This week the ACP start another year of talking about the comic book shop experience. From experiences of the past to what they like to see (or not) in the modern shopping experience. Plus there's great recommendations, comic events to add to your calendars and plenty of laughs and nonsense from the gang as usual! Great stuff to check out this week - Forbidden Planet, Phantom Zone Comics, Floppy Tongue Comics, OK Comics!, Gosh! Comics, Orbital Comics, Strange Apparitions, Destination Venus,...
Published 01/08/24
The ACP get 2024 off to a great start with nothing but comic talk! Comics old, new and somewhere in between, as the gang discuss a new reading challenge and talk about the 1995 Grant Morrison book 'Kill Your Boyfriend' and how it holds up almost 30 years later! Plus there's great indie comics to check out and plenty of classic pod banter to start your new year off with a bang! Great stuff to check out this week - Attack on Titan, Legion of Superheroes: Five Years Later, Usagi Yojimbo, Stan...
Published 01/01/24
What are the podcasts favourite comics of the year? What are their fave moments of the year? What have the community enjoyed? What new comics do you need to be checking out? Find out as the ACP crew look back on an awesome year that was. Great stuff to check out this week - Daniel Clowes, Monica, Local Man, Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, The Exile, Erik Kriek, Living the Line Publishing, Vyper: Crimson Dawn, Axe Wielder John, Fables, Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Warwick Fraser Combe,...
Published 12/26/23
Tis the season of reading comics (spoilers - every season is) and this week the ACP pick out a Christmas comic to read. Its a DC classic from Ennis and McCrea so read along with the gang as they tackle Hitman 22! Then the ghosts of comics past, present and future arrive, but not to warn you. Instead they're here to talk about things you should be checking out! Plus there's great comics to add to your wishlists, discuss and more! Great stuff to check out this week - Hitman, John McCrea, Garth...
Published 12/18/23
The comics community are given the spotlight this week, as the ACP Slack community (the best one in the game) shout out their highlights of the year in 2023! From great conventions, to collaborations and more it's a really positive look at the year that was in indie comics! We also talk about indie comics shop and the larger industry and there are a LOT of comic recommendations to check out, so get your wishlists ready! Great stuff to check out this week - Tom Curry, The ACP Slack, Mark...
Published 12/11/23
This week we talk about storylines and comic narratives we would quite happily never read again. From powerless heroes to the meaningless nature of death its a hefty and listener infused chat that explores these 'tropes'. Not only that, and great comic recommendations but Craig Shields, the man that's been helping the ACP out for months on our ACP recommends page gets the spotlight and joins the crew for the comic based chatter! Great stuff to check out this week - Craig Shields, ACP...
Published 12/04/23
This week the ACP trio talk about their favourite rivalries in comics. Heroes, villains, teams, vigilantes and aliens, the gang discuss their favourites and why they think that these rivalries have stood the test of time! Theres also chat about the latest Pat Mills book, Doctor Who special and fantastic comics to check out in the week ahead. Great stuff to check out this week - Pageturners, Electric Chair #2, Karcis #1, Sokyo X, Cory Tran, Third Bear Press, Rubicon, Flesh Eating Cheerleaders...
Published 11/27/23
This week the crew travel through space and time to talk about one of the UKs biggest science fiction exports into comics - Doctor Who! Gareth Kavanagh and Ian Winterton from Cutaway Comics hop on to add a fan-sided touch and information. Plus there's talk of epic comic finales and great indie comics to check out in the week ahead! Great stuff to check out this week - Doctor Who, Cutaway Comics, G.I. Joe, Larry Hama, Positron, Karcis, Adam Falp, Electric Chair, Time Bomb Comics, Bomb Scares,...
Published 11/20/23
This week the ACP crew take some time to focus on the discussion around major comic publishing. Theres been a lot of discourse about what is happening (or not) in the big 2, and the hosts talk about pricing, PR, distribution and more. The soapboxes are out, but the hope for a bright comics future is always the same. Plus there's great recommendations and the crew tackle Marvel Comics new Punisher series!  Great stuff to check out this week -  The Punisher, Marvel, DC, Electric Chair 2, DUI...
Published 11/13/23
This week Gareth Hopkins (Petrichor, Ghosts in Things) joins the ACP to talk about starting a new publishing imprint, creating new work and the ongoing adventure of keeping your creative mojo going over the years. Theres also talk of long-lasting comic stories, Thought Bubble Festival and of course tons of comics to check out! Great stuff to check out this week -  Gareth Hopkins, Absolute Collider, Anastasia Horns, Thought Bubble Festival, Electric Chair 2, Adam Falp, No Brainer, Edison Neo,...
Published 11/06/23
This week the gang have their comic treats ready and are joined by David Cranna (Glass City) to talk about horror icons and monsters from the silver screen as they make their way to comics! From blood spilling slashers, dream walking killers, comedic femme fatales and big publisher vampire killers, the screen (and page) turns red as the gang turn the air blue! Plus there's also plenty of comic chatter, comic shop discussion, indie recommendations and treats to go along with the spooktacular...
Published 10/30/23
This week the ACP take on the greatest villain to ever grace the comic page, the one and only DRACULA! As well as the crews view on the character in comics, Dacre Stoker and Chris McCauly (Dracula The Return) jump in to drop some serious lore, history and story knowledge about the daddy of all villains! It's a fascinating and informative chat, and with tons of comics to check out and recommend its a show that even the Creatures of the Night would not want to miss! Great stuff to check out...
Published 10/23/23
This week the ACP talk about classic monster tropes in comics and some big name monsters in the medium! From legacy characters to legacy series the conversation goes in all directions and its all good quality comic chat. Well, apart from the unprofessional beginning and a theatrical reading for the ages of course! Great stuff to check out this week -  Vampirella, Werewolf by Night, The Astounding Wolf Man, Ferals, Avatar Press, The Walking Dead, Harvey Awards, Blacksad, Monica, Daniel Clowes,...
Published 10/16/23
This week the ACP talk about the beautiful, shocking, creepy world of horror comic cover art. What works, what doesn't (in our opinion) and the results of a great horror cover! Theres also some fave picks from the hosts, great indie recommendations and more Eerie comic strip shout outs (some more familiar than others!). Great stuff to check out this week -  Afterlight Comics, Hellbound Media, The Plot, The Lazarus Chronicles, Man Thing, Kyle Holtz, Eerie Archives, 1984 #5, Inktober, Collosive...
Published 10/09/23
The ACPs kick off the spooky season this week with some talk of big monsters, big action and comic scriptwriting and to do so they are joined by G.O. Parsons (Beast of Bower Boulevard). Theres talk of getting into comics writing, adapting scripts, full colour horror and more. Plus the gang discuss their Humble Bundle purchases, recommend tons of great comics and Dan launches a new Halloween Horror scriptwriting competition! Great stuff to check out this week - G.O. Parsons, American Mythology...
Published 10/02/23
The ACP got a chance to talk to the one and only Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise) about comics and boy did they have fun chatting with him! From talk of the early days of Strangers to new series Parker Girls, playing with stereotypes, drawing beautiful women, self publishing and tons of process chat, its a chat not to be missed! Also, there's a special moment of pen talk for those out there who love their stationary. Mix all that with tons of indie comics to check out in the coming weeks...
Published 09/25/23
This week the gang reunite to talk about comics, public domain, conventions, comics, publishing, legendary creators, comics and more comics! Theres irreverent chat and thought provoking chat about the medium we all love as well as tons of brilliant indie books to check out! Great stuff to check out this week -  Steve Lafler, Baltimore Comic Con, NoBrow, Vern - Custodian of the Universe, Viz Comics, Graphic Gospel, Tribute Press, Now Thats What I Call Turning Tricks, Mike Aston, Merenda and...
Published 09/18/23
The ACP gang are seperated by timezones, but the comic talk cannot be denied as Vince and Dan talk to Tony while he does a Comic Con Tour of the USA! Well, Baltimore and SPX more specifically, but they get the rundown on the comic high points of two very different (but both equally amazing) shows! Plus there's also great books to check out, creators to discover and a whole bunch of Hawk the Slayer talk. Yes. That is what we said. Great stuff to check out this week -  Baltimore Comic Con, SPX,...
Published 09/11/23
This week the ACP answer questions on instinct, discuss nostalgia in comics and talk about the new charity 'Drawn Under the Influence' comics anthology coming soon! To do so, Eamonn Clarke (Mega City Book Club Podcast) joins the gang to talk about how this one came together, the future for the comic and more! Theres also great recommendations, informative reviews and a whole lot of comic book talk! Great stuff to check out this week -  Eamonn Clarke, DUI #3, Mega City Book Club Podcast, Ian...
Published 09/04/23
Its a time for celebration as the ACP and Viz Comics meet for the first time ever! Graham Drury and Simon Thorp join the gang to talk about the long running comics institution that has been filling the newsstands with laughs for decades. From classic characters, hilarious letters, art process and the future for the comic, its a great interview thats not to be missed. PLUS there's a prize to be won if you know your stuff! Great stuff to check out this week -  VIZ, Paper Medicine, Third Bear...
Published 08/28/23
This week the three amigos of the ACP tackle the world of comic book crossovers. The characters, the stories, the good, the bad and the epic. Theres also talk of where the next Watchmen-level comic is coming from, fantastic books to check out and the pod gets its own HR department which goes about as well as you'd expect. Great stuff to check out this week -  The United: Going Underground, ACP Recommends, Jonny Cannon, Blam and Glam, Cut Away Comics, Doctor Who, Boxes, Third Bear Press, The...
Published 08/21/23
This week the show loses a Butcher but gains a Curry, as Tom Curry joins Vince and Tony to talk about comic characters in the public domain, the punisher, social media in marketing and gives the show a reading challenge! Theres also great books to discover new and old, a quiz to play along with and find out where a mysterious VHS tape was discovered recently! Great stuff to check out this week - Osamu Tezuka, Metropolis, Frankenstein Agent of Shade, DCs new 52, The United: Going Underground,...
Published 08/14/23
Comic book podcasts unite! This week the ACP are joined by Pete Watson and David Steele of the Earth 2 podcast to talk about comic book podcasts, golden age comics, multiverses, voiceovers and more. As well as the podcast chatter there are great books to check out and add to your wishlists! Great stuff to check out this week - The Earth 2 Podcast, Mikes Amazing World of Comics, The United: Going Underground, Electric Chair, Adam Falp, Baltimore Comic Con, SPX, That Comic Smell, Blam and Glam,...
Published 08/07/23
The ACP are joined by a returning Sam Hardacre (Splorers) to talk about a variety of topics, from finding your mojo again, to reworking old work and finding time to make your comics! Theres also a big chat about event comics and Millarworlds 'Big Time', challenging stereotypes in comics and absolutely TONS of comics to check out! Great stuff to check out this week - Sam Hardacre, Splorers, Big Game, Pat Mills, Doctor Who, Starbeast, Jonny Cannon, The Untied: Going Underground, Permanent...
Published 07/31/23
This week the ACP return to their reading challenge (where they check out bigger comics they've never tried) and discuss titles from sci-fi classics to survival horror epics. Theres also discussion of some San Diego Comic Con announcements, Manga chat, Eisner winners and more. Plus as always great comics to check out! Great stuff to check out this week - San Diego Comic Con, Dark Horse Comics, Zoe Thorogood, The Punisher, Star Wars, Darth Vader, The Walking Dead, Strontium Dog, Earth 2...
Published 07/24/23