Gender confusion is all around us today. On a regular basis, we are forced to wrestle with terms like identity and fluidity. We must learn to hold to Biblical truth amidst a culture that is increasingly opposed to the teaching of the Bible. How can we understand what is going on in our world today? In this episode, we talk with Dr. Brett Williams, provost of Central Seminary, about the topic of gender dysphoria. Brett helps us to understand the philosophical backdrop of gender issues and how...
Published 04/05/23
Join us for another episode of The Central Seminary Podcast! Today we talk with Dr. Josh Stephens, lead pastor of Cape Bible Chapel and visiting professor of Biblical Counseling at Central Seminary. In this episode, Josh shares with us his vision for a Biblically-based shepherding ministry, what might distract pastors from shepherding, and what is at stake when we fail in our ministry of shepherding. Listen to the entire episode as Josh shares his heart for how a shepherding might look when...
Published 03/22/23
Join us for today’s episode with Dr. Matt Shrader! In this episode, we talk about the development of Northern Baptist seminary education in the nineteenth century. This episode is a recap of our MacDonald lecture series, where Dr. Shrader discussed major events and the major theology taught during this time and what we might be able to learn from them. Look below to watch the entire lecture series:  https://centralseminary.edu/about-central/macdonald-lecture-series/ Email:...
Published 03/08/23
Today we finish with our fifth and final episode on Trinitarian Theology. In this episode, we evaluate the position know as Eternal Functional Subordination, or EFS. Join Kevin Bauder, Brett Williams, and Matt Shrader as we consider EFS, its recent development, and how we ought to think about the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter:...
Published 02/22/23
Today we continue with our fourth discussion on Trinitarian Theology. In this episode, we talk about the relationship between the Father, Son and Spirit as we move towards and understanding of how each Person functions within the Trinity. Join Kevin Bauder, Brett Williams, and Matt Shrader as we continue our discussion on the doctrine of the Trinity. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter:...
Published 02/08/23
Today we continue with our third discussion on Trinitarian Theology. In this episode, we look at specific Scripture passages that address the relationship between the Father and the Son and try to fit these together for a better understanding of the Trinity. Join Kevin Bauder, Brett Williams, and Matt Shrader as we continue our discussion on the Persons of the Trinity. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook:...
Published 01/25/23
Today we continue our discussion on Trinitarian Theology. Join Kevin Bauder, Brett Williams, and Matt Shrader as they further guide our discussion, focusing on the relationship between the Persons of the Trinity. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/centralseminary Anchor Voice Message: https://anchor.fm/thecentralseminarypodcast/message --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 01/11/23
The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the more difficult and confusing doctrines to understand. How can God be three Persons but one united Essence? If you have ever struggled with understanding the Trinity, this episode is for you! Join us as we talk with Kevin Bauder, Brett Williams, and Matt Shrader as they provide an introduction to Trinitarian theology. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter:...
Published 12/14/22
Have you ever thought about getting certified in Biblical Counseling? What does certification entail and how is it helpful? In this episode, we talk with Nicolas Ellen and Jeremy Stephens about the benefits of Biblical Counseling certification. Dr. Ellen serves as a fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and supervises phase 3 of Jeremy's ACBC certification.  Together, they talk about the benefits of certification and give insight into the supervision stage of counseling...
Published 11/30/22
Pastors are tasked with the important responsibility of shepherding the flock of God. Theology plays a vital role in the direction a pastor shepherds and leads a congregation. But pastors can often face resistance as they attempt to lead a church based on theological principles. In episode 21 of The Central Seminary Podcast, we talk with Kevin Bauder and Craig Muri about leading a church theologically. We discuss what it means to lead a church theologically, how pastors can teach church...
Published 11/16/22
Grief and loss are difficulties we all experience. Death is a reality of life that every single human must face at one time or another. Oftentimes, we face death unprepared. Whether dealing with loss in our own lives or helping someone else to navigate through their own grief, many times we are unprepared and ill-equipped. How do we navigate the difficulties of loss we may experience, and how can we help lead others through their own grief? Join us today as we talk with Dr. Venessa Ellen as...
Published 11/02/22
Today we continue our talk with Pastor Joel Tetreau, pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church in Gilbert, AZ, and part of the team at the Institute for Biblical Leadership.  Over the course of these two episodes, we talk with Joel about his experiences working with IBL to help encourage and equip pastors in conflict resolution and leadership skills. Joel is full of insight and wisdom in the areas of conflict and leadership development, and he offers invaluable insight to those who are...
Published 10/19/22
Ministry is full of conflict!  When conflict arises, leadership is tested. How can church leaders navigate the difficult times of conflict in the church? How do leaders take advantage of the smooth times in ministry without turning them into rough times? When should leaders seek help in dealing with relational conflict in the church? Today we talk with Pastor Joel Tetreau, pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church in Gilbert, AZ, and part of the team at the Institute for Biblical Leadership....
Published 10/05/22
Have you ever wondered about church associations? Perhaps your church is a part of an association, and you fail to see the benefit. Maybe, your church is not connected with an association, but you are interested in hearing more. Join us for today's episode as we talk with two local church pastors about the benefit of being a part of a church association. Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter:...
Published 09/21/22
Biblical Counseling has become a sort of buzzword in ministry today. But how does Biblical Counseling fit within the ministry of a local church? Are discipleship and counseling the same thing, related concepts, or totally distinct altogether? What is at stake if local churches do not take “one-another care” seriously in the life of the body? Join us for episode 16 as we talk about why the local church is the most effective atmosphere for counseling and discipleship. Today we talk with Dr....
Published 09/06/22
This past spring Dr. Ryan Martin gave a series of lectures at Central Seminary entitled “The Sources and Context of ‘Gracious Affections’ in Jonathan Edwards.” Following this lecture series, we sat down with Dr. Martin to talk about Jonathan Edwards and his ministry. This episode serves as an introduction to the life and teachings of Edwards based on the lectures given by Dr. Ryan Martin. To listen to the entire lecture series, click...
Published 08/24/22
Perhaps one of the most difficult counseling sessions is the first one. Oftentimes, counselors walk into a first session knowing very minimal details about the counselee’s spiritual life or what he or she hopes to accomplish through counseling. How should counselors think about the first counseling session with an individual? Can they prepare ahead of time without knowing details of why they have been brought in, or do they walk in blind and hope to have some answers? If you have ever...
Published 08/10/22
Pastors have been exiting or transitioning ministry in record numbers. The mass exodus or reshuffling in pastoral ministry today has been referred to as "the great resignation." Today we talk about the striking reality that a good pastor is in high demand. Statistics have shown that for every one pastor searching for ministry there are at least 5-10 churches without a pastor. Further complicating these matters is the estimation that the average tenure of pastors at a church is 18 months. How...
Published 08/10/22
Have you ever wondered how God can command the destruction of entire people groups? Why did Israel have to destroy those in the Land of Canaan, and why was Israel punished for not following God's command? Is God merely harsh and unloving in this matter or did He have reason to destroy the Canaanites? How is Israel's conquest of Canaan different from Islamic Jihad? In episode 13 we answer some difficult questions related to God's command for the total annihilation of the Land of Canaan. Dr....
Published 07/27/22
Sexual abuse in the church has become a hot topic today. How ought churches approach this topic? What precautions should churches and church leaders take to prevent sexual abuse in the church? What should church leaders do if an incident is reported to them? In today's episode, we discuss the heavy topic of sexual abuse in the church. We consider the impact of sexual abuse upon the church as well as necessary precautions that every church should take to protect the ministry from those who...
Published 07/13/22
Have you ever wondered what makes Central Seminary unique? Join us for today's episode as we talk with our CBTS president and provost about what makes Central distinct and why you might consider an education at Central Seminary!  _____________________________ Connect with Central Seminary: Email: [email protected] Website: https://centralseminary.edu/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralseminary/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/centralseminary Anchor Voice Message:...
Published 06/29/22
You have a text of scripture picked out to study-where do you go from there?  How do you begin unpacking a text, whether it be for a sermon, Sunday school lesson, or personal Bible study?  In this episode of The Central Seminary Podcast, we talk with Dr. Don Odens about starting with a text of Scripture.  Dr. Odens shares his thoughts about how to begin with sermon prep and how pastors can use the languages to their advantage, but also give practical suggestions for those who do not know...
Published 06/15/22
Have you ever wondered what is the place of church history? Maybe you had a church history class or two in Bible college or seminary but it never really "clicked." Alternatively, perhaps you want to know more about church history, but you do not know where to begin. If you have ever wrestled with understanding the role or benefit of church history, then this episode is for you! Today we talk with Central Seminary's church history professor Dr. Matt Shrader about the topic of church history....
Published 06/01/22
Getting connected in a new church can be a difficult endeavor.  Even while participating regularly in worship, new attendees can easily feel isolated while within a community of believers.  How can new people get connected with their local church?  How can church leadership and church members connect new people to the church body?  Join us for this episode as we talk with Dr. Preston Mayes about how to get connected in a local church!  Dr. Mayes talks about his experience of changing ministry...
Published 05/18/22
Technology has totally changed the landscape of seminary education. Central Seminary has been able to adjust and adapt our ministry model to accommodate synchronous distance education for students from all around the world--even Zambia! Today we talk with Sandala Mwanje, a pastor in Zambia who has been a student at Central Seminary. Sandi is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of administration at Central Africa Baptist University in Kitwe, Zambia. In today's episode, we talk with Sandi about ministry...
Published 05/04/22