Wonder why Microsoft has been growing so much recently? In this episode, I will reveal the key points that reflect the current situation of this tech giant and their secrets to success. 
Published 02/11/20
In today's episode, I give 4 key ideas about how people like me and millennials (and people in general) should deal with their money. I put into context the last financial crisis, it's causes, and also my views on pensions and inequality. Very meaty episode indeed. 
Published 01/30/20
The tragedy of inflation we face impoverishes our society. Because of this we become compulsive consumers which leads to pollution, littering, contamination, getting into bad debt, etc. It becomes a vicious cycle. Tune in into episode 22 of The Audio Class Experience to find out why. 
Published 01/21/20
There are too many trends to explain in one episode, so I decided to pick 7 that I personally think are coming hot from the previous year. In today's episode I mention how UX writers, User generated content, video content, whether quality content is better than quantity, the importance of voice, the appearance of micro-influencers, and finally personal content that is topic focused. Find out how I break down each one of the trends in detail. 
Published 01/13/20
It's always good to remind ourselves that marketing isn't just what we see on advertisements or the different forms of publicity for promoting a product or service. There's so much more to marketing than just that. Think about all the thought put into the identification of the customer profile, what it is that you're selling, how you're going to sell it, how do you want your customers to perceive your brand, how you're going to promote it...etc. In this episode with the first guest ever, we...
Published 01/05/20
At least once every generation, Hollywood and the content industry undergo a revolution. From silent films to sound films in the 1920s, the advent of television in the 1950s, cable in the 1980s and now the streaming revolution. Twelve years ago Netflix started the race. Today we are facing a whole war in which the ammunition used is thousands and thousands, tens of billions of dollars in content. Netflix, Prime TV, Disney Plus, HBO... Even Apple has joined this new race. In this episode I'll...
Published 12/30/19
What are some of the issues that the youth suffer in our times? Finding a job? Finding the right job? What if we are not satisfied where we are and we need to find something that feels more fulfilling? In this episode I emphasize how the internet gives us so many options to choose from and the direction we want to take for our future. Enjoy! 
Published 12/20/19
Many of you may think that mcdonalds makes their money by selling burgers and fries, think again! Find out how the franchising system works and how Mcdonalds is such a profitable business. 
Published 12/05/19
In order to solve all our financial struggles, we need to understand the game of money. If you want to win the game of capitalism, we have to understand the rules and language of money. Unfortunately, society is hard-wired to think that being financially successful is only for the elite and the super-rich. As you may be aware, this is a lie! Find out more in today's episode...
Published 11/29/19
Something different today. I want to tap into the softer side of us and talk about some of the things I think are important to not only be better people but also happier. 
Published 11/20/19
Considered as the eight wonder of the world by Einstein. If you understand compound interest, it could be your ticket towards financial freedom. By the way, this is the first episode with a round of questions! Make sure to ask me questions on instagram so that I can mention it in the next episode.
Published 11/13/19
A brief introduction into what it is. It's usually not talked about much in the media. We're always used to hearing about the stock market, but the credit market is more important. It's actually bigger than the stock market. In this episode I explain the fundamental concepts and I talk about the things that are happening right now. 
Published 11/07/19
Some tips on how to make some money off Airbnb without necessarily owning any property, have any credit and not having a real estate license. 
Published 10/30/19
Despite some of the major advantages of dropshipping, there are some things that you should also take into account before you start an online store. In this episode I talk briefly about the concept of dropshipping, the upsides and downsides to this method of ecommerce and I share some personal thoughts on the topic. Be sure to download, follow and share with somebody else!
Published 10/25/19
Just like we had a vague idea about the internet about 25 years ago, the same thing happens with blockchain technology. We might already be going through a technological revolution right now that can change once more the course of history. In this tenth episode, I talk about how blockchain works and why it is so game-changing. 
Published 10/22/19
Why people invest in gold, the advantages and shortcomings of it. The general belief is that it is a haven for investing during times of inflation or recession. However, this may not be necessarily true, at least to a certain extent. Find out more in episode 9 of Gold. 
Published 10/17/19
The months from October to December are great for sales. It's when we have events such as Halloween, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, the holiday season, etc. During this time of year, consumers' purchasing patterns increase and marketers take advantage of that. Find out about what strategies you need in order to increase in sales and fully seize the opportunities that this moment of the year holds for business. 
Published 10/14/19
Why business owners and employers pay less in tax than employees. Is this even legal? Find out in today's episode where I talk about Capital gains and cash flow for investing and why employees work harder for their money than business owners. 
Published 10/10/19
Five key points that are essential for a good affiliate marketing campaign. It is a marvelous way of making passive income, and if you get good at it, you can get rich...more in the episode.
Published 10/07/19
Entrepreneurship, while still being difficult, has never been this easy. Everyone has equal opportunity to start a business. I talk about the different options people have such as Ecommerce, selling courses and personal branding. 
Published 10/03/19
Is the current education system corrupt? In this episode I talk about some things we don't learn in school and why so many of us are poor. 
Published 09/30/19
Why its so important to know where and how to sell these days. What you need to have in mind to make great content. Sometimes attention is more important than money...
Published 09/29/19
Explanation of the benefits of having passive income and a brief insight into how to make some cash from having a blog page. 
Published 09/25/19
Hello everyone! Welcome to Audio class. This is the introductory podcast where I briefly introduce myself and explain what this is all about. I talk about the main topics that I will share which are entrepreneurship, investing and economics. However I will diversify the topics every once in a while and talk about other interesting things. So it's not like those three subjects will be permanent, besides, this is Audio class, and in these kind of classes I want you guys (and me as well) to...
Published 09/23/19