Podcast version of a seminar given online to the Faculty of Business & Law (and friends) on the 1st of April 2020.
Published 04/01/20
In today’s spirited episode I discuss the immense value of acquiring academic confidence (or even arrogance).
Published 03/31/20
Published 03/31/20
The ‘sweet spot’ of a defence background PLUS an MBA means you could access a phenomenal consulting career as your post-transition opportunity. In this short discussion, Adam expands on his experience and reveals that an MBA from the University of Northampton put him at an advantage in getting a job and being better qualified than an INSEAD graduate (global top 5 business school!). Adam is happy to advise and support any folk in transition .....
Published 03/30/20
Reflections on - when we know how bad the coronavirus’ impact has been - some genies won’t go back into workplace bottles. But first, we need to survive the next few months.
Published 03/28/20
A swift insight into a day in my life as it is at the moment with even more learner support being conducted online and on the phone.
Published 03/28/20
Poor decision-making threatens an individual with going from a moment or day of crisis to a world of pain. Some fresh thoughts from me .....
Published 02/13/20
In this episode, I reflect breathlessly on the perils of organisations investing in simplistic cultural values assessments undertaken by non-social scientists. Further - organisations, their boards and leaders should be harshly judged for buying-into this nonsense. And I have some positive suggestions as well!
Published 02/10/20
Some thoughts for me on why the answer to almost every question potential learners ask me EVERY week about the MBA pathway is YES. Except for the one about the cost: ‘is there a catch?’ The answer to that is 100% NO!
Published 12/01/19
In this brief episode recorded ‘on location’, I ruminate on a way of thinking about academic assignments that could make them super easy!
Published 11/06/19
A brisk talk-through of this assignment and ways of addressing it in a pragmatic and efficient manner!
Published 10/27/19
There’s no catch - I just want to make your academic study more efficient, enjoyable and practical. Follow me here or on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/drmilshills
Published 10/27/19
In this episode, my pal Duncan Grocock discusses learning points from transitioning from his army career, MBA study benefits and key lessons from having established Cannonball Coffee. Loads of good hints and tips here! Follow Cannonball Coffee at: https://instagram.com/cannonballcoffeecompany?igshid=gx0862zvzs8y
Published 10/17/19
In this episode, I am in conversation with the wonderful Gemma Jones (Senior Military Recruiter for the EU) to discuss the opportunities for MBA graduates with a defence background, why Amazon LOVES recruiting veterans and some hints and tips on the transition to civilian careers. Also some important signposts on how best to engage with Gemma, prepare for interviews and so on .....
Published 09/12/19
An episode where I reveal that I have detected where and how some of the great geniuses of YouTube and Podcasts get their content from. This is their business model ..... I knew it would be and today I proved it.
Published 06/14/19
Brief insight into a somewhat typical day in my life!
Published 06/12/19
Have no fear, I’m here to explain why you don’t need to worry about plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Easily avoided and easily detected. Here’s less than six minutes on a cure for it!!!
Published 06/12/19
Ruminations on the competitive advantage of academics being hungry to engage with potential learners. We have no choice but to be wonderful, as Lt Col Jim Channon (USMC) put it so well.
Published 06/10/19
Musings on why User Experience (UX) and other ways of doing value-add engineering need to capture attention, build loyalty, disrupt, maintain competitive advantage through a challenger ethos.
Published 06/10/19
A rant inspired by Twitter and observation in a Lidl car park about the need for a qualification in climate change and critical thinking, science communication, optimism, systems theory, engineering, conflict and humanitarian studies and so on!
Published 06/09/19
Execution, structure, signposting, quotes, referencing - but mainly: ANSWER THE QUESTION!!
Published 06/08/19
A short explanation of the form of anthropology that I practice and the value brought by me and others to a range of organisations!
Published 05/30/19
Here I explore why Information Manoeuvre / Warfare / PsyOps should instead be about ATTENTION and competing to capture and maintain it. I also say “Information, schminformation”.
Published 05/30/19
Hints and tips on planning and executing an academic assignment - verbal or written.
Published 05/29/19
Demystifying academic authors and how you can always find quality sources to add value to your assignments!
Published 05/29/19