Yay! 2-Man-Podcast. Back to the old crunchiness and wild snacking.  We talk about lockdowns, Gupta on the JRE, population control and about some of the upcoming movies we're excited about.  Don't watch the final DUNE trailer, btw.
Published 10/15/21
Solo Podcast.  What were the good lockdown shows?  How to make a shower worth your time. Facebook leak – not all that. The price of political speech. The dumb ending of Free Guy.   That's it.  Appreciate it. 
Published 10/10/21
Another one! Solo. Yeah! - Favourite kids shows - Sabre Rider - Boss Level movie review  - Goofs and continuity
Published 10/01/21
Yay! March-only. Again. Jesus Christ, somebody end this lockdown so we hear the beautiful voices of Lionel and Nick again. Free pluralism in podcast land! This episode. The new iPhone stuff Sorry, Anthony Bourdain. Not sorry, Anthony... it's Bocuse. Anti Vaxx Stupidity from Rogan and Kennedy German YouTubers, digital journalism done right Whataboutism AOC's 'Tax the Rich dress' and Ben Shapiro's people's button down shirt.
Published 09/24/21
Yay! The original format is back – Lionel is gone. Nice. March is damaged, so cut him some slack. Over-eating and over-drinknig has become a real problem and in a not too distant future we will subscribe to March's 'Out West Sandwich Chef' Newsletter... that fat f**k. Upcoming shows and movies like Top Gun 2, the Morning Show, Ted Lasso S2 all that good stuff. Anthony Bourdain is the man – but... idk, just don't get the hype. He's gone, so no one wants to talk shit. Funny tweets and...
Published 09/17/21
Lionel is crashing the party – a welcome distraction from what March has put the listeners through over there last two weeks. COVID, street fights, anti-vax  and earth rays ( I think I said that)– we're battling bad faith family members that are caught up with the ugly people.  Live reaction to the new Matrix Resurrections Trailer – which is not what anyone expected. But then again, it's Wachowsky. 
Published 09/10/21
Another one.  What's new? Lets see... We have of course Donda, finally.  Best double albums of all time Jake Paul vs Tyron Woodley Spiderverse Some politics, alright What's good? Let's do this!
Published 09/03/21
Oh wow... another one? The DJ Khaled of s****y podcasting is back. March_Only with; - Being overly dramatic last time around - Spider Man - No Way Home - Trailer, Live Reaction - Afghanistan crisis - Zuby is just a moron - Cuomo retires, Hochul aide is off the left nut - Fact checking your friends - Genius at work
Published 08/27/21
First solo podcast – it's a March Only. Just because it's been rough and therapy is expensive. Hear me out... for a while. Will you, friend? Nuts (roasted) and bourbon, talking about; - Podcast as therapy - Touched by evil - Online mismatches - SARS-CoV-2 - Anti-Vax rhetoric - Biden's Afghanistan retreat - Monster Hunter Rise review - Suicide Squad 2021 review - Fake logo design  - Bull Market, Barcelona Painting Sounds like a lot; maybe 100 minutes or more! Feedback ...
Published 08/20/21
... title sums it up, really. Lionel and March talk about Tarantino's reign as one of the most influential directors of our time. Bits of his life story, behind the scenes stuff we heard and movie making techniques that defined a whole new genre. 
Published 07/09/21
Future cars will be a problem... and robots... but mostly the cars. If you're thinking of butting a new car, we have some thoughts on that. Hood ornaments... just saying.   Oh also, someone almost got his ass whooped.
Published 06/28/21
Sorry for the time out. Rough times. But we had time to contemplate existential shit and come back with some advice for existential sage Jordan Peterson – at least March is sure he overlooked something promising and dark in teh twisted tail of the wood-hard marionette exploring the world through the eyes of a maladjusted child.  Next we discuss creative education in our home countries. How do know whether you're a designer or better just an artist? It's complicated.
Published 06/20/21
We talk about some of the latest streaming releases and how it will shape entertainment in the future. Do the big studios have it in them to reinvent themselves again, now that superheroes and the pandemic are over? Or are they? And what about Mortal Kombat?    
Published 05/10/21
Were talk about the Oscars – at least a tiny bit. Screenwriting Masterclass with Aaron Sorkin sure has set us up with all the necessary information to jack these streamed movies we never saw... Let's see, if March really writes one himself, we can shit all over that one day! 
Published 05/03/21
First podcast since... well, it's been a while. Which in fact, gave us the time to watch this super plank Hyundai ad for a car called... what is it? The Staria! Premium!!! Insane. We talk more seriously about Apple's latest keynote event. What we think of Apple Silicon as an overall approach to boost our stock portfolio, what the M1 can do and why you might not want to buy a new device yet.  Or do it. What do we care?! Some rants about copywriting and big tech selling off our digital...
Published 04/26/21
New traffic rules. What's really needed though is a secondary horn on your car. We need to be able to 'nudge' other drivers without pissing everybody off.  We prepare for our yearly catch up by dishing out a few  homework assignments to bring to the party. Former friend of the show, Andrew Cuomo, is in hot water for being too Italian. Can we fix soccer by having a few players less on the field? March's neighbour also has a few interesting ideas on how to connect schools all over the world...
Published 03/07/21
These Twists are something. They even got the pickles right... all artificial. Amazing. The Coen Bros movies compared back to the folk-like story-telling from Inside Llewyn Davis – which maybe is a little too meta. Maybe. The fake reviews and 3D movies debunked.    
Published 03/02/21
It's a fragile day and we end up rambling about recent fashion choices and fast fashion fails, how tyvek should be used for everything, and some people are good for nothing and Michael Bay imploding on stage and finally... Pirates of the Caribbean character arcs. Finally. Paper topics, and why not? We're still dangerous – paper cuts. 
Published 02/22/21
We discuss some food ideas for a French stye franchise fast food empire for Australia. Business contacts, just call our lawyers. ... unfortunately, some GarageBand glitch killed the last 30mins of this show in which we discuss the Gina Carano debacle. What a shame. Maybe, just maybe, this will come up again... We might need to get a new server after all.
Published 02/15/21
Too drunk to remember this podcast. I think we talked about Macromedia, Flash is dead, internet UI trends, 4K... stuff like that...
Published 02/12/21
We strapped masks to our pie holes, dodged the mouth breathing inner-city populace and found our way to an actual, remaining movie theatre, only to see the worst... – well, movie – ever. Spoiler. So what?! 1984 is worse than 2020. We also chat about Pixar's Soul for a little – which is tremendous.  300th episode and we should be celebrating, but then... 
Published 01/19/21
We deal with the fallout from 2020 and the clusterfuck that presents itself as the first month of what was supposed to be the greatest ever New Year... oh, well.    
Published 01/11/21
Hang in there. It's almost over.  And then again... whatever. But we will have a new year soon and so go will, it will be a little better than this.  We lost a whole bunch of people, jobs, respect, trust... but we got more of the Mandalorian and we can all agree, this is the best the Star Wars Universe ever looked. Nice.  
Published 12/11/20
We discuss some of the latest political dystopia. Is he ever going to concede? Does it even matter? Would love to see s Is the Mandalorian a commie or why is he giving Beskar to the commune? What happened to great story lines in the movies and TV shows we love? What's up with the PS5 launch? What is Casamigos so expensive, George?  
Published 11/17/20
Well, title says it all. We really didn't put a lot of effort into this one...  
Published 11/01/20