Was Thomas Wrong in John 20:28?
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Was Thomas Wrong in John 20:28? Brother Bob Pellien: Thomas, often referred to as “Doubting Thomas,” took one look at the resurrected Jesus and said “My Lord and My God”, and that’s recorded in John 20:28. Dear friends, was he wrong, or was he right?  [Show open] Brother Bob: The Bible, the basis of our faith in the Church Of Christ, which answers questions about proper worship, the right relationship with God, and most importantly, salvation. That’s in the Bible! [On-screen text graphic] Brother Bob Pellien Minister of the Gospel Brother Bob: I’m Bob Pellien, and welcome to the program That's in the Bible. We received a comment on YouTube from a viewer making the argument that Jesus is God, specifically referencing that verse John 20:28. Here's his comment: “You forgot what St. Thomas said, ‘My Lord and my God.’ Did anyone complain, or stop, or correct St. Thomas? Even our Savior didn't correct or deny what St. Thomas said. But rather, the Lord said, ‘You believe because you saw Me. Blessed are those who did not see and yet believe.’” That came from Jonathan. Well, thank you, Jonathan, for your comment and the opportunity here today to clear this up for you. Let's frame our topic of discussion around these sub-questions: Why did Apostle Thomas say to Jesus, “My Lord and My God”?  Was Apostle Thomas the only one who made this assumption? Is it true that Jesus Christ did not correct Apostle Thomas and the other apostles? What did Jesus Christ teach to Thomas and to all His disciples regarding the difference between God and Himself?  Well, the verse that Jonathan referenced is recorded in the writings of the Apostle John, as I mentioned, in John 20:28. Let's go ahead and take a look at the verse. You'll be able to see it there on the screen. John 20:28 reads this way.  And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” [John 20:28 New King James Version] Brother Bob: So, dear friends, why did Thomas react this way? Why did he say such a thing to Jesus after seeing Him? You have to remember, they had all witnessed, they knew, Jesus had been crucified. They saw Him die there on the cross. Yet, here He was standing there, right in front of them. It's important at this point that we read the verses prior to Thomas's reaction, which is at the core of our discussion, right? Let's do that, back up to verse 24, same chapter: One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (called the Twin), was not with them when Jesus came. [John 20:24 Good News Bible] Brother Bob: So, let's pause here for a second, dear friends. Wait a minute. We can see here that Jesus had already appeared to some of His disciples, prior to this moment. But what else can we notice? Thomas was not among them at the time. So, when Thomas finally saw Jesus after His resurrection it was already the second time that Jesus had shown Himself to them. Considering that, let's continue verse 25: So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” Thomas said to them, “Unless I see the scars of the nails in his hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” [John 20:25 Good News Bible]  Brother Bob: So, we can see the mindset, or the way of thinking, that Thomas had and is recorded here in this verse. Thomas did not believe that Christ was resurrected back to life. What happened when Christ appeared again to the d...
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