Confidence issues can be a real show stopper for career changers - Have you noticed? Hit play for some instant first aid! What if I told you that low levels of career confidence in your current career (the one you want to leave behind) have very little to do with what's possible (or not) going forward? And that low levels of career confidence can actually be used to motivate you to get cracking with creating a career or business that feels much more like you?!  Equally - If you are an...
Published 08/09/22
​If you are not enjoying the career you've been in for years, then basing your career transition on that (by asking "What Can I Get With What I've Got?") is NOT the best place to start - Hit play to discover a much more powerful way to approach the career change process (so you don't limit your options before you even get started)!  This episode of The Career Change Podcast is dedicated to those of you who've been employees and in the same line of work for years - And who've therefore been...
Published 07/26/22
As a mid-career professional you've likely worked very hard to get to where you are today. And even though you know deep down you need a big change, you're likely held back from making one because you are  afraid of  "throwing it all away" if you change careers at your age. Hit play on this episode if you want to discover how to decide what stays and what goes (because clearly something needs to go, right?!). You'll also learn why your age is a massive advantage and why you want to get...
Published 07/12/22
Do you keep putting your career change or business plans on hold? Find yourself reverting back to dabbling and never getting any real results? This episode will help you change that - Once and for all!  Many aspiring career changers never move past motivational "hacks" or fluffy Instagram quotes (and therefore never escape the dreaded "start, stop, start, stop cycle").  Listen to this episode if you want to learn how to access and create a MUCH deeper level of urgency, so you can STOP...
Published 06/28/22
Are you afraid of making THE wrong decision when it comes to your career change or first business? Then you are likely falling for what I call "The One Big Decision Fallacy" and are likely feeling an enormous amount of pressure and worry! (am I right?! ;).  Hit play on this episode if you want to discover why there is NO "one big decision" to be made (or messed up) when it comes to changing careers in the real world (phew!) - As well as what you want to start doing instead (right away) to...
Published 06/14/22
Should you should turn your passion into a business? This episode will help you skip past the fluff and hype in order to figure out what's right for YOU and your unique circumstances.  Whether you should base your business on your passion is important to figure out UP FRONT. Why?  Because not all passions are created equal when it comes to whether you can actually turn it into a business you'll also enjoy AND that's also profitable. Listen to this episode to discover two highly practical...
Published 05/31/22
Perfectionists have a MUCH harder time changing careers or starting their own business - Have you noticed? If you suffer from toxic perfectionism, you are likely (still) stuck in that job or career you no longer enjoy. Why? Because you are (still) waiting for the perfect business idea, perfect career or perfect passion to (somehow) show up or for you to (somehow) find it? Sounds familiar? Then hit play on this episode right now!  You'll discover why and how you are using your perfectionism...
Published 05/17/22
Do you tend to focus on the (often imagined) risks of changing careers whilst totally ignoring the (often very real) risks of staying stuck in the career/job you no longer enjoy? Have you ever taken the time to challenge whether your risks are just imagined risks or a real threat? And might you be ignoring that right now you might  already be risking just as much (or more) by staying stuck?!   Want to access a much deeper level of motivation and get real about what's truly at stake (the...
Published 09/07/21
Are you stuck in a holding pattern with your career change?  Maybe you put your transition on hold due to the pandemic? And here you are 18+ months down the line (still) waiting and (still) worrying?  I've been helping people change careers and start businesses - Even during their most personally wonky and historically unpredictable times over the last 16 years - Not just during the current pandemic - And the highly practical approach you'll discover in this episode is one of the reasons why...
Published 08/10/21
When, how and why you quit your job can make or break your career transition - Especially for those of us over 35! In this key episode, Rikke will walk you through the 3 most common job scenarios aspiring career changers and new entrepreneurs find themselves in - You'll learn what has worked for her clients in terms of maximising their chances of career change success (and minimizing the risks!).  This is a mini-Masterclass packed full of real-life tested strategies and frank advice - So...
Published 06/29/21
Are you crazy for wanting a career change if you already have (on paper) a great profession or job with money/reputation/"safety" baked into it?  Should you just be grateful for what you already have instead of going for something you don't even know will work out?  Or should you focus on finding or creating a career or business you'll truly love instead?  In this episode, you'll discover why this does not have to be a case of all or nothing and why what kind of  day to day life you really...
Published 06/15/21
It's time to bust the myth that you have to be confident if you want to change careers or become an entrepreneur. So if you feel like confidence  issues are holding you back, this is the episode for you! Why? Because you'll discover that confidence is NOT a requirement for getting started with your career change or own business.  The majority of the clients I've helped successfully transition into a new line of work or their own business over the last 16+ years would NOT have described...
Published 06/01/21
Networking makes a lot of otherwise smart and sociable people extremely uncomfortable - Let's change that!  Done right (i.e. in a non-sleazy way!) it's one of the most powerful tools for fast-tracking your journey into a new career or business.  But it's vital that you network like a career changer or new entrepreneur - NOT like someone who hates their job - This episode will show you how to do that. It really bothers me that most aspiring career changers and entrepreneurs are only...
Published 05/18/21
If you are going through an uncomfortable time in your career transition - And might even wonder if it's all worth it - This episode is for you. Let's talk about how you can keep going!A lot of aspiring career changers over 35 have spent years inside a...
Published 04/13/21
How much time and energy do you spend (or have spent) overthinking your career change or business ideas (or lack thereof)? And do you actually find overthinking helpful? (...I thought not! ;). Hit play and in less than 20 minutes, you'll discover two of...
Published 03/30/21
Worried about having to retrain completely if you want to change careers or start a new business? Still stuck in that profession you've totally outgrown because you  are worried about not being "qualified" to do anything else? Over 35 or worried you've...
Published 03/16/21
Do you tend to credit your achievements to luck or other people? Have a tendency to notice your failures and "not good enough" moments a lot more than your wins?  Are you worried about being exposed as a fraud? Then you are the perfect candidate for...
Published 03/02/21
Do you worry about having left it too late or not being confident enough to make a career change into a new field or to start your own business? Are you over 35 AND have a tendency to beat yourself up and/or feel intimidated by all the younger people...
Published 02/09/21
Do you have a tendency to start and stop  when it comes to your career change or own business efforts? Wonder how to stay motivated when everything sucks?  Want to learn how to keep up momentum, so you  can keep going until you get the results you...
Published 01/26/21
If you've been wanting to change careers or start a business for years - This is a must-listen episode. We'll dive deep and get honest about how to ensure you don't get to the end of another year and still find yourself stuck in the same career/job/work...
Published 01/12/21
How many times have you talked yourself out of a great career change or business idea? Maybe you really liked the idea initially, but then you started nit-picking and finding faults with it and hence discarded it...Oh and all of this likely happened...
Published 12/15/20
 A lot of career changers and new entrepreneurs feel very discouraged if they discover that someone is ALREADY doing what they want to do. So they wonder if they should just forget about their idea, as it's already been done. They might wonder if they...
Published 11/24/20
How do you stay focused on your career change or business plans during times of uncertainty? How do you avoid getting distracted and end up stress/doomscrolling your life away?  Hit play to discover the 5 "painkillers" you can use right away to take...
Published 11/10/20
How do you know if you are making the right career change decision? How can you know if you'll even like running your own business? What if it turns out to be even worse than the work you are doing now?! Worries like these  often indicate you are...
Published 10/27/20
Are you too old to change careers in your late 30s, 40s or 50s? Worried you've left it too late to start the right business? Feel conflicted because you've invested so many years in your current line of work - Even if you no longer enjoy it? There will...
Published 10/13/20