In this episode, James Bates shares his background as a pastor's son and how it shaped his perspective on family and business. The conversation explores seeking wise counsel, learning from mistakes, surrounding yourself with the right people, taking care of your relationship, philanthropy, the power of exposure, family business succession, growth as a father, being intentional, setting expectations, and faith in family. Some highlights from our call: “I've had great mentors, and they've told...
Published 01/08/24
Just as being a dedicated parent requires time and effort to nurture and support the growth of your children, maintaining a strong marriage involves continuous effort, growth, and communication. Choosing the right spouse is not only a fundamental life decision but also a critical factor in achieving a fulfilled personal, family, and business life. The right spouse provides support, understanding, and encouragement, enabling one to pursue dreams and face challenges, thereby fostering a...
Published 01/05/24
In this recap, fathers share their experiences, emphasizing the importance of introducing their kids early to financial concepts, work ethics, and opportunities. They talk about appropriately involving them in their ventures and teaching them about savings, investments, and the value of money. Additionally, they discuss the importance of understanding delayed gratification and managing failure, as well as the critical role of emotional and financial intelligence. The core message is about...
Published 01/04/24
Our guests discuss the importance of being present, engaged, and intentional in their children's lives, providing a blend of support, discipline, and love. Through their stories, it becomes evident that fatherhood is a continual journey of growth, learning, and love, emphasizing the transformative impact it has on both the father and the child. ____ Subscribe to our YouTube channel and be updated with our latest episodes at youtube.com/@thebizdad You can also watch and listen on Rumble at: ...
Published 01/03/24
In this special recap, our guests share their personal journeys and their fathers' influences. Many discuss their fathers' admirable traits—hardworking, resilient, frugal, community-oriented, resourceful, morally upright, adaptive, and compassionate—which significantly shaped their values and life approaches. Simultaneously, others recount challenges like divorce or emotional unavailability and the lessons they learned. The conversations emphasize the importance of intentionality, learning...
Published 01/02/24
Discover how Rami Odeh, Dan Reed, and John Ballenger found solace in faith during their tough times. Rami, battling issues in his business and marriage, found a solid support system in his church. Dan's beliefs were challenged and deepened after an encounter with an atheist, inspiring him to pursue theology. Meanwhile, John, enduring the loss of a child, and his wife drew strength from their shared faith. Their stories highlight the transformative power of faith, offering hope and support in...
Published 12/30/23
Surrounding oneself with the right group of people is essential for personal growth, support, and overcoming challenges. Communities like GoBundance offer a space where individuals engage in discussions that encompass business strategies, personal relationships, and life management, fostering an environment of shared learning and support. Aside from GoBundance, even hiring a coach or being vulnerable with others who are also struggling to be better parents and entrepreneurs can significantly...
Published 12/29/23
Join us for Part 1 of our special recap, exploring marriage in episodes 16-27. Choosing the right partner is a crucial decision that significantly impacts one's personal and familial success. Fostering open communication, embracing differences, and sharing both successes and failures strengthen marriages and set a positive example for children. Shared faith and values provide stability amidst life's challenges. This common foundation not only deepens the relationship but also fosters a...
Published 12/27/23
Join us for Part 1 of our special recap, exploring how dads teach financial literacy to their kids and share insights on involving them in businesses. Discover strategies and stories of fathers empowering their kids with financial skills and entrepreneurial mindsets. Fathers can't walk the path for their children but can lay a strong foundation. Providing options, the right tools, and exposing them early to opportunities can boost their future success. As you gather this season, reflect on...
Published 12/27/23
Merry Christmas from The BizDad, Adam La Barr 🎄 Join us for Part 1 of our recap, exploring fatherhood in episodes 16-27. Our guests have shared their highs and lows, and wisdom from fathers and communities, emphasizing dedication to breaking negative cycles. They're lifelong learners on a journey of self-improvement. Recognizing that raising a child requires evolution and adaptation, they seek resources and positive influences to foster a nurturing, supportive environment for all. As you...
Published 12/27/23
In this episode, John Ballenger shares how he supported his wife through the grieving process and discusses the importance of involving his children in his business ventures, as well as having open and honest conversations with them. Some highlights from our call: On Navigating Grief and Faith: "Faith played a crucial role during our family's time of grief. It was a period that tested us deeply, but ultimately, it brought us closer and made our faith stronger." - John Ballenger Additional...
Published 12/18/23
In this episode, Lisle Head recounts his move to Costa Rica and a shift in life priorities. Some highlights from our call: On Building Trust with His Daughter: "I want her to trust me. I think that is the biggest thing. That's where I lost. When you don't trust that adult figure in your life, you're going to try to discover things on your own. You're not going to come to someone that's going to actually guide you and care. So, my primary thing is—don't lie to her for nothing. And really...
Published 12/11/23
In our latest episode, Nathan Brooks joins us to explore his journey as an entrepreneur balancing business, faith, and family. Some highlights from our call: "Whatever we focus on is what we create. If you're going to focus on being upset, being wronged, and life is so tough, and this thing is so hard—that's all you're going to create.” -Nathan Brooks Additional key insights: Models accountability and apologizes to kids when frustratedExposes kids to challenges to build resilienceFaced...
Published 12/04/23
In our latest episode, Hendra Tambunan joins us to explore his journey as an immigrant entrepreneur balancing business, faith, and family. Some highlights from our call: "I need to guide and coach, but let him find his own way." - Hendra Tambunan on parenting his teenage son Additional key insights: Works as a technology consultant while pursuing real estate investing as a side business. Became interested after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad.First multifamily purchase was a 348-unit property in...
Published 11/27/23
In our latest episode, Jordan Berry joins us to explore his journey transitioning from pastor to entrepreneur, and how he balances his family life and business endeavors. Some highlights from our call: "Doing hard things leads to cool things in life and business. It's all about learning from your challenges." - Jordan Berry Additional key insights: Experienced a period where the stress of business put a strain on his marriage and family life, necessitating counseling.​​Prioritizes spending...
Published 11/20/23
In our latest episode, Luke Henry joins us to discuss his experiences as a dad, husband, and business owner. Some highlights from our call:  I'm looking for excellence in my health and in my marriage — it's going to overflow into my business and parenting — because I'm becoming the best version of myself. -Luke Henry Additional key insights: Quit his pharmacist job after only 2 years to pursue entrepreneurship full-timeTraveling together as a family is a priorityBelieves in lifelong...
Published 11/13/23
In our latest episode, Rami Odeh joins us to discuss his experiences as a dad, husband, and business owner. Some highlights from our call:  “I have things that money can't buy. I have appreciation and perspective — and you don't get that until you've been at the bottom and then worked your way back.”  -Rami Odeh Additional key insights: -Wanted to raise his kids with more structure and traditional values -Therapy and shared faith played huge role in rebuilding a struggling marriage -Wants...
Published 11/06/23
In our latest episode, Gino Barbaro joins us to discuss his experiences as a dad, husband, and business owner. Some highlights from our call:  On Personal Growth: "If you're not embarrassed of the person you were 10 years ago, that means you really didn't grow that much." -Gino Barbaro Additional key insights: - Continual self-reflection and growth is important, don't stagnate - Guide and support kids but allow them to solve own problems - Strong spousal relationship is the foundation of...
Published 10/30/23
In our latest episode, Adam Hill joins us to discuss his experiences as a dad, husband, and business owner. Some highlights from our call: On Managing Fear: "I'm able to look at that fear that I see—and that I have, like this... this amplified feeling in my life—and see that as a gift. Because when it has shown up and I haven't fought against it, it has typically been a signal that I have an opportunity to grow, to become something better." - Adam Hill Additional key insights: Facing...
Published 10/23/23
In our latest episode, Dan Reed joins us to discuss his experiences as a dad, husband, and business owner. Some highlights from our call: On balancing work and family: "If I'm already comfortable, I've already got enough money to support my family and live in a comfortable way. What is the point of working an additional 60 hours every week? If I lose my family in the end, the whole thing that I'm trying to provide for in the beginning." - Dan Reed Additional key insights: - The importance...
Published 10/16/23
In our latest episode, Brian Glass joins us to discuss his journey as a lawyer, entrepreneur and dad. Some highlights from our call: On parenting differences with his wife: "It's almost always easier for me to parent if I'm the only one home. And I think she would tell you the same thing because there's no like running to mom or running to dad." - Brian Glass Additional key insights: - The importance of being a present, involved father. - Navigating working with his wife at the family law...
Published 10/09/23
In our latest episode, Monish Khadye joins us to discuss his journey as a dad and entrepreneur. Some of my highlights from our call: On talking about being vulnerable: “I realized if I keep the same mentality or I just keep to myself, it's probably not really gonna end well in the long term. I'm a big proponent of people just opening up conversations about what they're struggling with." —Monish Khadye Some key insights: Break past negative family patterns and be a positive...
Published 10/02/23
In our latest episode, AJ Anderson joins us to discuss his journey as a dad and entrepreneur. Some of my highlights from our call: On approaching traditional businesses creatively: "I think we can really do some unique things with businesses that are quite aged concepts anyway, right? The older than time, like how can we be unique about how we transform those going into the next 10, 20 years? —AJ Anderson Some Key Insights on Fatherhood and Business: • Faced adversity; found...
Published 09/25/23
In our latest episode, Stu Grazier joins us to discuss his journey as a dad and entrepreneur. Some of my highlights from our call: On developing a growth mindset in his kids: “Even the words that you use are so important, we started saying GDHT ‘Graziers do hard things’ around the house and it's kind of become just sane.” —Stu Grazier Some Key Insights on Being a Dad: - Be the "fun dad" - Kids remember the time you give them more than material things. - Be intentional about scheduling...
Published 09/18/23
In our latest episode, Jamie Gruber joins us to discuss his journey as a dad and entrepreneur. He shares insights on: - Leaving a stable corporate job to start your own business and control your time - Teaching boys about healthy masculinity and confidence - Surrounding your kids with positive, uplifting peers and role models - Prioritizing time with family while also achieving professional goals - Building a personal brand and business organically, based on passion Some of my highlights...
Published 09/11/23