I am a frequent listener of That Paleo Show and it was very good to hear both of you having a sober approach on fasting. If you drink fruitjuices and/or the equivalent during a fast, it cannot be fasting?
About three years ago I started with 16/8 daily and a 24h fasting per week, soon that increased to 30, 40 and sometimes even 48h. I noticed how my body reacted very positivly on this totally new approach on food and lifestyle and roughly a year ago I did my first longer fast, four days, and eventhough I experienced some small windows of hunger and all that goes with that feeling, after four days I felt really good. At the time I was on active duty as a military advisor in Afghanistan and for these four days I was isolated, planned, at one of the Afghan army HQ’s due to safety and security reasons, and this is why I figured it was the time to try a longer fast.
Since then, I have fasted for seven days, nine+ days and a smaller one again on just four days.
I am seriously considering embarking on a minimum 14 days fast quite soon.
Keep up the good work guys!
Greetings from Sweden!
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