Published 12/19/20
This week we reflect on the year that’s been, the origins of the Behavioural Vaccine and the significance of Christmas 2020. Thanks for listening and supporting us throughout 2020.
Published 12/19/20
Looking at the gap between intention and action when it comes to alcohol, Padraig and Kate explore how to make it through silly season without losing the run of ourselves.
Published 12/05/20
Funnyman and all-round nice-guy Colm O'Regan joins us this week to chat about spinning yarns, the art of making maths interesting and story-telling in a virtual world. You can hear more from Colm on his podcast, The Function Room, his book Ann Devine: Handle with Care and on the Irish Mammies Twitter account @irishmammies
Published 11/28/20
Donald Trump is the second most voted for US presidential candidate of all time. Not because he was particularly good but because the 2020 US Presidential Election had the largest voter turnout of all time. On today's episode, we examine why this was and how behavioural science can tell us about increasing election turn out.
Published 11/14/20
On today’s episode, we’re joined by Registered Nutritionist Laura Kealy and founder of Bridge Nutrition to discuss simple dietary habits that will keep us well things winter. Find out more at: http://bridgenutrition.ie/
Published 11/07/20
With mandatory fines for breach of Covid guidelines introduced in recent weeks we explore the Behavioural Science behind punishment, when it works and when it might do the opposite to what is expected! With special guest Kelly Moynihan. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, (https://www.instagram.com/thebehaviouralvaccine/) and twitter: @behavioural_the (https://twitter.com/behavioural_the)
Published 10/31/20
At this spooky time of year, we reflect on the nature of fear and the routes out of it. We discuss Learned Optimism and how to shift towards a sunnier view of ourselves and our circumstances. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 10/24/20
Not unlike hopeful homeowners, undergoing renovations - we’re living in the ruins of our old lives, and losing patience with the rebuilding process. In this episode we explore why now is the toughest of times, and how we can practise self compassion through it. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 10/17/20
In this episode Padraig and Kate are joined by Eco-Behavioural Design expert Mark James, who explains how making habits embarrassingly simple is the key to keeping going, during these tough winter months. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 10/13/20
Today we examine Scandinavian approaches to winter including the Danish philosphy of hygge, and friluftsliv. Are you a cosy cat or an energetic pup? Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 10/03/20
This week, we look at how behavioural science can help with your financial health.  If you are looking to save for a deposit, start a pension or save for a rainy day, this is the episode for you. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 09/26/20
Winter is fast approaching and lockdown restrictions look to be reintroduced. Having a goal can help our mental health and resilience. In this episode, Kate talks us through some executive coaching approaches that she uses to help people set and achieve their goals.
Published 09/19/20
MISINFORMATION HAS NEVER been more talked about in Ireland than during the Covid-19 pandemic. The spread of fake news never really took hold in Ireland in the same way it did in many other countries, but more false information has been shared in Ireland in recent months than ever before. Some people have used the pandemic, and people’s valid concerns and fears, to deliberately create false information – often dubbed disinformation – in a bid to dupe others or see how far the rumour...
Published 09/12/20
According to research (https://www.glintinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Glint-July-2020-Data-Insights-Report.pdf) from Glint —40% of employees are feeling less connected to their friends.  On today's episode we talk about the nature of friendship and how to strengthen them. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 09/05/20
While in lockdown many of us developed unwanted habits, the conditions for bad habits creation were perfect - and so it’s time to pause and examine what we’re at. In today’s episode we explore ways to recognise and address those tricky new behaviours, before they become too embedded. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 08/29/20
While in lockdown many of us developed unwanted habits, the conditions for bad habits creation were perfect - and so it’s time to pause and examine what we’re at. In today’s episode we explore ways to recognise and address those tricky new behaviours, before they become too embedded. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the
Published 08/22/20
In this episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) , we discuss nudging. Nudging is a concept in Behavioural Science which proposes positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to influence behaviour and decision making. Today’s episode explores some of our favourite and least favourite nudges, and how we can apply nudging to improve our well-being. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the This...
Published 08/07/20
In this episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) , we explore the potential benefits of holidaying closer to home, getting into nature and the implications of flexible working on our ability to return to rural living. Follow us on instagram: @thebehaviouralvaccine, and twitter: @behavioural_the This episode is sponsored by The UX Design Institute (https://www.uxdesigninstitute.com/vaccine) .
Published 07/31/20
On this episode, Padraig and Kate explore why the tide has turned towards the wearing of masks. We explore the factors that have shifted, and what they can teach us about broader behaviour change.
Published 07/18/20
In this episode explores  Behavioural research to understand how to enter creative states. Padraig and Kate share the creative habits that work for them, and the wise words of an 84 year old Roscommon woman.
Published 07/13/20
On this episode, Padraig and Kate explore how the skills of improvisation can be applied to uncertainty at work and in our every day lives as we enter phase three.
Published 07/04/20
In today’s episode Pádraig & Kate discuss the Overton Window, that spectrum of acceptability of ideas at a particular point in time. They chat about changes in this has impacted the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the #MeToo movement.
Published 06/26/20
The Behavioural Vaccine is back for season 2! And this time we're going to be looking at how behavioural science can help solve every day problems. Before that however, we check in on how we all are, after lockdown.
Published 06/19/20
Today we're going to look at what we are doing and how we're eating and how these have changed over the course of the COVID-19 lockdown.  So we're trying to figure out what we're eating, how we're smoking how we're drinking. How have these behaviours changed and why are they changing.  In this episode Kate and I take a deeper look into some of the stats and gonna reveal all, including our own habits. For the latest Covid-19 information...
Published 05/16/20