In a day when verbal meanness seems to be at an all-time high, Barbara Rainey encourages parents to train their children to be thankful. Learn three reasons gratitude matters.
Published 10/20/22
Barbara Rainey shares in this episode, "I think we vastly underestimate the fears that we bring into marriage. All of us come into marriage with fears. Therefore, it takes time to expose those fears, because it’s a risk to do so. It takes time to work toward that place of being unashamed. It doesn’t ever totally go away, because it won’t until we go to heaven; but we can make great progress. We can make great strides in that comfort level that we all long for when we get married."
Published 10/06/22
Trials and difficulties are a given in any marriage. Dennis and Barbara Rainey offer couples Biblical, practical advice for how to weather the storms and grow stronger in the midst of suffering.
Published 09/22/22
You know, as we enter the empty nest—and we sort of have been feeling this as our kids become teenagers—but our relationships are changing. Our marriages are in different places. My marriage was very different as we approached the empty nest than it was when we began our marriage. We were two very different people after twenty-five, thirty years than we were when we started.
Published 09/08/22
Barbara and Dennis were good friends, but just friends. And she was content to keep it that way. Find out what changed her mind.
Published 08/25/22
When you've been married for a half century, you learn a few things about life and marriage. In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey share some of the lessons they've learned. Listen in, for highlights from a message they shared with couples on the 2022 "Love Like You Mean It" cruise.
Published 08/10/22
Just about everywhere we turn, we see the harmful effects of a world that has lost its grip on absolute truth. How can we guard against the thinking that truth is whatever you make it to be? Barbara Rainey believes an important safeguard against relativism is telling stories that show how truth matters. In this episode of The Barbara Rainey Podcast, hear the stories of three individuals who clung to truth and the difference it made in their lives.
Published 07/06/22
On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. But who is the Holy Spirit, really? Barbara Rainey helps us understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.
Published 06/02/22
Dennis and Barbara Rainey say one simple habit will help any marriage grow stronger—praying together. Every day. Find out why it's so vital, in this episode of The Barbara Rainey Podcast, from Ever Thine Home.
Published 05/10/22
Everyone is leaving a legacy to those who follow, for good or bad. And mothers are no exception. In this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast, Dennis, Barbara, and their daughter Ashley explore the powerful concept of the legacies moms pass on to their children and grandchildren.
Published 04/29/22
Ever since the Hebrew children escaped slavery in Egypt, the Jewish people have celebrated the Passover. In this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast, Barbara points out a few of the ways the Passover meal points to Jesus and the events surrounding Easter. Hear ideas for how you can bring those details into your own celebration.
Published 04/07/22
How can we do a better job of representing the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection in our Easter celebrations? Barbara Rainey explores both "why" and "how" we can celebrate our Savior's Resurrection.
Published 04/07/22
What are some of the practical life skills parents can help their teens develop as they anticipate leaving home for the first time? Dennis and Barbara Rainey answer that question in this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast.
Published 03/17/22
In the same way we count down the days to Christmas, Barbara Rainey inspires you to count down the days to Easter, the most significant holiday in the Christian faith. Learn to build anticipation and spend time thinking about why Jesus' death and resurrection are so important, as you prepare your heart for Easter.
Published 03/03/22
It's common for people to define love only in terms of our feelings. But how does God define authentic love? That's what Dennis and Barbara discuss in this episode. (Includes a portion of this song: L-O-V-E, Natalie Cole, Unforgettable: With Love ℗ 1991 Craft Recordings., Distributed by Concord.)
Published 02/03/22
All through the Scriptures we see glimpses of God's heart for orphans. In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey share five ways we can obey the command to care for the fatherless.
Published 01/20/22
At Christmas, we spend a lot of time thinking about the gifts we'll give and receive. But have you stopped to think about the gift God gave you? In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey reflect on how John 3:16 really is a beautiful Christmas verse. Note—includes portions of these songs: "God So Loved (Live)," We the Kingdom, Live At the Wheelhouse - EP ℗ 2019 Sparrow Records, Capitol CMG, Inc.; "I Love To Tell the Story (Contemporary Hymns: Peace Like A River Version)," WordHarmonic, The...
Published 12/23/21
Whether you're in the habit of celebrating Advent each year or not, Barbara Rainey says there are good reasons to do it. Find out what Advent means, in this episode of Ever Thine Home with Barbara Rainey.
Published 12/07/21
Christian wives want to do all they can to help their husbands be all they can be. It can be difficult, though, to take a step back and allow him to lead in the marriage. Barbara Rainey offers practical advice for wives who want to grow in this area.
Published 09/22/21
Newlywed couples go through a season of new experiences and adjustments as they settle into marriage. In this episode, learn from some of the ways Dennis and Barbara Rainey had to adjust to one another.
Published 09/11/21
Barbara and Dennis were good friends, but just friends. And she was content to keep it that way. Find out what changed her mind.
Published 06/18/21
After coming to Christ, Barbara Rainey faced a choice: would she submit to God's plan for her life, no matter what? Get to know Barbara better in this second installment about her early years.
Published 06/01/21
The failures of the past, the difficulties of the present, and our fears for the future threaten to derail our thinking. Barbara Rainey shows us how our Trinitarian God is enough for our past, present, and future.
Published 05/20/21
In this episode, Barbara Rainey shares advice on how to build up and encourage your husband, even when it seems hard.
Published 05/04/21
Trials and difficulties are a given in any marriage. Dennis and Barbara Rainey offer couples Biblical, practical advice for how to weather the storms and grow stronger in the midst of suffering.
Published 04/21/21