Dr. Shmuel D. Mandelman, Ph. D. holds a doctorate from Columbia University in Educational and Developmental Psychology. He conducted research for five years at Yale University’s Child Study Center on the individual differences in cognitive ability. He then continued on to pursue a specialty in Clinical Neuropsychology. His clinical training was completed at Weill Cornell Medical Center, where he conducted evaluations on both adults and children. He is the founder of The C.L.I.N.I.C, a...
Published 04/10/22
We all want happy marriages. But when should we start working on it? There are some basic tricks that every spouse needs to know and Penina tells us all about them. Penina Flug, LCSW has been providing psychotherapy since receiving her MSW from Fordham University in 2003. In 2006 Penina moved with her husband and their children to South Florida. In 2009 she opened her private practice. She received advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy  and uses her warm and engaging personality...
Published 03/28/22
When someone you know dies, it can turn your life upside down. People grieve in many different ways over the death of someone close to them. Find out about common reactions to death and grieving, and what you can do when you’re going through this difficult time. Also, we all know that person who said that "smart" comment at the shiva house. What should we actually be saying. Dr. Tara & Yoni Klestzick sat down with Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Director of Trauma, Bereavement and Crisis...
Published 02/28/22
Shame is a debilitating feeling that takes over the mind and body. It can make you feel small and incomplete while building walls around you to keep out compassion. Despite wanting to be seen and known, shame causes people to hide behind masks instead. We invited on Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman on to discuss everything there is to know about Shame. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice and Chairman of the Clinical Advisory Board for Magen New York. He holds a doctorate of...
Published 02/14/22
How can we live happier lives? The first step is by identifying the issues. For our pilot episode, Dr. Tara & Yoni Klestzick sit down with Relief's Rabbi Binyomin Babad and Rabbi Motti Rapoport to discuss the leading issues facing the frum community. R' Babad is the Director of Relief Resources and R' Rapoport is the Director of International Operations. They have each been involved helping hundreds of thousands of people find the right therapists and solutions over the past 20 years. ...
Published 01/30/22
All about improving your mental health and relationships. Why is this show needed and how this show will change your life. Brought to you by: Living Lchaim Need help? Call Relief for directions. Here: 718-431-9501 or send an email [email protected] 
Published 01/30/22