It happens. Temperatures plummet. But they usually don't linger. Rest assured if they do, the Farm Girl will be halfway around the world... and will still need to step in to fix it. xo Visit the AF on IG @xoxofarmgirl
Published 01/04/22
Is it a resolution if it's over 40 years? Probably not. It's a plan. A multi-part plan. Find out how this particular idea came to be. Or not to be? What do you think? xo Reach out on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 01/03/22
On the week between Christmas and New Year's, I present to you Collections so you can listen to all the episodes you missed and just how you like them! xo Find me and the Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/27/21
December 25 is Murphy's 8th birthday. Find out how he liked his muffins. And find more about Murph and the Accidental Farm on IG @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/24/21
There's something about a good fence that is so satisfying. Peaceful even. xo Find more about the Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/23/21
If you're not having fun, it's time to invent your own. Here's how! xo For more about the Accidental Farm, join me -- Farm Girl -- on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/22/21
What do bees do in the winter? Age old question! xo For more on the Accidental Farm, go to @xoxofarmgirl on Instagram.
Published 12/21/21
Not all the animals on the Accidental Farm have names. But the ones that do have a story. Here's Lucky's. xo Find more about the Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl.
Published 12/20/21
Sometimes you need a little miracle. Even if it's sand. xo Find more on the accidental farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/17/21
Staying connected with the garden in the winter is about more than growing plants or food. xo Find out more about the Accidental Farm on www.Instagram.com/xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/16/21
Drakes are male ducks. They can be brutal. They can alter the barnyard vibe. And they did. xo For more about the Accidental Farm, follow me on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/15/21
Once a bear comes it can keep coming. You need a lot of tricks up your sleeve and you have to be vigilant. You have to keep problem solving. Just like in your life. It's just how it is. xo For more about The Accidental Farm, tune in on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/14/21
Mama is fine, you'll be happy to know. But she and I earned a badge this day on the Accidental Farm. xo For more from the AF, visit me on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/13/21
This is a revolutionary idea and it's been happening here for several years. Maybe you want to start one? xo For more bee ideas and farm life, find us on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/10/21
I don't say this lightly. This is it. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. That is to say, between here and spring, do this three or four times. Just for fun. xo For more garden tips, find me on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl Garden tips and a live convo about gardening (nearly) every Wednesday at 2pm.
Published 12/09/21
Man, woman, beast or fowl. This is the spot. Don't miss it. It is kinda everything. xo Find more Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/08/21
A little farm in the middle of the woods has a lot of eyes on it. But we have developed a team approach. See how. xo Find more about the farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/07/21
It's the cure to what ails you. Sometimes you just need a little break, the right kind of break with soft noses and long ears. xo Find a little donkey therapy on the Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/06/21
What's your number? How long can you commit to an animal? Will you leave provisions in your will? Come along for a look at the long view and how it can apply to your life. xo More long view and donkeys on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 12/03/21
This is a dark back burner story. About a goat. About the end game. What's on your back burner? xo Tell me on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl It's not all pretty here on the AF. Or in life. But it is real.
Published 12/02/21
It's had a lot of lives and challenges, this chicken house. It had goats for goodness sake. But it served the hens well. This is part of its story. xo Instagram @xoxofarmgirl for more
Published 12/01/21
This is where all the duck trouble started. xo For daily AF and occasional ducks head to @xoxofarmgirl on Instagram.
Published 11/30/21
A name is important. Here is how Murphy's Jenny -- #215, Leiah, Mrs. Murphy -- got her name. xo Find more about Clover and the Accidental Farm on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 11/29/21
Things are weird in the barnyard sometimes and then you realize there's a good reason for it. Here's what I learned hanging out with the chicks and ducks. xo
Published 11/26/21
I took my mic on a walk to the barn. You can hear the animals and feeding time. It's uneventful in some ways like your own breakfast. But that's the point. Thanksgiving is so nice, but it's also another day. Cherish each one. xo Thankful for all of you, every day. Find more on Instagram @xoxofarmgirl
Published 11/25/21