Words matter people, he didn’t say the hardest final ever, he said the hardest final they’ve ever seen and they are all there for the first time so it checks out! Plus: we’re redoing the entire game (which is a choice), Corey drops a $16k rope, Berna is breaking down, Chef TJ has been cooking, Emanuel builds major momentum, and Jay - the seasons big bad villain and arguably favorite to win the final - is gone in the blink of a how did Corey put that together so fast eye! It’s The Challenge...
Published 02/15/24
Back to back betrayals lead to back to back wins for the new face of the franchise! Plus: Berna grabs the final power position, Corey makes some history, Olivia does her best to make right, James’ epic polidicking run comes to an end, and for the second week in a row this Historian will do his best not to get emotional over who was purged but damnit why’d Michele have to lose! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 17, that’s right 17!?! (my goodness), recap, topics...
Published 02/08/24
Two episodes of Conquest later and the top 5 competitors are all gone from the game? What the hell is happening?!?! Plus: Kyland for Best Actor, the Berna question that never ends, is James kind of sneakily the best polidicker of all time, Jay maybe added Super to his Villain status, Michele makes anxiety look great, I might cry talking about Ed being purged, Nurys with the all time elimination victory, and DID I MENTION THAT OLIVIA TOOK A KNIFE TO HER BESTIES CHEST, LIKE BOTH OF THEM?!?!...
Published 02/01/24
The Duel, Fresh Meat, AND Island format references? OLD SCHOOL CHALLENGE IS SO BACK! Well, kinda a little bit at least. Plus: conquest has begun, purges are here for good, some friends make up while others break up, Ed wins big but plays soft, James becomes Moriah’s fourth chihuahua, and Nurys gets put in a horrible spot all thanks to Jay who is officially in his villain era! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion, Episode 15 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Agenda...
Published 01/25/24
CT is back and ready for season 40?!?! Plus: mini final, lots of math, Jay celebrates too soon, Ed’s brilliant, a stalemate vote, and the final week of chaos finally lives up to it’s name! It’s the Challenge Battle for a New Champion, Episode 14 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Agenda (00:35) Michele & Jay Feeling the Pressure (03:07) Mini Final Breakdown (08:08) Ed’s Bold Move Creates a Stalemate (14:40) CT Does Math (21:08) Best Quote, Moment, MVP (30:00) Power...
Published 01/18/24
Back to back wins over Challenge legends AND it’s your birthday? Kyland having himself a DAY! Plus: Horacio breaks his silence, the majority does some sabotaging, smart moves are made, Brad’s beard looks good as ever, and Jay goes on a cackling confidence trip as he continues to hold the reins to this game! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion, Episode 13 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Agenda (00:40) Berna the Best Friend, Journals in a Challenge House...
Published 01/11/24
The break up we’ve been expecting is finally here! Plus: Nurys getting that insider scoop, everyone is wearing eye patches, a fun daily that I would have liked more of, new alliances may be forming but the same folks names are being said, and after long LONG last, the true FACE OF THE FRANCHISE is Back! … and losing to the maybe new face of the franchise? Suck it Michele haters! It’s the Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 12 Recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro &...
Published 01/04/24
The season concluded a few weeks back and Tony and Jacob are finally ready to talk all about it! In this final installment of Survivor Historian for the season, Tony and Jacob break down the key moments of the finale and Dee's win before then turning their attention to the season as a whole to hand out full season awards for best quote, moment, strategy, favorite player, and of course, the much coveted Survivor 45 MVP Award! Thanks for tuning in all season long! We love and appreciate you the...
Published 12/31/23
No one is having sex in Berna’s room, no one is having sex in Berna’s house, no one is having sex on Berna’s watch PERIOD, you got it?! Plus: a nighttime challenge with all the elements, the word flippy floppy gets used a bunch, an anything but clothes party proves to be a great idea for a Challenge house, Zara volunteers - kinda, and Michele’s nightmare has been spoken into existence because Laurel is here and Laurel don’t forget! It’s the Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 11...
Published 12/28/23
You only get one friend Michele and her name is Berna! Plus: Kyland holds a funeral, Ed teaches martial arts, Horacio starts to assert himself, and Moriah goes on the campaign trail for James because lord knows he ain’t going to do it himself. It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 10 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Reminders (00:32) Kyland’s Note, Ed’s Martial Arts (03:20) Good Daily, Jay Sits Back (07:03) Moriah Campaigns, Berna Yells at Michele...
Published 12/21/23
Dee is the killer that Austin couldn't be, Drew grows too confident, Jake strips to his undies to find an idol, Katurah third wheels, and the Reba Four is finally no more! It's the Survivor 45 Episode 12 Recap, topics include: Intro & Reminders (00:25) Drew Lost Last Week Not This One (04:14) Jake Lost This Week (06:55) Dee and Austin Swap Positions (14:33) Awards Best Quote, Moment, Strategy, MVP (21:26) Path to Victory for All Five Players (26:16) -- -- -- -- -- Be sure to follow and...
Published 12/18/23
One person in this house is cheating on their significant other and y’all need to calm the f down because it ain’t Moriah! Plus: the core alliance finally comes into question, a team of three seems preferable to a team of two but maybe I’m crazy, back to back girls days, fboy Emanuel has entered the chat, and Melissa plays the parent card for every last bit it is worth but that isn’t enough to keep her in the game! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion, Episode 9 Recap, topics...
Published 12/14/23
Hands are held, alliances are broken, guys night 2.0 takes place, a solo journey, backstories are learned, buffs are read, acting class is in session, and in the end Queen Emily is dethroned and her torch snuffed! It’s the Survivor 45 Episode 11 recap with Tony and Jacob, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Reminders (00:32) Emily Takes Credit, Hands are Held, Katurah’s Backstory (05:10) Journey & Emily’s Choice (21:10) Immunity Challenge (32:42) Scramble and Reba Breakup...
Published 12/10/23
The moment where Chaos is most needed and we instead get the most bland, boring, but dominant competitor of her era, Kaycee! Plus: a Kyle sighting, everyone’s playing scared, Kyland gets smacked with a chain, Ed receives a bribe, Moriah is confusing me, and Melissa gets pushed over the edge with Ravyn unfortunately being on the receiving end of that fall. It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion, episode 8 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Reminders (00:40) Opening...
Published 12/07/23
Jacob and Tony are back! After a one week hiatus (totally Jacob's fault, sorry everyone) we are back to break down episode 10 of Survivor 45 (plus a brief 10 min recap of episode 9 since we missed it). Emily's big move against Bruce, Austins complete power over the game, Bruce's practice lie with Katurah, Jake being accused of being a mobster, letters from home, the Momma portion of Momma Julie coming under fire, and everything in between. We cover it all in this edition of The Survivor...
Published 12/05/23
Moriah has heard James’ horror story one too many times to play this daily challenge, TJ. Plus: Horacio searches for his voice, Emanuel certainly has his voice, a first date proves to be a horrible omen for Callum, and another nomination, another person digging their own grave, yet thankfully for us Corey fans he gets saved by the chaos that is Devin Walker! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 7 recap! Topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Programming Notes & Thank You...
Published 11/30/23
I respect the patience but kiss her already Horacio!! Plus: a new cast of the Fantastic Four is announced, Michele apologizes to Corey, theses BS teams put the UKs Queens in danger, World Champion Kaz is done a disservice, and what do you know, mud wrestling leads to some dirty gameplay and some true capital D Drama in the house, let’s go! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 6 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro and Programming Reminders (00:44) Need More Champ...
Published 11/23/23
Jake takes center stage, Drew masterminds, Bruce gives up on one challenge only to dominate the next, Dee maintains strength, Jacob's winner pick and absolute favorite gets blindsided, and a Survivor classic is back as an auction is held! It's the Survivor 45 Episode 8 recap with Tony and Jacob, topics include: Intro and Reminders (00:00) Jake Takes Center Stage, Scavenge for Money (06:48) Survivor Auction (16:24) Immunity Challenge (34:09) Scramble and Strategy (40:47) Tribal Council...
Published 11/18/23
My guy Corey Lay got his first W and then did what!?!? Plus: Chaos has entered the chat, Michele is on edge, Horacio and Nurys heat things up, Asaf feels betrayed, Emanuel turns his back, and Ciarran becomes the first to get screwed over by a Champion as Jordan is here to prove the arena belongs to him! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 5 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro and Programming Reminders (00:41) Clock Runs Out, They Maybe Know Mercenaries are Coming...
Published 11/16/23
Villain Emily is back!?!? Plus: Jake doesn't want to be told what to do, Bruce continues to alienate himself, Austin gains power in secret, Dee puts that Big Toe Energy to good use, a bag is left behind, and our merged tribe immediately gets split back up into two and these two podcasters are not happy about it! It's the Survivor 45 Episode 7 Recap with Tony and Jacob, topics include: Intro and Reminders (00:00) Bruce Alienates Himself, Austin Gains Power (08:32) Dividing the Tribe, Immunity...
Published 11/13/23
Don't look now but these competitors might be starting to get the hang of this! Plus: Kyland is rolling solo, Corey gets caught scheming, Nurys channels Scuba Nelly to no avail, Ed checks another box, hookups get messy, Hughie bows out, and a Pride Party for Queen T say no more I am THERE! It’s The Challenge Battle for a New Champion Episode 4 recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro & Programming Reminders (00:40) Whose With Who on the US Side (03:00) Daily Challenge (06:57) Pride...
Published 11/09/23
Where can I get one of those Chef T steaks cause damn they look good! Plus: Ed third wheels nearly as well as he does math, the group finally gets some money, Berna and Melissa debate the merits of bullying, Ravyn pays for her sins, Jujuy proves yet again to be a gem of a human, and hot tubs, night clubs, romance, arguments, and overall mess? Is it 2023 or 2013? It’s The Challenge, Battle for a New Champion episode 3 (and only 3) recap, topics include: Cold Open (00:00) Intro and Programming...
Published 11/09/23
We've got ourselves a merge! Well, almost. Plus: Bruce finds an idol, Kendra gets excited, reunions take place, information is shared, half the group is left in limbo, and the most popular kid on the beach makes history at Tribal Council! It's the Survivor 45 Episode 6 recap with Tony and Jacob, topics include: Intro and Reminders (00:15) Bruce Finds an Idol, Merge First Impressions (04:25) In Limbo Immunity Challenge (21:07) Sanctuary and Scramble (32:54) Tribal Council Makes History...
Published 11/04/23
So much for the US / Season 38 alliance! Plus: Callum and Michele going steady, Kyland wants to chat while Melissa wants to make out, these group daily challenges are not getting any easier, Hughie is keeping the house sane, Ciarran rides for his UK roots, Ravyn can’t just go along with the group, and move over Jessica’s highly edited but still horrible deliberation speech, there’s a new king of shooting himself in the foot in town and his name is Chauncey! It’s The Challenge: Battle for a...
Published 11/02/23
Jacob and Tony are back to cover all things Survivor 45 Episode 5! Detective Sifu, incredible camera work, Kaleb and Kellie linking up, Drew shutting down the nerd alliance, Bruce doing Bruce things, Dee lying like a champ, Austin not lying like a champ, a journey, a fun challenge, and Brando getting the boot - it's all covered in this edition of Survivor Historian! Intro & Programming Notes (00:15) Reba Night 9 / Day 10 (05:40) Lulu Day 10(16:16) Immunity Challenge (32:05) Journey...
Published 10/30/23