Are you a work in progress? To some extent, we all are. How should we embrace this fact to drive ourselves forward and create growth instead of frustration?
Published 09/18/23
In today's episode, we discuss Dr Gonstead's famous saying that you adjust too hard, too often, and in too many places. What do you think he meant by that, and what was his motivation for saying it? Dr Dan Lyons will help us by looking at this statement from a philosophical, a scientific, and an artistic perspective.
Published 09/13/23
In today's episode, we talk with Dr Marcos Perivolaris. He and his wife have been using in office lectures as a way of growing their practice. We will be talking with him about the logistics of creating such an event, as well as the material that they cover to get the best results.
Published 09/07/23
Do you feel the pressure to present yourself as an expert? What do you do if your not an expert? Fake it till you make it is not very good advice. Today we talk about being okay with where you are in your journey and it okay to be less than an expert.
Published 08/28/23
In today's episode, we will be looking at a speech. This speech delivers some tremendous insights into physiological principles that seem to have been lost in our modern world. In an age of allergies, autism, and death; its important to know how the body responds to foreign substances and how these interactions can have devastating consequences.
Published 08/09/23
Gresham’s Law is a monetary law, but does it have application outside of the money system? If so, how might that be the key to understanding patient behavior and knowledge?
Published 08/07/23
In this episode, we talk about two cases that involve unusual listings.
Published 08/02/23
In today's episode, we will be finishing up on talking about leadership and how we can use it to develop ourselves, our staff, and our patients. We will be talking about how we turn producers into reproducers so that we are developing the leaders around us.
Published 07/26/23
Have you ever felt like an imposter? We probably all feel out of our element once in a while, but it shouldn’t be long term and it shouldn’t get worse with time. Here are some ideas to help you break free from imposter syndrome.
Published 07/24/23
In today's episode, we will be looking at some leadership training from John Maxwell in the context of growing the people around us - both our staff and our patients. In this first part, we will be laying a foundation by discussing the basic essentials of what good leadership looks like and how we can develop a leadership mentality.
Published 07/19/23
This episode covers the dichotomy between the patients perception of their muscle dysfunction and the doctors understanding of the reality of that dysfunction.
Published 07/03/23
In today's episode, we talk about talent. What is it, where does it come from, and how do we get more of it. It turns out that there is a scientific explanation, and once we know that explanation, we have the secret to creating talent and recognizing talent in others.
Published 06/21/23
Sustained pressure has several applications. In this episode, Dr Fowler will be discussing how we can use it in different ways to accomplish different goals.
Published 06/18/23
Today, we will be talking is Dr Ian Rossborough. Everybody knows him from his YouTube videos, but not everyone knows the journey he took to get there. When we start in practice, if we hit any road bumps, its easy to think that we will never make it. The reality is that we all face hard times, and it is overcoming those challenges that allows us to become the kind of people who ultimately achieve their goals.
Published 06/14/23
In today's episode, we will be talking with Dr Lydia Dever about the value of taking an objective, skills assessment test. We will be talking about the history of the test as well as the benefits of becoming a Diplomate. Dr Dever has been involved in education for many years, so this episode is great for understanding the basic skills expected from a test like the Diplomate test.
Published 05/31/23
Dr Fowler gives some thoughts on the uniqueness of the L1 - L3 area.
Published 05/28/23
In today's episode, we will be talking with Dr Danielle Gilbert. She will be addressing the issues of tongue tie and lip tie. These are issues that have gained a lot more attention in recent years and a lot of money has been made in treating these conditions. In this conversation, we will be discussing some of the important points that every practitioner should be aware of regarding this often prescribed procedure.
Published 05/25/23
Some really incredible things have been happening in the broader economy. Its easy to think that these distant events have no effect on us or our practices. It turns out that nothing could be further from the truth. Today, we are going to talk about some of these things that are happening, and how it can directly effect the business decisions that we make.
Published 05/10/23
How much do you really know about fascia? More importantly, what does the research tell us about fascia? Today, we will be talking about fascia, what it is and how it works. This will serve as an introduction to a conversation about lip tie and tongue tie procedures. That conversation must be built on a foundation of knowing what fascia is and how it works.
Published 05/03/23
Muscles do more than just look good. That actually function as part of the endocrine system and produces hormones. Today, we are going to talk about how to maximize this effect the get the most out of our muscles ability to produce beneficial hormones.
Published 04/24/23
As Chiropractors, we don't often talk about the muscles. In fact, we often go out of our way to avoid it. Why do muscles do what they do, and why is the patient experiencing a tight muscle? Many patients are convinced that the muscles are at the root of their problem. Today, we are going to talk about why the muscles are a clear indication that a subluxation is the root cause of their problem.
Published 04/04/23
Have you ever considered that your strength could become your weakness? Its not something we often think about, but in almost every situation, we rely on our strengths. Today, we are going to talk about what happens when we rely on our strengths so much that they become our weakness.
Published 03/27/23
The chilling effect has to do with people in power eliminating decent through fear of punishment.  In Chiropractic, this often happens in a debate over subluxation, adjustments, and almost anything else we could possibly disagree on.  In todays episode, I am going to present you with two competing models and an understanding of why they both think they are right.
Published 03/13/23
In today's episode, we will be exploring the DiSC profile and how we use this in the office to allow for better communication.  This is a very simple tool, but the insight you can gain from it can be a difference maker for both retaining your patients and creating better patient encounters.  
Published 02/27/23
You've certainly see the videos of the Y-Strap on YouTube.  I'm often asked about it by both patients and students alike.  I see it as an opportunity to share with people just how important that area of the neck is and why they should value it.  Today, I'm going to talk with you about how you can use this topic to elevate people to a higher understanding of chiropractic
Published 02/20/23