3 big ideas discussed in this episode:  BIG IDEA #1: Unlocking Success: Aligning Your Business with ESG for a Sustainable Future (ESG) Environmental, Social, and Governance issues BIG IDEA #2: From Board Room to Break Room: Unleashing the Power of ESG as the Ultimate Team Sport for Business Alignment BIG IDEA #3: Empowering Businesses to Drive Positive Change: Harnessing ESG for a Sustainable Future and Global Equality Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast
Published 11/28/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode:    BIG IDEA #1: Elevate your service team, they'll elevate your customer experience. - "Unlocking the Power of Your Service Team: Empowering Employee Excellence for an Elevated Customer Experience" BIG IDEA #2: Every employee wants to do well. If they're not performing, find the block. - "Unlocking the Power of Your Service Team: How Embracing Authenticity Elevates Customer Experience" BIG IDEA #3: Be willing to break from formality with intention to...
Published 11/28/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: BIG IDEA #1: Unlocking Your Inner CEO: Empowering Yourself to Take Charge of Your Life and Career BIG IDEA #2: Unlock Your Potential: Mastering Your Personal Operating System as the CEO of Your Life BIG IDEA #3: Regaining Control: Harnessing the Power of Perspective to Master Your Life's CEO Role Enjoy the episode Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast
Published 11/16/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Working at a startup seems cool, but most startups fail The rules of startups are written to benefit investors, not employees To succeed in your startup career, you need to think and act like an investor RESOURCES: Order the book now on Amazon - CLICK HERE TheStartupLottery.com Enjoy! Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast  
Published 11/15/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Listen actively - Effective communication begins with active listening. Be clear and concise - Practice expressing your ideas clearly and concisely. Recognize and leverage communication styles - we all have predictable ways that we like to communicate. Enjoy! Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast  
Published 11/07/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Seek to understand: In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey lists Habit 5 as Seek First to Understand. Add value: Once you have built an understanding of the needs of your community, you can start adding value by sharing ideas (but always keeping an ear to the ground and making sure your message is being received and not ignored) Always be learning: It seems whenever you start to think you "know it all" the universe comes...
Published 11/01/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: The way outbound prospecting has been done for 100 years needs to be fundamentally reimagined Outbound email should be visual / not templates YOU can't change your results outwardly with tactics - only from your deep identity does the thinking influence the doing. RESOURCES: Website: SalesSuperpowers.com Book: SalesSuperpowers.com
Published 10/26/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: If your going to reinvent your organization, in order to succeed, you must first reinvent yourself Reinvention or transformation, what does it mean? Dimensions of choice: - Fear Based - High Assurance - Transformational Enjoy the episode Get the show notes for this episode at http://AskJeremyJones.com/podcast
Published 10/24/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Values underlie every decision we make. Understanding what you value can help you make better choices and decisions. Be VERY detailed in your goal setting. Then work backwards until you reach the smallest element of your goal that you can do today where you CAN'T FAIL. Then work back up the chain until you achieve your goal. Leadership is often seen by people as taking charge and expecting people to follow. While there are at least 10 major leadership...
Published 10/19/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Choosing your romantic partner is the single most important business decision you’ll make. Invest in your business relationships - this will carry you further than any single business idea Design your lifestyle around your business goals, not the other way around (build in flexibility) RESOURCES: onlinececredits.com Enjoy the episode Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/309
Published 10/16/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Take the Soft Talk Challenge to experience how removing 10 key words can allow you to feel and sound more confident, clear and direct. Here's how it works Through the brain's selective attention function, your mindset, beliefs and the stories that you tell yourself shape and edit what you are consciously aware of. You can understand and leverage this or you can be subject to its effects and call it fate. The most common aspect of setting and achieving...
Published 10/12/23
Modeling appropriate behavior is highly effective in raising children Supporting your children is necessary in maintaining successful and secured youth Teaching a growth mindset rather than a goal- oriented one is key to help your children be and feel successful https://AskJeremyJones.com/318 ‌
Published 10/03/23
humans are natural born story tellers appreciation for the useful stories and cultivating non-judgmental awareness of the stories that keep us stuck intentionally decide to re-write a story's meaning or to create a new story that still honors the facts https://AskJeremyJones.com/317  
Published 09/26/23
Committing to an annual Yes Week can change your leadership and your life. Changing your life and your leadership requires integration, and Yes Week enables it. You cannot be effective as a leader if you have not first learned to lead yourself and your family well. https://AskJeremyJones.com/316
Published 09/21/23
Accountability determines Your Trajectory Your Inner Talk Defines Your Outer Walk. If it's not measured, it's not met. https://AskJeremyJones.com/315
Published 09/19/23
Understanding your priorities and scheduling is just as important as understanding the people you interact with. Understanding the power of your voice Understanding the impact you can make on yourself and individuals around you. https://AskJeremyJones.com/314 ‌
Published 09/15/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: It's important to redefine success by your own, internal terms rather than subscribe to the external, societal definition. It allows you to design a life and career by design rather than by default. We each have unique strengths and talents, and we're most satisfied when we get to express those a lot in our work. Intuition is as important a source of wisdom as logic, and we'd be well served to rely on it more. Get the show notes to this episode here:...
Published 09/13/23
About: Paulo Simoes CEO of Brios Media 3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Why storytelling? What makes good storytelling? How to create good visual stories for your yourself/business? RESOURCES: BriosMedia.com CreateMagneticVideos.com (free training + course) Enjoy the episode Get the show notes to this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/312
Published 09/12/23
In this interview, we discuss: The Power of Challenging Top Performers, Providing Honest Feedback, and Holding Team Meetings 3 big ideas discussed in this episode: As a manager, challenging your top performers is as important, if not more so, as upskilling your lower-performing team members. Providing honest and actionable feedback (in the right way) is key to professional growth and development (i.e. acting like a HUMAN and not a managerial robot or mouthpiece). Team meetings are the best...
Published 08/31/23
In this interview, we discuss: How to Monetize Your Message and Get Paid as a Professional Speaker 3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Become a speaker and share your story. Create Your Own Stage time. Monetize Your Message. RESOURCES: Website: www.motivatormusic.com Enjoy the episode Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/310
Published 08/29/23
About: Candy Motzek Candy is an author, podcast host , and business coach for life coaches. Candy helps smart people start successful coaching businesses. She believes that coaching transforms lives and that being a coach is a calling. She helps her clients get unstuck & feel more confidence and clarity so they can play bigger, sign clients & create more meaningful success. She is a 'recovering' corporate executive & engineer who combines practical strategy & mindset in her...
Published 08/23/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Why undercharging will hold you back/Own your value and monetize your genius at the highest level Bywhy working just for money as the end goal will create resentment/Design your business with the end in mind (aka what you want your life to look like) why working at the expense to everything else is a losing game/Scale while staying healthy, balanced and making time for the things and people that matter Show Notes: https://AskJeremyJones.com/308 Enjoy...
Published 08/22/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Your complaints are leading you to a vision The closer you are to the RIGHT vision, the more resistance you'll feel Specificity is the key to a clear vision Get the show notes for this episode here: AskJeremyJones.com/podcast RESOURCES: alyssagioscia.com
Published 08/17/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Actionable financial data Eliminate disfunction Strategic planning Get the show notes for this episode here: AskJeremyJones.com/podcast RESOURCES: cfoconsulting.co
Published 08/15/23
3 big ideas discussed in this episode: Going beyond your past Being Steadfast Developing Mighty Compassion Get more resources for this episode here: AskJeremyJones.com/305  
Published 08/10/23