Regardless of where you are in your career—a recent graduate, a new manager, or even a seasoned professional—everyone can use a mentor to help guide them. But what is a mentor, what qualities do they have, how do we find one and make sure that the relationship is productive and meaningful?
Published 01/18/21
Culture says to find a job where you get to do what you love to do most. Follow your heart. Don’t settle for any job you’re not passionate about.But if we are honest, we'll acknowledge at least three realities:That dream job simply does not exist for many.If it does, it either does not pay enough to cover the rent, or we are not qualified for it.An awful lot of work has to be done that no one dreams about, which means an awful lot of the jobs are not dream jobs.The hard reality is that we...
Published 01/11/21
In Luke chapter 16, Jesus taught on stewardship, and in the process gave us a piece of very powerful career advice. He says, “If you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own.” In other words, if you do not think like the owner, you won’t qualify to own anything.Aligning your personal career goals with overall corporate goals is an important step in the right direction
Published 01/04/21
Final word for 2020.Take a break from work, even if for a brief period, because work has boundaries. Take a moment to rest, but before you do, don't forget to do a self-appraisal of your performance in 2020 in good conscience. Finish the year by recognising the value of what you have accomplished. Your good work pleases God, and it should please you too. Then set out your goals for 2021.I wish you a fruitful and rewading new year!
Published 12/28/20
Work is a gift from God. Knowing that God is present and active in our work transforms even the most routine task into an eternally important venture. How we show our gratitude to God is being thankful for our work and those we work with. As we prepare to close out the year be deliberate in sending out thank-you note to your bosses and colleagues. Merry Christmas!
Published 12/21/20
Insecurity is fear. Regardless of whether we realize it, our insecurity plays a powerful role in our actions and relationships with others. No one is completely free from the power of insecurity, but I believe we can all get to a place of understanding where our insecurities have less control over our lives.
Published 12/14/20
Published 11/16/20
Published 11/02/20
Published 09/21/20
Published 09/14/20
Published 08/31/20
Published 08/17/20
Published 08/10/20
The concept of worklife balance has become popular in recent times. But is worklife balance actually achievable? And what does the bible have to say about it?
Published 07/27/20
We have the opportunity to worship God at work through our attitude, witness, work habits, and by way we produce.
Published 07/06/20
Contrary to what some people believe, affairs never “just happen.” There is always a natural progression that leads to adultery. Couples need to be aware of the treacherous steps that lead to infidelity and how they can better protect themselves from moral failure in the workplace .
Published 06/21/20
Many Christians struggle with three questions in the workplace. Is it right to try to integrate my faith with my job? If so, how can I incorporate Christian values and principles into a secular workplace? And can I be successful at my job and my Christian faith if I try to mix the two in the marketplace?
Published 06/16/20
Some people, including Christians think they need to be high up the corporate lader before the can make meaningful contributions or be influential in their organisation. Not exactly true.
Published 06/08/20
You can make a difference no matter where you are
Published 06/01/20
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." - John Wooden
Published 05/25/20
Failure isn’t fun, but the lessons available through failure can accelerate our growth. When we avoid failure at all cost, we avoid the shame that comes along with it. But we miss out on a lot, too. As christians perhaps what we miss the most when we obsessively avoid failure is the opportunity to experience God’s grace.
Published 05/18/20
We are made for relationships and friendships are great but you need to chose your friends at work wisely.
Published 05/11/20
As christians we can become indispensable at work not because we made it a goal but as a consequence of obeying God and honouring Him with our work and the way we work
Published 05/03/20
We all have rituals and routines in the office. These rhythms shape the outcome of our days. Think about the last time you missed your morning cup of coffee or favourite routine. Most likely the quality of your workday suffered!Rituals and routines matter and yet Christians often disregard what should be the most important workplace habit: prayer.
Published 04/27/20
Let your Christian character and competence do the talking for you, you'll attract the respect and admiration of peers and superiors. You'll generally be more confident and assured when it comes to sharing your faith. For the most part, you won't even be the one seeking for opportunities to share your faith, those will come on their own accord as many of your colleagues will be drawn to you.
Published 04/20/20