Want one habit that is certain to make your December sweeter and more peaceful? Join Audra Haney for this quick but IMPORTANT reminder this season.   Sign Up For A Free Monthly Resource Newsletter Free Download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids Follow along with our co-hosts on Instagram: The 5 Minute Mom Podcast Bailey Hurley Simi John Lauren Diggs Renee Swope
Published 12/08/22
We all need reminders of God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives! And, even the smallest markers can have a big impact. Join Bailey T. Hurley as she shares ideas for your family this fall to pratice gratitude.    Sign Up For A Free Monthly Resource Newsletter Free Download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids   Follow along with our co-hosts on Instagram: The 5 Minute Mom Podcast Bailey Hurley Simi John Lauren Diggs Renee Swope  
Published 11/10/22
This is such a special episdoe for me. Renee and I recorded this interview last summer when she launched her new book, A Confident Mom. The interview was amazing- but what was most special for was the hour AFTER the call that Renee spent selflessly pouring into me and encouraging me. We became quick friends and she quickly earned a place in my heart. Her wisdom, experience, perspective, and Christ-centered reminders are exactly what I needed in my life.  Here's a few things we discuss in...
Published 11/07/22
The Lord knew I needed Bailey speaking into my life- and respectfully- I defintely think you should get to know her too!  Bailey and I had a GREAT time on this episode! Here's some things we chat about: -Getting to know more about her marriage and family -Her heart behind joining the podcast -Her book "Together Is A Beautiful Place" and how moms can cultivate meaningful, life-giving friendships in *any* season -An an AWESOME impromtu lightning round for both of us that includes our hot...
Published 10/28/22
Want to raise prayerful kids? Author, Bible teacher, and Co-host Simi John joins us to share one small habit that will help your children embrace and employ prayer in every day moments. Sign Up For A Free Monthly Resource Newsletter Free Download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids Follow along with our co-hosts on Instagram: The 5 Minute Mom Podcast Bailey Hurley Simi John Lauren Diggs Renee Swope
Published 10/05/22
We are joined by co-host, author, and friendship coach- Bailey Hurley- today! She gives us a solid and simple strategy for helping our kids find and be good friends. And, the resources are closer to home than you think!  Sign Up For A Free Monthly Resource Newsletter Free Download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids Follow along with our co-hosts on Instagram: The 5 Minute Mom Podcast Bailey Hurley Simi John Lauren Diggs Renee Swope
Published 09/28/22
We are starting this series on habits- with a reminder to STOP. Lauren Diggs reminds us today that making strong disciples doesn't always mean adding more tasks. Often, it means taking a pause to remember who we are in Christ and the great gifts we have to offer our children, even in the mundane moments. 
Published 09/21/22
We are so excited for you to be joining us this fall as we've added FOUR new co-hosts! We will be talking about how we can be extremely pratical in our discipleship and how to be intentional in this busy world.    Sign Up For A Free Monthly Resource Newsletter Free Download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids   Follow along with our co-hosts on Instagram: The 5 Minute Mom Podcast Bailey Hurley Simi John Lauren Diggs Renee Swope  
Published 09/14/22
Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder and Mama-Bear-in-Chief of Mama Bear Apologetics. She feels a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. She is the chief author and editor of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies and Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality: Empowering Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God’s Design. Hillary has her master’s degree in biology from Clemson University and is working on a master’s...
Published 05/10/22
Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder and Mama-Bear-in-Chief of Mama Bear Apologetics.   She feels a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. She is the chief author and editor of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies and Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality: Empowering Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God’s Design.   Hillary has her master’s degree in biology from Clemson University and is working on a...
Published 05/09/22
The world has changed so much, but our God remains the same. Join me today as we pray some of the specific names of God that have helped me most in this season!
Published 04/11/22
I wrote this prayer remembering that Jesus could have come as a King, but instead came as a man of sorrows. We can take comfort today that He can empathize with our pain, grief, and questions. Pray with me today for Week 4 of our Lent series.
Published 04/04/22
Today, we are going to talk to Amy Gannett about her new book Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship Of Him. She is going to share her heart behind why every believer should be a good theologian, how theology daily impacts our parenting and the next generation, and where to start if it all feels a bit overwhelming. Connect with Amy: https://amygannett.com Connect with Audra, find show notes, or get your free download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters For...
Published 03/28/22
I’m excited to announce that in these weeks leading up to Easter, also know as Lent, we’ll be walking through a special series. Lent is a time reflect on our human bent for sin, the magnificent gift of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and the power of his resurrection. Because of this special time, for the 5 Minute monologues during Lent, I’ll be featuring short prayers to help point your heart towards Christ and re-center you during this holy time. Today, we will focus on praising God for...
Published 03/21/22
I’m excited to announce that in these weeks leading up to Easter, also know as Lent, we will be walking through a special series. Lent is a time reflect on our human bent for sin, the magnificent gift of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and the power of His resurrection. Because of this special time, for our 5 minute monologues during Lent, I’ll be featuring short prayers to help point your heart towards Christ and re-center you during this holy time. In today's prayer, we will reflect...
Published 03/14/22
Join me as we talk about God's purpose in intentional seasons of waiting and talk through WHAT we are actually waiting on. For more information about Audra or to get your free download of 50 spiritual conversation starters for kids visit: www.audrahaney.com Join me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/
Published 03/07/22
Waiting can be excruciatingly hard. Today, we are going to answer the question: "How Do We Wait Well?" For more information about Audra or to get your free download of 50 spiritual conversation starters for kids visit www.audrahaney.com https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast
Published 02/28/22
Spring is coming quickly! As we prepare to walk through Lent and Easter, you may be asking how we can make even more meaningful and intentional this year.   Today, I'm joined by author Tsh Oxenreider to talk about her new Lent devotional project called "Bitter and Sweet".  Tsh will walk us through the history of Lent, the dates of the liturgical calendar, and how we can practically implement this special time as a family in order to grow as a Christ follower.    To listen- check out the link...
Published 02/23/22
Join me as we talk about God's purpose in intentional seasons of waiting and look at an Old Testament story with new eyes. For more information about Audra or to get your free download of 50 spiritual conversation starters for kids visit: www.audrahaney.com https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast
Published 02/21/22
Waiting can be excruciatingly hard. Today, I'm sharing a little bit about my story and what God has been teaching me through seasons of waiting.  For more information about Audra or to get your free download of 50 spiritual conversation starters for kids visit www.audrahaney.com   https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast
Published 02/14/22
This month, I'm answering your foster care questions!  This week's question: "I don't feel called to foster but how can I support my foster friends?" For more of our story, come join me on social media: https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast
Published 01/31/22
This month on the podcast, I'm sharing our personal foster care journey and answering YOUR questions. The question this week: "How Can I Prepare Logistically For Foster Care?" To read more of our foster care journey, join me on social media: https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast https://www.audrahaney.com  
Published 01/24/22
Today on the podcast I'm answering the question: "What was the best thing and the hardest thing about your foster care journey?" Read more of our story on social media: https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast https://www.audrahaney.com  
Published 01/17/22
This month on the podcast I'm sharing our foster care journey and the lessons we've learned along the way.  Today, I'm answering the question: "How long was it before you knew reunification wasn't possible?" Also, here are some social media links sharing more of our foster care story, how we got involved, and some celebrations of our recent adoption: https://www.instagram.com/the_5minutemom_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/5MinuteMomPodcast    
Published 01/10/22
If you struggle with mom guilt, an elusive work/life balance, finding Biblical guardrails for your vocation and home, or constant worry for the future of your children- you are going to DEFINITELY want to spend some time with my brilliant, kind, and wise friends today. Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus are the founders of the ministry She Works His Way- and today they are going to share the heart behind their new book.
Published 10/22/21