The oil and gas that powers our lives moves through a vast network of pipelines underground and underwater. Corrosion and damage can cause pipeline leaks. It is important to detect leaks quickly to protect people and the environment. SwRI experts develop and test cutting-edge leak detection equipment for use on and offshore, and they study the physics of leaks to ensure the technology is up to the task. Through pipeline leak detection, they are keeping our communities safe. Listen now as...
Published 05/23/22
On this Earth Day episode, we explore hydrogen, a cleaner energy source that could bring the planet closer to a carbon-neutral future. When used in power generation, manufacturing, transportation and other industries, hydrogen gas could pump the brakes on carbon and help lower harmful emissions. SwRI scientists and engineers are collaborating to uncover the potential and overcome the challenges of this alternative to fossil fuels. Is hydrogen the way forward? Listen now as SwRI Mechanical...
Published 04/18/22
This Women’s History Month, we are highlighting the revolutionary work of SwRI’s space science pioneer, Dr. Robin Canup. Canup is known for her trailblazing research of the Earth-Moon system. Her computer simulations and models based on the giant impact hypothesis have become the widely accepted theory on how our Moon formed. In addition to her standout scientific work, Canup is a trained and accomplished ballerina. On this episode, she takes us back to the moment when she reached her...
Published 03/28/22
SwRI fire testing provides critical information to manufacturers and consumers, making our homes and our world safer. In SwRI burn labs, fire experts unleash walls of flames to test everything from electronics and sofas to batteries, gas tanks and much more. Through explosions and infernos, they are evaluating the performance of construction materials, textiles and products to find out if they pose a fire risk. They also evaluate fire safety systems to make sure they are up to standard and...
Published 02/21/22
SwRI is taking drones beyond the common uses of recreation, photography and surveillance. With algorithms and sensors guiding the unmanned aerial vehicles, these cutting-edge drones are equipped to enter hazardous areas, make decisions and collect data on their own. Intelligent drones can aid in search and rescue missions and explore contaminated or unstable environments, such as a collapsed building. The drones can take on dangerous work, removing people from potential harm. Listen now as...
Published 01/24/22
As we close 2021, we revisit the tech topics and innovations that got us talking through the year. We covered a solution to keep plastic waste out of our oceans, a method to harvest drinking water from the air, NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter and much more. The year was filled with eye-opening listen and learn moments as SwRI engineers and scientists shared their insight and expertise. Listen now as we recap an informative and inspiring year on the podcast.
Published 12/20/21
SwRI picked up a record three 2021 R&D 100 Awards, representing the top 100 innovations of the year, and we are celebrating our winners. Connected and automated vehicle technology allows vehicles to “talk” to each other and surrounding infrastructure, providing efficient and environmentally-friendly navigation for drivers. SwRI’s revolutionary Catalyzed Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a unique solution that lowers fuel costs and emissions simultaneously, eliminating problematic deposits in the...
Published 11/22/21
SwRI’s new Advanced Fluids for Electrified Vehicles (AFEV) Consortium is a research program seeking solutions for a growing industry. The hardware used in electric and hybrid vehicles is quickly evolving. The fluids and lubricants used to protect EV hardware must keep up. The AFEV Consortium is bringing a global community together to invest in key electrified vehicle research, specifically the changing fluid and lubricant requirements of EVs. Their findings will optimize EV performance and...
Published 10/25/21
NASA’s Juno mission, led by SwRI, is rewriting the textbooks on the gas giant Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun. Launching in 2011, the spacecraft reached its target in 2016, jumping into Jupiter’s orbit and revealing never-before-seen data and images of the massive planet. From the planet’s moons to its poles and core, Juno is unlocking the mysteries of Jupiter, giving humankind clues to the origin of the solar system and life on Earth. Juno instrumentation and data are also allowing us...
Published 09/27/21
Structures like bridges, dams, underwater vessels and aircraft are expected to hold up and remain safe under a range of forces. SwRI’s Structural Engineering Department is equipped to design and test structures, their components and materials to ensure high performance through the toughest conditions. Using sensors, software and robots, the team analyzes structure strength and predicts when repairs will be needed, information that, in many instances, can save lives. Listen now as SwRI...
Published 08/23/21
Drought and pollution jeopardize water sources around the world, leaving communities without clean, life-giving water. SwRI engineers and scientists are taking on those threats with atmospheric water harvesting, a method of pulling water from the air. The process occurs naturally with morning dew on grass or condensation on a cold soda can. The team is re-creating the process on a larger scale, and researching ways to decontaminate existing water sources. They envision technology that makes...
Published 07/19/21
Rheology is in action all around us, from asphalt that doesn’t melt on a hot day to perfectly melting chocolate. Foods, motor oils, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals depend on rheological data to perform as expected. This field of science examines the behavior of fluids and materials at different pressures and temperatures, specifically measuring how they flow. Rheology makes products we use every day better, easier to use and safer. You can thank rheology for ketchup that’s not runny and lotion...
Published 06/21/21
For many drivers, traffic jams have become part of the daily routine. Accidents, construction, debris and flooding can cause roadway slow-downs and traffic snarls. SwRI’s Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) system provides a solution, offering a fast assessment of highways and roads to find detours, reduce traffic trouble spots and get drivers moving. An operator works with the system to determine the best way to get around traffic messes. Drivers get more green lights and save time. As our...
Published 05/17/21
Earth Day is April 22. This month, we’re learning about an Earth-friendly recycling technique turning piles of plastic into useful chemicals and fuels. Billions of tons of plastic are discarded in landfills. Much of it ends up in oceans in places like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Irresponsibly dumped plastics disrupt the environment and harm wildlife. A team at SwRI has a solution. They are fine tuning a process to turn mountains of plastics into an oil, which can then be turned back into...
Published 04/19/21
Machine learning is powering cutting-edge software tools, Floodlight™ and Searchlight™, helping chemists sift through an overflow of data. Chemists look for chemical signals in samples of food, drugs, personal care products, carpeting, upholstery and other items we use every day. Identifying these signals and studying these chemical fingerprints could improve health and safety by creating better products and better public policies. Floodlight and Searchlight are speeding up this process,...
Published 03/22/21
You may already have a phone or device equipped with fifth-generation mobile network technology — 5G. But 5G applications extend way beyond talk and text. 5G technology processes data at never-before-reached speeds, and we’ve only scratched the surface of what it can actually do. Our guest today is an SwRI 5G expert collaborating with the military to strengthen 5G security and explore its potential in health care. He tells us faster phone service, accessible virtual reality applications and...
Published 02/22/21
SwRI scientists have pinpointed a potential drug therapy in the search for a COVID cure. After screening millions of drug compounds using SwRI’s Rhodium software, they have narrowed down the field to one strong hit with a family of related therapies. After testing is complete, their treatment could halt the virus and save lives. A scientist on the inside explains how they sifted through millions to find the one, what new virus strains mean for their research and what must happen before the...
Published 01/18/21
2020 has been an unprecedented, unpredictable year. As many transitioned to working from home, we changed how we record our podcast, but our goal to bring you meaningful discussions on technology, science, engineering and research remained the same. This year, we covered hypersonic speed, COVID-19 research, mask testing, asteroid exploration, cybersecurity awareness and much more. Listen now as we review our year and highlight our top listen and learn moments of 2020.
Published 12/21/20
The “Oscar of Innovation” goes to… R&D World Magazine recognized SwRI’s Laser Coating Removal (LCR) Robot and the System Performance and Real Time Analysis (SPARTA) software, with prestigious 2020 R&D 100 awards. Often called the “Oscars of Innovation,” the awards recognize the top 100 revolutionary technologies each year. Since 1971, SwRI has won 47 R&D 100 awards. The LCR Robot removes paint and coatings from aircraft, eliminating the need for costly, time-consuming and...
Published 11/16/20
How cyber secure are you? Laptops, smart phones, tablets and anything connected to the internet should be protected against hackers. While cybersecurity may seem daunting, there are simple solutions to guard your online presence and keep your information safe. With strong passwords, encryption and being selective about the information you share, there’s more in your control than you might think. Plus, SwRI engineers are developing technology to safeguard connected vehicles. Listen now as...
Published 10/19/20
What can an asteroid tell us about life on Earth? How can its orbit predict an asteroid strike on our planet? NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission is searching for answers as it studies the asteroid Bennu. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft launched in 2016 and arrived near the asteroid in 2018. Since then, it has been mapping and surveying Bennu. Now, the mission team is preparing for a big moment, touching the asteroid surface and collecting a sample to return to Earth. Described as a time capsule of the...
Published 09/21/20
The Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (STEP) pilot plant at SwRI will demonstrate a more efficient, cost effective, environmentally friendly method of producing power with supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2). One day, we could be using sCO2 technology to provide electricity to our homes and businesses. What happens when nontoxic, nonflammable sCO2 replaces water as the thermal medium in power cycles? What is sCO2 and what makes it a better way to power up? Listen now as SwRI...
Published 08/17/20
SwRI Principal Engineer Dr. Graham Conway is sparking debate with his views on electric vehicles. Conway presented his ideas in a TEDx San Antonio talk, which now has thousands of views on YouTube. In this episode, he explains why he believes describing electric cars as “zero emissions” doesn’t tell the whole story. He urges listeners to examine where the electricity that powers battery-operated vehicles comes from. If the power source creates pollution, can the technology truly be considered...
Published 07/20/20
Vehicles our communities depend on, like big rigs, garbage trucks and buses, are equipped with heavy-duty engines that contribute to smog. Ultimately, that pollution leads to poor air quality and public health issues. SwRI engineers have developed a solution. Their near-zero emissions heavy-duty diesel engine drastically cuts down on harmful nitrogen oxides, while decreasing other pollutants. After years of research, SwRI engineer Chris Sharp and his team are ready to introduce a...
Published 06/15/20
COVID-19 has amped up the need for safe, effective masks. Manufacturers and health systems are getting creative, thinking of new ways to make or reuse face coverings. These new materials and materials that undergo tough sanitation methods require rigorous testing to ensure they can protect frontline health care workers. The SwRI particle emissions laboratory is well equipped for this challenge. Once used exclusively for engine emissions testing, the lab is now expanding its capabilities to...
Published 05/18/20