Our main topic this week revolves around the tradeoffs within the two of the biggest patterns in modern programming — classical and functional.
Published 10/15/19
Our final episode from JSConf US features interviews with Daniel Cousineau and Charlie Gerard around the theme of using JavaScript beyond the typical web site. Daniel’s talk pulled back the curtain on the problems inherent in using timezones that can’t be fixed just by using a library. We dig deeper into the issues of knowing […]
Published 09/24/19
Our final episode from JSConf US features interviews with Daniel Cousineau and Charlie Gerard around the theme of using JavaScript beyond the typical web site.
Published 09/24/19
This fifth episode of our 6-part series from JSConf US 2019 features interviews with David Whittaker and Suzie Grange around the theme of growth. Go watch David’s talk — it defines and deals with imposter syndrome quickly and without judgment in a way that illustrates it’s not the moral weakness it’s often portrayed as in […]
Published 09/20/19
The fifth episode of our 6-part series from JSConf US 2019 features interviews with David Whittaker and Suzie Grange around the theme of growth.
Published 09/20/19
In the fourth episode of our 6-part series recorded at JSConf US 2019, the team interviews Alexandra Sunderland, Sara Fecadu, and Florian Rival around the theme of backend services. Alexandra started out writing a chatbot but it grew into a phone app that can browse the web without a data plan. We talk about the […]
Published 09/19/19
In the fourth episode of our 6-part series recorded at JSConf US 2019, the team interviews Alexandra Sunderland, Sara Fecadu, and Florian Rival around the theme of backend services.
Published 09/19/19
In the third episode of our 6-part series recorded at JSConf US 2019, the team chats with Patricia Realini and Theodore Vorillas around the theme of access. Patricia pushed us to empathize with those who need to use libraries to access online necessities. We explore reasons people depend on libraries to perform online tasks, the […]
Published 09/18/19
In the third episode of our 6-part series recorded at JSConf US 2019, the team chats with Patricia Realini and Theodore Vorillas around the theme of access.
Published 09/18/19
Our second episode in the 6-part series from JSConf US 2019 features interviews with Lara Schenck, Adam Giese, and Luke Herrington around the theme of declarative code. Lara’s talk made the compelling argument that CSS is a domain-specific declarative language where its input is classes and nodes and its output is visual presentation. We talk […]
Published 09/17/19
Our second episode in the 6-part series from JSConf US 2019 features interviews with Lara Schenck, Adam Giese, and Luke Herrington around the theme of declarative code.
Published 09/17/19
In the first episode of our 6-part series from JSConf US 2019, we talk with Tierney Cyren and Peter Aitken around the theme of community. We chat with Tierney about how communities often grow best organically, almost by accident. That some of the things we try to impose on communities are things like trying to […]
Published 09/16/19
In the first episode of our 6-part series from JSConf US 2019, we talk with Tierney Cyren and Peter Aitken around the theme of community.
Published 09/16/19
Members of the TalkScript team were onsite at NEJS Conf 2019 where we did a series of interviews with the conference speakers. We had a great time meeting these thought leaders and learning more about each of them and their talks. We’ve compiled the interviews into a four-part series to help share the essence of […]
Published 08/30/19
Our final episode from NEJS features interviews with Adrienne Tacke and Trent Willis around the theme of using art to personalize and elevate our experiences.
Published 08/30/19
Members of the TalkScript team were onsite at NEJS Conf 2019 where we did a series of interviews with the conference speakers. We had a great time meeting these thought leaders and learning more about each of them and their talks. We’ve compiled the interviews into a four-part series to help share the essence of […]
Published 08/29/19
Listen in as the team talks with Phil Hawksworth, Fred Schott, and Jeremy Wagner around the theme of rethinking how we build and deploy web applications.
Published 08/29/19
Members of the TalkScript team were onsite at NEJS Conf 2019 where we did a series of interviews with the conference speakers. We had a great time meeting these thought leaders and learning more about each of them and their talks. We’ve compiled the interviews into a four-part series to help share the essence of […]
Published 08/28/19
In this episode, we welcome Ash Banaszek and Tatiana Mac to discuss the importance of using our voice.
Published 08/28/19
Members of the TalkScript team were onsite at NEJS Conf 2019 where we did a series of interviews with the conference speakers. We had a great time meeting these thought leaders and learning more about each of them and their talks. We’ve compiled the interviews into a four-part series to help share the essence of […]
Published 08/27/19
This episode features interviews with Kas Perch, Luke Bonaccorsi, and Sebastian Golasch around the theme of using JavaScript beyond the typical website.
Published 08/27/19
On this week’s show, Bryan, Paul, and Nick chat with Karl Guertin about all things WebAssembly. They start with an introduction to what WASM is, it’s history, and why it’s useful over other technologies and plugins that have come before. Then, they dive deep into its relationship with JavaScript and the underlying implementation details, including […]
Published 08/21/19
The team discusses all things WebAssembly, starting with an introduction to what WASM is, it's history, and why it's useful over other technologies and plugins that have come before.
Published 08/21/19
We’re joined this week by Max Heiber who is part of a team at Bloomberg implementing #private fields in TypeScript, Daniel Rosenwasser who is the program manager for the TypeScript team at Microsoft, and Ryan Cavanaugh who is a developer on the TypeScript team at Microsoft. Naturally, we’ll be talking about the ECMAScript #private field […]
Published 08/07/19
This week we'll be talking about the ECMAScript #private field proposal and how its implementation affects TypeScript—which already has a type of private field that uses the private keyword.
Published 08/07/19