Whether it’s scaling businesses to $100+ million valuations or growing Twitter accounts to millions of followers, Dennis Hegstad has built life-changing income streams across the eCommerce ecosystem. Dennis founded and exited both LiveRecover and OrderBump — companies focused on the Shopify merchant market. In today’s episode, Dennis shares insights from his 14-year eCommerce journey, including how he came up with the ideas for his businesses, why he decided to bootstrap growth instead of...
Published 01/05/23
Michael Wieder disrupted a $10B industry not by solving a problem, but by solving a feeling – ”overwhelmed.” Michael is the Co-Founder of Lalo, a thriving D2C brand that makes modern day baby and toddler products. He started the company when he noticed a disconnect between legacy brands and consumers in the baby gear industry. By going to stores where expecting parents shopped, Michael learned his target audience’s exact feelings, allowing him to build a brand identity and product line to...
Published 12/29/22
If you’re trying to build an online audience, creating content is a must. But how do you make content that cuts through the noise and actually gets noticed? Right now, there’s a big opportunity to leverage LinkedIn to gain attention—and those who are taking advantage of it, are winning BIG! Daniel Murray, Founder of The Marketing Millennials, is a perfect example. He’s amassed over 500,000 LinkedIn followers and only started posting in 2019. He’s cracked the code on how to create content...
Published 12/22/22
Imagine a drink that had all the benefits of booze without the hangover. Well, it exists, and today I’m talking to the founder. Jen Batchelor is the CEO (Chief Euphorics Officer) of Kin Euphorics, which she co-founded with American supermodel Bella Hadid. Launched grassroots in 2017, the non-alcoholic, mood-boosting beverage is made with a combo of functional ingredients (nootropics, adaptogens, and botanicals) that enhance cognition, boost immunity, and fend off stress. Basically, the...
Published 12/15/22
Have you ever heard of a new startup idea and thought to yourself, "why didn't I think of that?" Most of these "simple ideas" seem obvious when you first come across them, but what you don't see are all insights that lead to uncovering the perfect positioning. Today, I'm talking with Robbie Salter. Robbie is the Founder and Co-CEO of Jupiter—a dandruff-fighting scalp care brand that doesn't look or act like one. As it turns out, 75% of the world gets dandruff at some point in their lives....
Published 12/08/22
Chase Dimond is a self-proclaimed Email Marketing Nerd and Co-Founder of Boundless Labs—an eCommerce email marketing agency. Since launching in 2018, the company has sent over 1 billion emails for their clients, resulting in $100M+ in revenue. His email marketing course has been purchased by over 3,000 people and has made him $2M+ in passive income since building it 2 years ago. In addition to consulting for major brands, Chase is an advisor to my company, and it's had a massive impact on...
Published 12/01/22
Today, I’m talking with Ryan Pamplin, Co-Founder and CEO of BlendJet® — the fastest-growing blender brand in the world. While Ryan has a long track record of success building startups, this one is completely knocking it out of the park. The fully bootstrapped company was launched in 2018 and, within 4 years, became a 9-figure business serving more than 5 million customers. In today’s episode, Ryan shares the company’s origin story and how a freak accident shifted his priorities and...
Published 12/01/22
“An overnight success is ten years in the making.” – Tom Clancy That quote completely sums up my journey as an entrepreneur. So much so that it’s inspired the title for my new podcast, Ten Years In The Making. My goal for the pod is to give entrepreneurs a blueprint on how to successfully build and scale a direct-to-consumer e-commerce business. The plan is to interview operating Founders of high-growth eCommerce companies, mainly in the Shopify Plus ecosystem, about how they got to where...
Published 11/29/22