Andy Savage answers tough questions dealing with marriage that he's received through social media and his "Making Marriage Make Sense" class for couples.
Published 09/27/17
Andy Savage answers tough questions dealing with marriage that he's received through social media and his "Making Marriage Make Sense" class for couples.
Published 09/27/17
Josh Ross, shares how to navigate through the darkness in our lives. Before addressing this topic in his latest book, "Re\entry: How Pain, Roots, and Rhythm Guide Us from Darkness to Light", Josh traveled to a community in Alaska to observe how the people were found a rhythm for living in long periods of darkness.
Published 09/20/17
Josh Ross, shares how to navigate through the darkness in our lives. Before addressing this topic in his latest book, "Re\entry: How Pain, Roots, and Rhythm Guide Us from Darkness to Light", Josh traveled to a community in Alaska to observe how the people were found a rhythm for living in long periods of darkness.
Published 09/20/17
In this episode Andy Savage talks with Alex & Susanna Leon how couples can learn how to deal with conflict in their marriage.
Published 09/13/17
In this episode Andy Savage talks with Alex & Susanna Leon how couples can learn how to deal with conflict in their marriage.
Published 09/13/17
In this episode, Michelle Myers helps women find balance in their life and how to create proper priorities
Published 09/06/17
In this episode, Michelle Myers helps women find balance in their life and how to create proper priorities
Published 09/06/17
"In this episode raising girls in today’s complex world is harder than ever. It takes more than love. It takes insight into the things that make your daughter tick as she grows from childhood to young adulthood."
Published 08/30/17
"In this episode raising girls in today’s complex world is harder than ever. It takes more than love. It takes insight into the things that make your daughter tick as she grows from childhood to young adulthood."
Published 08/30/17
In this episode, Andy continues his conversation with Sissy Goff and David Thomas. This time, they're talking about the crazy life of raising boys.
Published 08/23/17
In this episode, Andy continues his conversation with Sissy Goff and David Thomas. This time, they're talking about the crazy life of raising boys.
Published 08/23/17
In this episode, Andy interviews authors Sissy Goff and David Thomas. They talk about raising boys and girls.
Published 08/16/17
In this episode, Andy interviews authors Sissy Goff and David Thomas. They talk about raising boys and girls.
Published 08/16/17
In this episode, Andy talks about how to set your kids up to succeed in the new school year.
Published 08/09/17
In this episode, Andy and Amanda talk about the exciting world of raising boys.
Published 08/02/17
In this episode, Andy talks about how to truly prepare for marriage.
Published 07/19/17
In this episode, Andy answers questions that listeners have about Jesus and the Bible.
Published 06/28/17
In this episode, Andy is taking questions straight from Facebook about marriage and dating.
Published 06/14/17
In this episode, Andy answers some of the common questions that plague singles when it comes to dating.
Published 06/07/17
In this episode, Andy talks about how to make the most of a "full nest" with guests, Reggie and Amy Manning.
Published 05/31/17
In this episode, Andy talks with recent "empty nesters" Ed and Jenna Lindsey, about their UnEmpty Nest.
Published 05/17/17