We're currently in the biggest behavioural intervention that there's ever been and almost 12 weeks into lockdown. Naturally, this is going to have an impact on how we feel. The central statistics office in Ireland has recently released statistics looking at our well being, and in this episode Kate and Padraig have a closer look at these and see how are we all doing. For the latest Covid-19 information...
Published 05/14/20
Today we outline the Behavioural steps that businesses need to take as they start to reopen in a world of social distancing and hygiene anxiety
Published 05/08/20
In this episode we talk with Dr. Shane Timmons of the Behaviour Research Unit about the findings of their research about messaging during the Covid-19 emergency. For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 05/06/20
Today’s episode looks at strategies for influencing other’s behaviour without it becoming a strain during times of lockdown. For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 05/03/20
Have we gone back to living the lives of our grandparents during lockdown? The big weekly shop is back in vogue, we know our locality better than ever, and we forego weekend breaks for walks in the park. We discuss this and the impact the invention of the bicycle had on our gene pool! For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 05/01/20
The boxer Ricky Hatton famously had two sets of clothes, normal clothes for when he was training and a set of more forgiving clothes when he packed on the pounds and let loose between fights. The Post-Reinforcement Pause is something that we can all relate to. It occurs when our perseverance and dedication wanes shortly after we have achieved our goal. We can relate this to running a marathon or completing a thesis. In this episode Pádraig & Kate look at this phenomenon in the context of...
Published 04/29/20
On this episode Kate and Padraig talk about uncertainty and hope, and how it can fit into our wellbeing efforts at this time. Padraig also reveals a unique game called Transport Bingo, that he has been using to fill his time. For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 04/25/20
On this episode, Padraig and Kate talk about procrastination... "If I only had the time I'd do it......." Many of us now have the all the time we dreamed about on our morning commute but maybe you're part of the club procrastinating on a long-term project? Maybe you intended to learn a new skill, get fit, do some home improvements or...write a screenplay? Pádraig found himself running more but writing less since being in lockdown. This got him thinking about the Behavioural Science behind...
Published 04/23/20
Today we examine kindness in a time of social distancing. Random acts of kindness are boosting people’s mood currently and we explore a growing body of research that suggests that giving and receiving kindness doesn’t just boost our mood but it also helps to boost out immunity levels.
Published 04/21/20
Today we’re going to look into the future and we examine how these behaviour changes that have happened in a very short space of time might have lasting impact on different areas of our lives. We introduce the micro-flinch, the feeling of discomfort that we’ll experience as we move back to what was once “normal life”. For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 04/17/20
We revisit Resilience and look at self-care routines that are crucial currently. We also chat about grit and determination, how it can be useful during a marathon and in small doses but might have limitations in the long run. For the latest Covid-19 information visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
Published 04/15/20
In this episode we examine how social norms influence our behaviour and examine why what we see others doing has such a huge impact on what we do ourselves.  What has influenced us  to maintain social distance and wear face-masks and disposable gloves? Why is it that it only takes 60-70% of people to change their behaviour to make us feel like a numpty if we haven’t adapted?  All is revealed…. For the latest Covid-19 information...
Published 04/13/20
In previous episodes we have examined the fact that this is a marathon, not a sprint. We consider the Resilience we require and the strategies we can use. Kate talks us through the important parts If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) . For the latest Covid-19 information...
Published 04/11/20
In this episode we examine the fact that we are in the largest global behavioural intervention in history! Think of it like a real-life Truman Show and we are all Jim Carrey. Governments and Health Organisations around the world are assuming the role of parents issuing ever-changing and directive guidance around expected behaviour. We look at what’s working, what’s not working and why...... If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your...
Published 04/09/20
We discuss the challenges that parents are faced with when trying to balance the stresses of a changed working environment, home-school distancing and social distancing. Pádraig outlines the importance of self-compassion and allowing normal routines to be flexible at this time. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine...
Published 04/02/20
Working from home poses a unique set of challenges to us when we are not used to it. Kate talks us through the importance of Connection, Purpose and Achievement when working from home and outlines the methods that help lone workers to remain supported during this period. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine...
Published 04/01/20
Today we look at strategies for sustaining new habits (including exercise routines!) over a longer period of time and the challenges that we can face. We help to understand the role that effective and regular reward plays in supporting sustainable changes. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine...
Published 03/31/20
In this episode we look at alternatives to ‘nagging’ and consider effective ways that we can influence the hygiene and social behaviour of loved ones (young and old!) in these changing and challenging times. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) . For the latest Covid-19 information...
Published 03/30/20
We know that staying connected is important for our mental health. In this episode we outline the ways that people are staying virtually connected with loved ones and ensuring that we check in on those most in need. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) . For the latest Covid-19...
Published 03/29/20
Pádraig & Kate discuss what happens to our brains when we become overwhelmed emotionally and what we can do in those moment to moment occasions where tensions rise and our emotional brain hijacks our ability to problem-solve and cope. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) . For...
Published 03/28/20
Today we look at how we can help deal with frustration in ourselves and others. We also look at those invisible slow triggers that might be building at this time. We also look at practical ways that we can all mediate against these. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/) . For the...
Published 03/27/20
We take a light-hearted look at the impact that social distancing has on slowing the spread of Coronavirus and discuss some of the strategies that were used to stop Irish College students from getting the “shift” during an outbreak of Meningitis in 1998. If you've enjoyed this podcast, please don't forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine...
Published 03/26/20
In this episode Kate & Pádraig discuss the important roles that going to our workplace plays outside of financial benefit and explain some of the things that you can do if you recognise your well-being shifting during sustained periods away from your normal place of work. If you've enjoyed this podcast, please don't forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine...
Published 03/25/20
How we interpret events around us influences how we respond and how we feel. In the episode Kate & Pádraig discuss how cognitive reframing can help us to see opportunities for connection and improvement during a time of social distancing. If you've enjoyed this podcast, please don't forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also make sure to subscribe so as to never miss an episode of The Behavioural Vaccine (https://www.headstuff.org/the-behavioural-vaccine/)...
Published 03/24/20