Dr Daniel Amen and Tana Amen take a more in-depth look at the concept of happiness and how traumatic events can shape a person's satisfaction throughout their life.
Published 05/17/21
Dr Daniel and Tana Amen answer questions concerning happiness, joy, and the steps you can take to make them last.
Published 05/13/21
Dr Daniel and Tana Amen talk about the latest statistics of brain health concerning millennials and the continued mental effects of Covid-19.
Published 05/12/21
Dr Daniel and Tana Amen continue sharing their wisdom, with questions to ask yourself and advice that can help lead to a happier life.
Published 05/11/21
Research has shown Americans are the least happy they have been in decades. Dr Daniel and Tana Amen are starting a happiness challenge to help out, and ask you to join them on the adventure.
Published 05/10/21
New York Times bestselling author Jay Shetty asks Dr Daniel and Tana Amen, what is the one thing everyone can do today to prepare their brain for the future.
Published 05/06/21
Tana Amen shares personal stories and experiences that helped shape her life's purpose, with New York Times bestselling author Jay Shetty.
Published 05/05/21
Dr Daniel and Tana Amen discuss strategies on avoiding depression, by focusing on the Four Circles of Wellness with New York Times bestselling author Jay Shetty.
Published 05/04/21
Dr Daniel and Tana Amen chat with Author and New York Times bestselling author Jay Shetty. They discuss personal struggles and how redefining "responsibility" can change the way you see helping others.
Published 05/03/21
Dr Daniel Amen and Tana Amen chat with Filmmaker Jerri Sher about where the characters of her latest movie "Quiet Explosions: Healing The Brain" are now and how they are giving back to the community.
Published 04/29/21
Dr Daniel Amen and Tana Amen talk with director Jerri Sher about the various methods used to treat traumatic brain injury, including transcranial magnetic stimulation and hyperbaric oxygen.
Published 04/28/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen continue their discussion with Filmmaker Jerri Sher about the many different harmful side effects of letting a brain injury go untreated and how a movie can illustrate this subject that doesn't often garner enough attention.
Published 04/27/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen sit down with Emmy Award winning director Jerri Sher to talk about the creative process for her latest film, "Quiet Explosions: Healing The Brain".
Published 04/26/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen answer listener's questions about pandemic weight gain, how to lose it, and how to maintain healthy habits going forward. 
Published 04/22/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen go over the latest health statistics and Covid research. They discuss healthy anxiety and the different messaging about social distancing. 
Published 04/21/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen talk about the Fine balance between love and logic. They give tips on how to be a good listener and elevate confidence in children.
Published 04/20/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen share personal parenting experience and discuss when is the right time to allow teenagers to make more adult decisions.
Published 04/19/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana answer listener questions about topics ranging from how to handle living in a trauma filled environment, to advise on how to deal with a broken heart.
Published 04/15/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana chat about how exercise and High Intensity Training shape thinking and can lengthen life span. Dr. Amen also reminds listeners about the correlation between certain bacteria and mental illnesses.
Published 04/14/21
Death toll statistics can have a negative impact on brain health and make way for harmful thoughts. Dr. Amen and Tana Amen sit down to elaborate on how to change one's focus to practicing mental discipline and how the benefits of these exercises help maintain a healthy body weight during a pandemic.
Published 04/13/21
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen review studies on drugs' influences on the brain during the pandemic. They discuss how marijuana and other drugs can affect mental health by worsening bad habits, and how discipline can help maintain a healthy lifestyle in isolation.
Published 04/12/21
Experiencing pushback from the academic community, Dr Bredesen Discusses the cyclical nature of the ever changing field of mental health, and how the next generations will continue creating positive change. His new book “The First Survivors of Alzheimer's: How Patients Recovered Life and Hope in Their Own Words” is a collection of stories written by people that not only survived Alzheimer’s disease, but are thriving.
Published 04/08/21
Dr Bredesen touches on the topic of isolation and how it affects mental decline, especially in nursing homes where stimulation is key. He reviews some practices that people can use to keep their brain healthier for longer, by continuing ancestral traditions our bodies inherited through evolution. For more information on Dr. Bredesen's new book, The End of Alzheimer's Program, visit https://www.amazon.com/End-Alzheimers-Program-Protocol-Cognition-ebook/dp/B081Y3QF4C
Published 04/07/21
Dr Bredesen chats about how modern gadgets are helping people track their mental health by monitoring critical information for people to know about themselves. He elaborates on how the current state of detecting Alzheimer’s disease is getting easier, but at the same time the age of the individuals affected is becoming  younger and younger.
Published 04/06/21
Dr Dale Bredesen sits down with Dr Daniel and Tana Amen to discuss the serious threat Alzheimer's disease still represents to the world’s population. Bredesen shares how difficult getting a simple trial approved by the Institutional Review Board can be and how some groundbreaking work is being overshadowed, thanks to corporate interest.
Published 04/05/21