What is the future of banking?
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The Bible says that we are to understand the signs of the times. I fear many in the body of Christ are sleeping. The world is quickly changing and you will be left behind if you don’t take notice. In this particular case, I am speaking about what is taking place in the cryptocurrency universe. It’s a fast-moving train that many have simply resigned themselves to not understanding so they check out. As a believer, you cannot do that and be relevant in the world. This past December Brett King gave an amazing talk on the Future of Banking at the 2021 Cryptocurrency International Conference in Abi Dahbi. Believe me, this was an eye-opening presentation! Every person should watch this presentation. I’ve watched it several times. At the conclusion of every year the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders gather at end of each year. They pray the New Year in and share what they sense the Lord is saying to the body of Christ. I found some of what they said confirming what I believe is going on in the financial markets. “The Technology Revolution – We are in the midst of one of the greatest revolutions since the industrial revolution. This revolution will be in the “unseen spaces” of the Metaverse and Web 3. Over the next few decades, the use of AI (artificial intelligence) and AR (augmented reality), using at this point technology such as Oculus, will drastically change the world as we know it. The introduction of robotics into our everyday lives will take place. God will give His people new ideas on how to create jobs and be on the cutting edge of developing jobs that will result in the promised transfer of wealth. Generation Z will experience a movement of holiness. They will be so fervent before God that it will provoke the generations before them to join in with their consecration. New waves of technology will be used that will result in hundreds of thousands of genuine conversions through the use of social media, such as Tik Tok and other new innovative tools. There are many new technological breakthroughs coming that will involve the Metaverse and Web 3, as well as crypto currency. Believers will become students of such things, and God will begin to put Christians on the fore-running edge of these technologies. There was an admonition not to demonize these new technologies. They are neutral in and of themselves. Even though there is potential to use them for evil, we need to understand how to use them for good for the Gospel’s sake. The possibilities of using AR for things such as training for surgery, etc., are many. This technology revolution will produce a great decentralization of the way we have done things in the past. Many structures will experience a decentralization. It will be important to discern when God is causing the structures to decentralize as opposed to Satan trying to break up and scatter structures. This will involve the economies of nations as well. The way we buy and sell will dramatically change over the next few years on an even larger scale than it already has. God will raise up a young generation who are “futurists”, or are very prophetic in their abilities to function in the world of crypto-currency, and great wealth will be created for the Kingdom of God. It’s time for the Daniels and Josephs – We have released words about God raising up Daniels and Josephs who will prosper in whatever political climates, as well as financial climates, may come in the future.”
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