Dr. Robert Hazen is a mineralogist and astrobiologist based at the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory and George Mason University. His research interests focus on life’s origins, mineral evolution, and mineral ecology. Hazen, who also had a 40-year career as a professional trumpeter, has authored more than 400 articles and 25 books on science, history, and music. Robert joins the podcast to discuss the co-evolution of life and minerals, the stories rocks can tell us if we learn to...
Published 07/06/23
Dr. Carol Graham is interim vice president and director of the Economic Studies program at Brookings, a professor at the University of Maryland, and a Senior Scientist at Gallup. She has spent much of her career studying happiness and wellbeing around the world. Carol joins the podcast to discuss what she calls ‘deaths of despair’ and explains why cultivating hope is essential for societies mired in deeply entrenched problems. Her latest book, The Power of Hope: How the Science of Well-Being...
Published 06/22/23
Dr. David DeSteno is a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, where he also runs the Social Emotions Group. Throughout his career, Dave has studied the ways in which emotions guide decisions and behaviors fundamental to social living. On his podcast, How God Works, Dave explores the science behind spirituality, specifically considering what we can learn from the careful study of spiritual practices. Dave joins the podcast to discuss how religion “scooped” his scientific findings...
Published 06/08/23
Dr. Philip Goff is an associate professor of philosophy at Durham University, who researches philosophy of mind and consciousness with a specific focus on how to integrate consciousness into a scientific worldview. His popular book, Galileo’s Error, posits the theory of panpsychism as a plausible explanation for human consciousness. Philip joins the podcast to discuss his lifelong struggle with the problem of consciousness, the relationship between panpsychism and physics, and why he believes...
Published 05/25/23
Dr. Jimmy Lin is a cancer genomics researcher and entrepreneur who founded The Rare Genomics Institute, a nonprofit organization committed to aiding patients and families affected by rare diseases. He also currently serves as the Chief Scientific Officer at Freenome, an AI genomics company, where he's developing a blood test to enable the early detection of colorectal cancer. Jimmy joins the podcast to discuss his experience mapping the cancer genome, his spiritual journey, and why he...
Published 05/11/23
Dr. Sarah Schnitker is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She studies character development and virtue formation in young people, specializing in the study of patience, self-control, gratitude, generosity, and thrift. Sarah joins the podcast to discuss the role of patience in our society, the difference between patience and passivity, and how narrative identity shapes our experiences — including her own experience with chronic illness. 
Published 04/27/23
Gretchen Rubin is a bestselling author and podcaster who is well-known for thought-provoking investigations into happiness and human nature. Gretchen joins the podcast to discuss how she became a writer, the books and spiritual teachers that have inspired her, and how a case of pink eye led her to investigate the human senses. Gretchen's new book, Life in Five Senses, is available on April 18th. 
Published 04/13/23
Dr. Alison Gopnik is a professor of psychology and affiliate professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. She is particularly well-known for her studies of babies and young children, and how their minds can help us unlock deep philosophical questions. This week, Alison joins the podcast to discuss flaws in our popular understanding of children and babies, the connection between children and awe, and how caregiving contributes to a meaningful life. Dr. Alison Gopnik is...
Published 03/30/23
Dr. Dacher Keltner is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the founding director of the Greater Good Science Center. In our very first episode, Dacher joins the podcast to discuss his personal experiences with awe, how awe relates to life and death, and the many ways people can cultivate awe in their daily lives. Dr. Dacher Keltner's new book is entitled Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.
Published 03/09/23
Dr. Jennifer Wiseman is an astrophysicist and Director Emeritus of the AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) program. Among her many scientific accomplishments, Dr. Wiseman discovered the Wiseman-Skiff comet. She joins the Templeton Ideas podcast to discuss her journey from the Ozarks to the edges of the universe, and the pure delight of space exploration.
Published 03/09/23
How much awe and wonder do you experience in your life? From the John Templeton Foundation, the Templeton Ideas podcast explores the most awe-inspiring ideas in our world, diving deep into conversations with the people who investigate them. Hosts Thomas Burnett and Abby Ponticello sit down with inspiring thinkers like Alison Gopnik, Dacher Keltner, and Gretchen Rubin to discuss how their investigations have transformed their lives… and how they may transform yours.
Published 03/03/23