The Angels say for us to Trust our Passions regarding our Love Lives and Careers because that energy will take us to places we never could have imagined. Yet, many people live with a negative attitude that blocks great opportunities from entering into their lives. Julie will show you in this episode how to shift your attitude so that nothing holds you back! You were meant to enjoy a blessed and prosperous life.  Allow this message to return your energy to a state of gratitude for what and...
Published 08/03/18
When you're ready to receive the next level of blessings in your life, then it's time to be willing to forgive. It takes spiritual maturity to forgive someone who's hurt you, to let go of the grievance, and return to a place of peace, and to let go of wanting things to be different than you wanted them to be.  When you are ready to attract healthier relationships into your life, Julie will show you how the angels can help you get ready to forgive.
Published 07/27/18
Like a painter sketches out a painting before he paints it, God has planned out the days of our lives. He can see what you need at every moment and orchestrates everything to happen according to His plan in perfect timing. Allow this message to clarify for you the difference between your plans, and God's intentions for your life.  God has a purpose for every relationship you have, every job you ever take and even every conversation you ever have, it's all based on what you need. You are loved...
Published 07/20/18
The Angels say that our every prayer is heard and answered either directly or indirectly. Julie will bless you with this message to trust in God's timing and intelligence to put all things into perfect order. What do you have faith in to work out?  What are you praying for? Pray about every aspect of this situation.  Instead of worrying, pray. If you'll ask for help and then accept assistance when it's offered, there's no limit to the amount of Miracles you'll receive. 
Published 07/13/18
The Angels are constantly guiding you. They are guiding you to receive everything that you need. They are assigned to you.  But the angels say that you have free will and that you must take part in what is called, "Active Listening", where you respond to the call by taking guided action dear heart.  Recognize in this insightful message how we receive that call and how to answer that call in our life. Learn about the different ways the angels speak to you and how to follow through on that...
Published 07/06/18
Children are born loving naturally; they are innocent and full of joy having just come from their heavenly creator. But when they come to this planet, they learn things that can disconnect them from who they really are. This will make them feel sad from time to time, or even mad. As parents and caregivers, there are things that we can do to support them back to their true selves. Let Julie share with you some ways to support young children as they go through many changes in this physical...
Published 06/22/18
We all have access to the two streams of thought: the conditional mind process, better known as the ego, and the psychic stream, where we can connect with God and the angels, also known as our Higher Self.  In your day-to-day life, you will be given the opportunity to choose between the two levels on a moment-to-moment basis. Your angels will attempt to guide you toward miracles: by suggestions and promptings in four ways: through what you see via your spiritual sight, what you feel in your...
Published 06/15/18
The Angels can clear you of pain. Of sadness. Of fear. Angel Intuitive  Julie Robinson will help you get there. See you there on Friday at 3:30 pm Mountain, 5:30 pm eastern
Published 06/08/18
You may have the gift to heal that you think will never get off the ground, but God has already ordained a life path for you. All it takes is you giving yourself permission to say "YES", to God's dream for you. Let Julie and the angels show you how you can live life as a healer from a place of peace knowing he has designed everything to work out for you. He has especially called you to be a healer and has placed everything on your path you need. Your place now is to live in faith and use your...
Published 06/01/18
God did not create you to be unhealthy. We are living in a time where junk food is readily available and cheap, where it's convenient to snack poorly and carry toxins and to live at a low vibration. If we are not careful with what we put into our bodies, we can become sickly and just buy foods that we see on TV. This type of lifestyle can really limit what good we can draw into our lives. The Archangel Raphael says, "Healthy food equals healthy vibration. Healthy vibration equals high levels...
Published 05/25/18
You were not randomly created. You have been specifically made in the image and likeness of your creator, even your personality, your height, your body type, and upbringing. Even if you've had a bad childhood, God has purposely chosen every event that happened or will happen, in order for you to receive the very best, according to his plan. God had created you to thrive. You are a life that is designed to receive the best. Allow Julie to show you how even if you feel you got the rotten end of...
Published 05/11/18
It's easy to back down when you're not sure of yourself, and especially when you don't think it's safe for you to be powerful. But you were created to be you! You were designed to show up in every situation with your own unique flavor. The angels support you in being yourself; your loving, honest, individual self. You will be your best self and feel good about your decisions when you know you're allowed to shine. You will not worry as much whether people approve or disapprove of you when you...
Published 05/04/18
We all have people that have done us wrong. It’s easy to hold on to the hurt, be sour, and want to try to get revenge. But Julie will teach you how every hurtful situation is healable. This knowingness creates the opportunity to forgive. You will feel so much better when you do, and then the angels can bring more positive energy into your life. The angels will work with the Source to repay you for what's lost.  They operate by the Divine law of compensation.They support and shower you with...
Published 04/09/18
The principles of manifestation are simple, but if you don't have a clear intention, focused on, "How can I serve?", then the results are not going to turn out well! The Angels are going to ensure your manifestations come to pass when they are aligned with Divine will for your highest good and Holy purpose here on earth. They will work to help you. Let Julie show you how to set a pure intention to manifest miracles in every area of your life. The Angels will help you above and beyond what...
Published 03/26/18
Do you feel that you make time to play? Maybe you have a jam-packed schedule that doesn't seem like there's any room for gaiety. Or, you're worried that you won't meet your responsibilities by taking time off to laugh. Julie would like to reassure you that your angels will help you with your responsibilities while you take a break and that laughter will life your energy so that you'll return to work with a renewed perspective and heightened energy. Give yourself permission to play once and a...
Published 03/19/18
Nothing that happens to you is an accident, and it's time you trust that. Realize that the Angels are Fair! Many of you have concerns, but be assured that there's nothing to worry about! It's easy to think the worst, but Julie would like to show you that everything happens for a reason. This show will teach you that your soul has attracted every experience for its growth. As you learn to live from a place of trust, you will forgive more easily and be at peace.
Published 03/12/18
If you support all around you and you don't use it, you are not going to become who you were born to be. You are full of power, potential, talent, and when you use your spiritual resources to your advantage there's nothing that can stop you. In this message, you'll learn the importance of reaching out to your Angels by understanding how to call on them, how to recognize them and follow them. As you grow more spiritually aware you will make better decisions and start to see your life areas grow.
Published 03/05/18
Your Soul Mate is someone who is meant for your growth! You don't see them coming when you attract him or her into your life! You may feel like this person comes in to hurt you but you've met this person to help your soul to grow by teaching you some lessons! The Angels talk about kindred souls called soul mates. Because of what you're working on you're destined to meet someone special at designated times during your life. You can trust this union is ordained by God! It's time to find out...
Published 02/26/18
When we go through trauma, the angels don't leave us.  In my experience, every distressing situation I've been through has made me stronger to support others in my healing ministry. Even though I've been through horrible things, I always knew my angels were right there with me. They didn't abandon or judge me. The angels have always been there to help me pick up the pieces after every bad break. I am aware that everything I went through deposited something positive in me.  All suffering...
Published 02/12/18
You might feel blocked today or that you cannot hear your angels. However, Julie would like to show how you can unblock yourself to better connect with your winged guides. Receive some practical advice on how staying healthy through specific diet and exercise can really start to open you up to Heaven's call. You'll be motivated to make healthy choices in your diet and exercise program! When we eat healthily, we feel healthy. The Angels have a better time getting through to us when our...
Published 02/05/18
When you get that prompting on the inside that feels good, that's God talking. He is always talking to you about all things - your interactions, your spelling, your timing, your relationships, your love life, and healing. God doesn't just speak to us through miracles or tragedies. He is also with you constantly and communicating there with you step-by-step along the way in every area and facet of your life. This message is really going to help you understand that you're not alone, you're not...
Published 01/29/18
Do you have a good attitude about yourself? We all have times where we feel down about ourselves. It's easy to judge yourself and think, "I'm not very good at this and that."  But Julie would like to remind you that in a limited perspective, all you can see are your faults and failures, but look again. You still have the goodness to you! The Angels say, "You have within you still every good thing, beloved." You have everything within you to be blessed, and you have powerful angels surrounding...
Published 01/22/18
Are you ready to see the set-up behind what appears to be a set-back? Then it's time to see the Blessing in Disguise. There are blessings in what appears to be a problem, answers to your prayers, and miracles in the midst of an apparent challenge. So if you want to understand the reasons behind your present situation, Julie will reveal to you some of the answers to what appears to be your biggest setbacks. Many times things have to fall apart in order for them to fall together. When you Trust...
Published 01/15/18
There's a battle constantly taking place between your higher self, and your ego. The angels say it's between your ego focusing on doing jobs to "get money", and the Higher self that wants to serve humanity with your talents. We all face temptation when we think about paying our bills, but Julie wants to encourage you to have an abundance mindset aligned with your life purpose. You are not being asked to live out your life purpose without support. God and the Angels are leading you every step...
Published 12/18/17
Have you found "the One"? Receive the insights from the Angels! Julie wants to show you how to let go of partners that are unhealthy, and instead, take that first step towards finding "the One". Learn to let go of the need to find "Mr. Right or Mrs. RIght" in your own time, and instead, trust the guidance and the timing of your Angels. The Angels say you should remain optimistic about your Love Life because when you hold Faith, real love can be yours! The Angels will lead you every step of...
Published 12/11/17