In this episode I am joined by Dave Hirschkop from Dave's Gourmet. Dave took an idea and passion he had and turned it into a successful thriving business. In this podcast Dave will reveal his story about how get first got started and the lessons he has learned along the way as an entrepreneur and business owner.
Published 09/24/19
In this episode we break down how to expand to have massive success selling in Amazon FBA Europe!
Published 09/11/19
I am joined by the one and only Bradley Sutton of Helium 10 where Bradley drops some absolute golden nuggets that sellers can use and implement immediately. I would advise you to listen to this episode and conversation more than once in case you feel you missed anything. Inside Bradley and I discuss the current state of Amazon as well as increasing conversions, improving keywords, product research techniques and launching products successfully on Amazon. 
Published 09/04/19
In this latest podcast episode I am joined by Scott Needham the CTO of Buyboxer. Buyboxer manages the largest assortment of skus on Amazon FBA and has done over $250 million in sales over the years. They currently have a catalog of 70,000 plus skus in their catalog and they also work with brands and businesses to help them grow on Amazon.
Published 08/28/19
If you want to scale and grow your business then you have probably thought about expanding globally on Amazon. If you have products that are selling well on Amazon FBA in the US market then it may be time to take your business overseas. While trying to grow your business by selling on Amazon FBA internationally may be exciting it does come with it's own set of challenges.
Published 08/21/19
In this episode I walk you through how I am using powerful Amazon Brand Analytics data provided by Amazon to make smarter decisions about my business. With this data I can take action to launch new products, evaluate my true competition and run new targeted PPC campaigns.
Published 08/13/19
If you've been selling on Amazon long enough then you surely have experience in dealing with Amazon listing hijackers. You've worked hard building your listing over time and for some other seller to be able to latch onto your success is terribly frustrating. Sometimes these sellers will even steal your buy box and take your sales. Many of these Amazon listing hijackers tend to be counterfeit sellers which makes matters even worse. These counterfeit sellers are total losers in my opinion.
Published 07/26/19
Are you using the correct Amazon pricing strategies to maximize sales and profit? I have found that most sellers tend to guess how to price their products. If you are guessing and don't have a strategy then you could be leaving a lot of money on the table. Sometimes small tweaks can have dramatic effects on how shoppers view your products which could lead to increased sales and profit. 
Published 07/17/19
In this podcast I break down my 3 step formula for creating successful brand and how you can get to your first $1,000,000 in sales. You will see that once you build a real audience around your brand and products that achieving your sales goals will be easy. The focus should be on building real assets that you can control such as e-mail lists,
Published 07/11/19
As an Amazon seller and brand builder the idea of selling your Amazon FBA business is certainly an exciting possibility. You've worked hard and now you are considering cashing out of your business. While the idea of doing that seems great you naturally have questions about the process of selling your online business. Recently I had Brad Wayland of Quiet Light Brokerage on the show where he explains how to sell your Amazon FBA business. 
Published 06/26/19
Amazon Prime Day 2019 is right around the corner. This year will be bigger and better than ever. Do you have a plan or are you winging it and hoping for the best? Amazon Prime Day is a great chance for sellers to push a ton of sales and make lots of money. I want you to succeed so I put together this podcast to help you crush it this year. To maximize Amazon Prime Day 2019 it's all about planning and preparation.
Published 06/19/19
If you've been selling online long enough then you are more than likely gonna run out of stock while selling on Amazon FBA. Let's be honest it sucks. Thinking about all the missed sales and profit is no fun and also thinking about your product dropping off in the rankings will drive most sellers crazy.
Published 06/14/19
Over the years I have seen many sellers make the same critical makes when in the Amazon FBA product research phase. They may use tools like Jungle Scout to help them come up with potential product ideas but they fail to fully validate the idea. Then later after they launch the product on Amazon the product doesn't sell like they expected. This can be demoralizing as all your hard work and investment goes down the drain.
Published 06/05/19
Most Amazon sellers struggle with product research and choosing either their first product or their next product. Perhaps they have had a few products fail in the past and they are hesitant now and don’t want to fail. We’ve all been there. In this podcast episode I put together 8 Amazon product research tips and strategies that you can use to help you find great products to sell on Amazon FBA.
Published 05/23/19
Recently you may have heard of some reports going around about sellers getting their Amazon accounts suspended by Amazon. It appears that some of these violations were from rank manipulation from the use of Amazon launch services. In this podcast I share my thoughts and opinions on the subject and I also share my advice on launching products on Amazon in the current climate. 
Published 05/12/19
Quitting your job to start your on online business can be a very exciting thing. Selling on Amazon FBA can be very financially rewarding and can literally change your life. There are a lot of positives to being your own boss and working from home. While the freedom to travel and live the laptop lifestyle often appears glamorous for many reasons there are actually a lot of drawbacks and negatives that you need to be aware of.
Published 05/04/19
In this episode I share my tips for finding and dealing with great suppliers for your e-commerce or Amazon FBA business.
Published 04/23/19
In this episode I talk with Michelle Barnum Smith about using chatbots with ManyChat to launch and rank your products on Amazon. 
Published 03/29/19
In this episode I talk with Karon Thackston from MarketingWords.com about crafting great Amazon product listings that will convert and drive sales.
Published 03/26/19
In this episode I talk with Kevin King where he shares amazing advanced seller strategies to help grow your business. 
Published 03/22/19
After selling on Amazon FBA for a long time and doing millions in dollars in revenue I have learned a lot about what it takes to become a successful seller. I recently say down to reflect on my journey and come up with 3 key takeaways that I wanted to share with you. I hope you will learn from my experiences and implement any ideas into your business to further your success selling on Amazon FBA. 
Published 03/19/19
In this amazing podcast episode I have a great conversation with Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout where Greg gives amazing tips to help sellers build and create their Amazon business.
Published 03/14/19
In this episode I talk with Tyler Henderson from Seller Labs about listing optimization and growing your brand on Amazon in 2019.
Published 03/13/19
In this episode I was joined by Casey Gauss of Viral Launch where we discussed product selection and ppc strategies to help you win on Amazon in 2019. We also talked about how 8 and 9 figure Amazon sellers are having so much success. There are a lot of great takeaways and nuggets laced throughout this entire episode so make sure you listen to the very end. Heck even listen to it twice for maximum impact! 
Published 03/05/19
There is an awful lot going on in the world of Amazon right now and I thought I would do a quick breakdown of what you should be aware of as an Amazon seller. This breakdown should get you caught up to speed quickly.
Published 03/02/19