The Canadian Wargamer Podcast Episode 17 With Our Guest, Thomas Moore.
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We're back for Episode 17 of CWP and we're chuffed that we are now over 5000 downloads.   Of course, we have no idea how many of those downloads led to people wiping their hard drives after listening to us for a few minutes, but 5k is 5k, and we'll take it.  Our gratitude to all of you who listen to the podcast and who tell their friends about us. In this Episode, James and I managed despite a spotty Zoom connection to speak with Thomas Moore whose out in Whiterock, near Vancouver, British Columbia.  Thomas' Twitter bio describes him as "Amateur Historian, Wargamer, Painter, Mpdeller, Voracious Reader, RCN Vet, NFL Seattle Seahawks Fan".   All of those things are true.   We would add that Thomas is possibly the nicest guy on wargaming Twitter, always a voice of encouragement and enthusiasm, and never a snarky or sarcastic word from his keyboard.   We could all learn from him.  OK, we could.   Well, James, mostly. We talked about Thomas' time in the Royal Canadian Navy as Cadet and Reservist, back when they let cadets do fun and really dangerous things, and about his wargaming career.  Thomas had us salivating as he described the gaming group  of true grognards he plays with in Whiterock, British Columbia, and we were both considering emigrating there before the end of the interview.    Yes, he did say that one member of his group has 100,000 figures! Also, have you ever valued your wargames and mini collection?  No?  Well, you should, because Thomas talks about how he and his wife Rita put their lives, and his hobby, back together after a fire in their apartment building.   It's a sobering story, and on we could all learn from.     In the Canadian Content Corner, we speak with Thomas about his Twitter project of documenting Canadian military history in WW2 through his choosing photographs from the National Library.    This salon is reason to follow his Twitter feed.  Also in the CCC, as we're now calling it, we talk about finding, identifying, and laying to rest Canadian soldiers of the Great War, as well as long overdue honours to the African-Canadians of No. 2 Construction Battalion. Our Guest Thomas on Twitter: @Medical_Int Mentioned: Wargamer's Terrain webstore: Thomas' Book Choices for our Virtual Library: Brent Nosworthy: The Bloody Crucible of Courage: Fighting Methods and Combat Experience of the American Civil War. James Holland, Brothers in Arms: One Legendary Tank Regiment's Bloody War from D-Day to VE Day. John English, The Canadian Army in the Normandy Campaign, A Study of Failure in High Command (1991). Our Closing March: In honour of our guest, Heart of Oak from the Naden Band of the Royal Canadian Navy.   Canadian Content Corner Pte John Lambert (The Newfoundland Regiment) identified and buried with military honours: Burial Service of Unidentified Member of the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, Loos Commonwealth Cemetery: Dr. Sarah Lockyer on T
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