenship revocation and how it highlights the double standards of the Capitalist system. Special Guest: Jahirul.
Published 04/28/20
Another week in quarantine and another Talking Deen podcast brought to you by VOTU. This week we welcome back Daniel Haqiqatjou, founder of MuslimSkeptic.com and the Alasna Institute to talk about the continued lockdown situation due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We also speak about the opportunity of spending more time with our families, especially the children and the importance of preparing them against the corrupt ideas they are being taught in schools such as aggressive liberalism; LGBTQ...
Published 04/05/20
The government have introduced stricter measures to ensure social distancing but with modern technology, even in self-isolation and quarantine, that doesn’t stop us from bringing you another Talking Deen Podcast! With the ongoing coronavirus situation, what else can we speak about but COVID-19? In this episode we discuss the virus and its impact on Western populations, their economies, the global political implications, how Muslims should deal with it and how an Islamic system would respond...
Published 03/24/20
What makes the land of Al-Quds so important? Do our actions demonstrate how much we love Al-Aqsa? Don't we have a duty to remind future generations of its significance? This week's podcast is dedicated to the land of Palestine and the blessed Al-Aqsa; the brothers discuss these questions and more, so that we know why this land can never be forgotten or given away. Special Guest: Rashel.
Published 03/16/20
In this week's Bonus episode, our host Rash presents his thoughts about the anniversary of arguably Islam's darkest day; the day Islamic Governance was removed and the Shari'ah of Allah (SWT) was no longer implemented. The significance of this date (3rd March 1924) continues to be felt with every calamity the Ummah faces.
Published 03/03/20
In this week's episode we discuss how the Messenger ﷺ was ordered to openly call to Islam and the reasons why the Quraysh opposed and rejected the message of Laa ilaaha il-Allah.
Published 02/16/20
In this week's Talking Deen Podcast we discuss the growing challenges of Modernism, Capitalism and Islamophobia that Muslims are facing in the West. We are joined by brother Daniel Haqiqatjou, founder of the MuslimSkeptic.com and the Alasna Institute who provides us with some key insight and his experiences from the US. https://www.alasna.org https://muslimskeptic.com/ Special Guest: Rashel.
Published 02/05/20
In the aftermath of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani on the instruction of US President Donald Trump, the clash between America and Iran is once again being trumpeted by the mainstream media. In this episode of the Talking Deen Podcast we introduce another special guest: Iranian academic and activist Ali Reza to discuss the significance of the Soleimani assassination and the decades long secret relationship between the US and Iran to help clear the myth of their hatred for each...
Published 01/12/20
In this week's episode we speak about how the Messenger ﷺ trained the early Sahabah in Dar al Arqam and firmly embedded Islam within them in readiness for the inevitable clash with the wider Qurayshi society.
Published 01/08/20
In this episode of the Talking Deen podcast we introduce a special guest and Islamic activist from India to provide our listeners with a first hand perspective of the unfolding events concerning Muslims in India. As populism and hindu nationalism increases in India under the leadership of Modi and the BJP, the anti-Islamic sentiment amongst the non-Muslim masses has come to the fore as they become emboldened by the discriminatory anti-Muslim policies of the current Indian government, such...
Published 12/26/19
'Terrorism' is almost always used to describe attacks committed by Muslims, but with the amount of people killed or persecuted by secular states, we ask, who are the real terrorists? Jihad has also been deliberately linked with terrorism in order to create the perception that it is barbaric and backwards in nature. We discuss the true nature of Jihad and how it is a mercy to mankind. Special Guest: Jahirul.
Published 12/18/19
The UK General Elections are around the corner and many Muslim personalities and organisations are actively calling for Muslims to participate. Although many know that voting in legislative democratic elections is Haraam, several arguments and Islamic principles are used to justify involvement. We discuss these arguments and ask whether the Messenger ﷺ would vote in Democratic Elections. Special Guests: Jahirul and Rashel.
Published 11/29/19
The Brexit debacle continued this week with yet another extension, continued uncertainty and growing division among the masses. In this week's Podcast the brothers discuss the link between Brexit and Muslims, whether we should have a stance such as Leave or Remain and the wider issue of the permissibility of participating in Democracy. Special Guests: Aftab and Rashel.
Published 10/31/19
In this week's podcast we speak about how the Messenger ﷺ proceeds with the order of Allah to 'arise and warn' and commence his mission to guide mankind. We discuss how the first to believe in Islam were from all backrounds, tribes and statuses, and the significant role of the youth.
Published 10/23/19
Some claim there is a crisis of Muslims leaving Islam due to its incompatibility with modern day science or supposed backward and immoral rules. In this week's podcast the brothers discuss if this is really the case and the contraversial views and arguments brought forward by Yasir Qadhi and Saajid Lipham Special Guests: Jahirul and Rashel.
Published 10/10/19
The impact of role models for any society and mankind at large cannot be down-played and any civilisation would envy our heritage of scholars, scientists and leaders. Yet the current reality is very different from our golden ages - in this week's podcast the brothers discuss these important topics about today's role models in the West and amongst the youth, how Muslims are yearning for role models to aspire to, leading towards the popularity of Muslim sportspeople such as Mohammed Salah...
Published 09/27/19
In episode 4 of Talking Seerah, the host Jahir speaks about the first ayaat to be revealed to the Messenger ﷺ and how it became the foundation in establishing a new Islamic world order.
Published 09/18/19
Questioning the purpose of life can be instigated in many ways; losing a loved one, being diagnosed with Cancer or hearing of the devasting massacres against our Ummah. This week the brothers recount their own journeys in answering this most important question of all; how this led them onto the Daw'ah scene, the birth of VOTU and its vision for aiding the Islamic revival. Special Guest: Rashel.
Published 09/11/19
In our third episode of Talking Seerah, the host Jahir speaks about the birth of the Messenger ﷺ and how Allah prepared him in his early life in readiness for the greatest of missions - to guide mankind from darkness to light.
Published 09/04/19
We are in the midst of a calamitous attack on our beloved Messenger (saw), one which is even worse than the vile depictions we witnessed in the Charlie Hebdo magazine; and many of us are unaware that it is even taking place. This sinister attack is upon his (saw) legacy, his mission and on Islam itself. In this week’s podcast the brothers explore several aspects of this attack, the reasons for it and how we can identify it. It is imperative for everyone who says that they love the...
Published 08/29/19
In this episode of Talking Seerah, the host Jahirul covers what the situation was like in the world prior to Islam, and why the world was in need of Islam to liberate it and illuminate it from darkness.
Published 08/14/19
With the recent events of Narendra Modi's BJP party stripping the state of Jammu and Kashmir of autonomy through Article 370 and special rights through part 35A of the article, the brothers discuss the wider picture in regards to the historical context of Kashmir, the rising threat of China to US hegemony and what the reaction of all Muslims should be on this important topic. Special Guest: Mazhar.
Published 08/06/19
The Saudi #Vision2030 is in full flow; bringing music concerts and secularisation to the blessed lands of our holy sanctuaries in the guise of economic diversity. In this week's podcast the brothers discuss the objectives of this destructive vision, its link to America and whether it is merely limited to Saudi Arabia. Special Guest: Rashel.
Published 07/31/19