2024 is here - but is your magnetic energy? We cannot let another year go by feeling depleted and as if we are unlucky in love. The good news is, we don’t have to! This episode is your primer to having a dating GLOW UP. Yes, your love life CAN level up. Whether you’re newly single, have been in the dating game, or are in a relationship, this episode will give you all the tea on magnetic energy so you get the best results when it comes to LOVE. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp....
Published 12/29/23
This episode is the confidence boost you didn’t know you needed. Let’s be honest…You don’t go to a sacred sight empty handed. You bring an offering. The thing is, you are a living breathing sacred sight. No one should approach you without an offering either. If you want to activate your magnetic energy, it starts with shifting your mindset first. In this episode we explore how to go back to our divine feminine roots and discover the key to attracting anyone we want. This episode is brought...
Published 12/22/23
In Part 3 of the Healing Your Anxious Attachment series, we explore the profound connection between 3D circumstances and their underlying energetic roots. Discover how faulty programming during the development of the sacral chakra can lead to codependency, people-pleasing, and anxiety. Learn practical techniques and behaviors, like calling your power back, to regulate your nervous system and take control of your energy. When you use the tools that this episode provides, you will have the...
Published 12/15/23
Today we dive deeper into anxious attachment and uncover how to heal in the most unlikely of places. You may have not heard of today’s theory just yet, but you will be thankful you have. In this episode you will learn a new way of healing, be given practical tools to ease your anxiety, and connect to your inner child. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ciicii and get on your way to being your best self with 10% off your first month...
Published 12/08/23
Do you feel anxious in relationships? Do you fear your partner will leave you? Are you constantly waiting for something to go wrong? Answering yes to these questions are signs you have an anxious attachment. Even if we have a healthy partner, an anxious attachment can convince us we are doomed. Healing this anxiety is key to your happiness and peace in relationships. In Part 1 of this series, we decode anxious attachment, where it stems from, how to be aware of it, and how to begin to heal...
Published 12/01/23
To put it simply, this episode is a 5 step guide to become mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong. During the holiday season we are often faced with being surrounded by people we wouldn't normally spend time with. This can cause anxiety. We can’t control other people but we can control how we show up. With this episode you’ll feel grounded, get better results with people you don’t gel with, and actually get to ENJOY your holiday season. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp....
Published 11/24/23
If you feel lost, prepare to be found. This week we explore the natural evolution of self and the challenges that come with it. The journey of finding oneself isn't about losing who you are but rather discovering the authentic self that has yet to be realized. As we navigate through this process, our ego tends to cling to familiarity, urging us to rush the transformation. However, the spirit encourages a slower, more intentional pace. Emphasizing the importance of time, this episode provides...
Published 11/17/23
Promiscuity does not equate to power. If you want real power when it comes to dating and relationships, this episode is for YOU. Many of us believe that if we give enough of ourselves to another that will get them to commit but that is oh yet another myth. This episode will shine a light on the lies we've been told in relation to intimacy and help you understand where your power truly lies so you can STOP getting used and get what you really want: A LOVING RELATIONSHIP. No more heartbreak, no...
Published 11/10/23
If you feel like you're always the side chick, always ghosted, and never the main character, this episode will change your life. This isn’t happening because you’re unlovable. This isn’t happening because there’s something wrong with you. This isn’t happening because you’re unworthy. This is happening because of how you’re using and broadcasting your energy. In this very special episode I walk you through EIGHT energetic steps you can take now to shift your energy so you can virtually get...
Published 11/02/23
Pedestaling other people's opinion doesn't get us far but it will get us FRUSTRATED. Let's take out the trash, and refine our focus. In this episode you will get the pep talk of a lifetime. You will learn why you prioritize the opinions of others and psychological and spiritual ways to shift your need of their validation, to focusing on yourself instead. Get the FREE SACRAL CHAKRA MEDITATION NOW: https://youtu.be/8F3wdQ0QwFY?si=Ivnv71K7ZV1_tXJR Get the FREE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION NOW:...
Published 10/26/23
Spooky season continues with that WITCH is positive! If you’re wondering if you’ve met your twin flame, or how to do so… this episode is for you. In this episode you will learn what a twin flame is, if you've met yours, and what to do if you're in twin flame separation. We will explore the beautiful parts of twin flames, but NOT without touching on the dark side of this connection. Twin flames can be a vehicle to self love, or it can often times be a trap of obsession and self-abandonment. As...
Published 10/19/23
Your inner FEMME FATALE energy is one of the key elements to getting anyone and anything you want. While some of us have learned that our power is something to push down, the femme fatale knows there isn’t anything spooky about standing on our pedestal. In this episode you will get MY SIX SECRET SEXY STEPS that I use to tap into my own femme fatale energy to become irresistible. The best thing about this, is this energy is available to us all. So what are you waiting for? Let’s activate your...
Published 10/12/23
That WITCH is positive! HAPPY SPOOKY SZN. In honor of October, we are talking about one of the spookiest types of people out there: toxic people. Toxic people aren’t what you think though. The real reason people engage in toxic behaviors is SPOOKIER than you know… This is an energetic battle, not a 3D one, let’s put it that way. To dismantle the power they have over us, this episode will provide you with all the tea on why toxic people are the way they are, how to remove toxic people from...
Published 10/05/23
We are born inherently worthy and magnetic… but most of us don’t feel that way. It’s no secret that many of us crave external validation. If we want to end this behavior, it’s helpful to understand the root of it. In this episode we explore the root of craving external validation and learn the art of self validation. You will be equipped with both spiritual and psychological tools to feed yourself and align with your most magnetic timeline. Get the FREE SACRAL CHAKRA MEDITATION NOW:...
Published 09/28/23
The Capricorn in me has been WAITING FOR THIS DAY. You’re not lazy, but you may have learned lazy habits. This episode will equip you with psychological and spiritual tools to release the entity of laziness so you can align with your most motivated self. You will also gain practical tools to learn how to take ACTION now. Motivation is not something out there, it’s within you waiting to be ignited. You new life is a decision away. Listen to this episode now, and quantum leap later. Get the...
Published 09/21/23
You can get mad... or you can get everything you've ever desired... pick your adventure. This episode is the PEP TALK you didn't know you absolutely needed. If you want to learn how to deal with catty co-workers, jealous friends, or people who throw hate your way, this is the perfect episode for you. In this episode I detail how to take your power back from HATERZ, and transmute this energy to create your dream life. It's time to put your own perception back on the pedestal. Get the FREE...
Published 09/14/23
WARNING: THIS EPISODE WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING SECURE AF. After this episode, your relationship triggers will be a thing of the PAST. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship, learning how to be secure within yourself is a must if you want to feel secure with another. As a codependent in recovery, I've learned a ton of things about how to deal with my attachment system. In this episode I take you through the EXACT tools that helped me go from anxious to liberated. If you’re ready to...
Published 09/07/23
It's back to stress season with school and the holidays coming up, so naturally we need an episode to equip us positive bitches with energetic tools that will have us feeling sexy even in stressful seasons. From calming breathing exercises to fostering a supportive mindset, this episode will give you all you need to clam the f*ck down. Whether it’s school or dating that’s stressing you out, your relationship with stress in general is what needs healing. Listen and learn! Join the PEDESTAL...
Published 08/31/23
The only thing more dangerous than a woman who know’s her own power, is a woman who knows her own power and teaches other woman to recognize their power too. As a recovering codependent, I have researched EVERYTHING about boundaries. Through my own experience with creating boundaries I’ve learned what does and does NOT work. In this episode I teach you how to make, keep, and use boundaries with your significant other, family, friends and even co-workers. Join the PEDESTAL PATH OUT NOW:...
Published 08/24/23
“Feminism” may get you half ass “equality” but Positive Bitchitude will have you getting everything. This episode may just change your life. We need to address the princess in the room… Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good princess treatment moment but do you know what’s better? QUEEN TREATMENT. Princess treatment is cool and all BUT queen treatment is where it’s really at. This episode will not only elevate you to put your self on the pedestal but inspire positive growth in your...
Published 08/17/23
Why worry about becoming their nightmare, when you can manifest your dream life? We only have so much time in this lifetime, so let’s use our resources wisely, shall we? In this episode we explore how to glow up instead of getting weighed down by THEM. I'll walk you through five specific steps to forget them and remember your own power. Your dream timeline awaits you! Join the PEDESTAL PATH OUT NOW:...
Published 08/10/23
Spiritual warfare is an ongoing battle that operates on subtle and unseen levels, influencing our thoughts and emotions. It is essential to pay attention to these spiritual conflicts as they can greatly impact our well-being. What may feel like a breakdown is actually a breakthrough, as we are shedding old patterns and beliefs to make way for personal transformation. Lower vibrational entities thrive on creating confusion and doubt, making us feel lost and uncertain on our path, but this...
Published 08/03/23
The quantum field can wait because this week we are diving into BARBIE'S world. Barbie may have come in a box, but this b*tch has no limits. Barbie is the ultimate manifestation guru. By asking ourselves, "WWBD - What would Barbie do?" we embark on a journey of self-empowerment, allowing us to harness the untapped potential of our free will to shape our destinies. You will learn how to manipulate the very fabric of energy around you to manifest your deepest desires, just like Barbie! After...
Published 07/27/23
I live completely unbothered and you can too. What? Like it’s hard? Living unbothered isn’t hard, it’s about knowing the RIGHT steps to take. Living unbothered is an art, and it’s one that you can master. Just like the greatest artists of our time needed to practice their skill, you must practice too. This week you’ll gain access to FIVE practical steps that will have you walking along the path less bothered. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at...
Published 07/20/23
You feel like God has gone MIA, now what!? It's easy to give the Chad's of the world the benefit of the doubt when they ghost us, but what do we do when we feel like God has ghosted us? In this episode we delve into God's mysterious nature. We challenge the notion that God's existence is solely determined by our feelings, and explore why he may be hiding in plain sight. We are tuning into our inner light to guide us during our possible dark night of the soul. This episode will help connect...
Published 07/13/23