0-11:00 Radio voices and the time Charles Interviewed Frank Sinatra. That's right, Chuck partied with "The Chairman." AND Englebert Humperdink. 11:00-40:00 Hamas supporters and misguided Palestinian protestors took to the Malls across Toronto this weekend to threaten families and scare the shit out of Mall Santas. Job done. As immigrants to Canada, Dean and Chuck take the laws of this country very seriously because their parents would have deported them if they threatened Xmas shoppers in a...
Published 12/20/23
Tune in as Warren Kinsella joins Charles Adler to dissect Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau's impact on recent poll numbers. From contrasting policies to public perception, Kinsella's insights delve deep into the political landscape, offering a compelling analysis of Canada's key leaders and their evolving popularity.
Published 12/15/23
Welcome to another dual cast. "Chuck & Dean" break a few pressing issues down FROM THE INSIDE: - Chuck has a medical confession to start the show and challenges medical hypochondriacs not to diagnose themselves with multiple cancers with every ache and pain. Go To A Doctor. Chances are you're fine. Charles spent 30 years in Conservative political messaging war rooms with almost every conservative PM in the last 30 years. He's also been a HUGE part of conservative media's political...
Published 12/14/23
Join Charles Adler in a riveting episode of his podcast as he delves deep into the intriguing world of Canadian politics with the esteemed CEO of Abacus Data, David Coletto. In this episode, the spotlight is on Pierre Poilievre's poll numbers, offering a comprehensive analysis of the political landscape and the impact of these figures on Canada's socio-political sphere.
Published 12/14/23
Charles welcomes the venerable Warren Kinsella back for another spin into the weekend! It's Hanukkah, and Mayors/politicians around North America are skipping lighting ceremonies because they have no clue how to separate Jewish Christmas from Politics. The Mayor of Calgary and a few other politicians refused to show up for Menora lightings in case they offended Hamas supporters. Is that a real thing? Yup/ Warrena and Chuck explain. MIT, Harvard, and UPenn presidents said calling for the...
Published 12/08/23
In today's instalment of 3 Minutes That Matter, Charles thanks Leslie Horton for wearing the pants in Canada.
Published 12/07/23
We did a joint podcast with the Dean Blundell Show with Professor Michael Geist. Professor Michael Geist stops in to give us the details of Canada's Google tax breakthrough and why news outlets are pissed they didn't get more from Google. Will Meta be next and the latest from his hearing with the CRTC today on Bill C-11. Is the government going to regulate or tax all podcasts.
Published 12/06/23
In this 2 minute rant, I discuss the Canadians who think Pierre Poilievre is going to make Canada more affordable.
Published 12/03/23
Charles welcomes his old battery mate, legendary Political Insider, Lawyer, and author Warren Kinsella to his show! - October 7th and the rise of Anti-Semitism requires a history lesson - Fomenting Anti-Semitism at bookstores and Cafe in Toronto a world away: how does it happen and who's to blame? - Support for the terrorist organization Hamas is a red herring, and it's fomenting hatred for Hebrews worldwide. - Why are Jews always the Target of cultural hatred? - According to polls, Trudeau...
Published 12/02/23
I can't mourn the loss of Henry Kissinger. He was a war criminal, good riddance.
Published 12/01/23
In today's episode of 3 Minutes That Matter, we discuss how all my friends with any ilk in the media business have been fired. It's not personal, it's just business.
Published 11/30/23
Legendary broadcaster Charles Adler takes the side of every Canadian struggling right now, with Anger over being told. Told what to hate or love. Told who to support or not. Told who we could gather with and when. Told who we can visit relatives or dying loved ones. Told who we had to vote for. Told what we have to believe. Canadians can't afford to the basics, and we're being told to fight each other in our spare time. Dean and Chuck talk about the overwhelming majority of us being on the...
Published 11/28/23
In this episode of 3 minutes that matter, Charles says the quiet part out loud!
Published 11/28/23
Marching in support of besieged Palestinian civilians is not antisemitic. Calling for a ceasefire is not antisemitic. Denouncing Israel’s far-right government is not antisemitic. But blaming ordinary Jewish people in Canada for the military actions of a foreign government is antisemitic. It is also antisemitic.. to suggest that Jewish people in Canada have no right to their fears because thousands of innocents are dying in Gaza." Emma Teitel writing for the Toronto Star. Pierre Poilievre did...
Published 11/27/23
Matt Gurney is a regular contributor to the podcast, he is a journalist based in Toronto and hosts The Daily Edition on SiriusXM every weekday morning. Matt and Charles dive into talks on the rainbow bridge explosion and how it was deemed not be a terrorism attack. They also talk about how that incident really showed how different Canadian and American Media is. On the same page of the explosion both journalists explore how Pierre Poilievre had a big speech blaming Justin Trudeau for the...
Published 11/23/23
Charles is joined by Conservative writer, newspaper columnist, talk show host, and Substacker Tasha Kheiriddin to discuss her research and opinions on the international discourse surrounding the Israel/Hamas conflict. They touch on the (often hypocritical) Colonialist narrative that many Governments around the world use to paint the US, Canada and other countries, as well as the ease of spreading disinformation and propaganda in the age of social media.
Published 11/22/23
Max Fawcett from the National Observer is back once again to speak with Charles about how the Manning leaked email is causing ripples throughout Canada. They also talk on how when a government says they are going to cut spending it always comes from another source creating more and more issues. This can be seen in Argentina's recent election as the new leader had a campaign where he wants to chainsaw government spending. Other issues brought forward include the Alberta NDP considering a...
Published 11/21/23
Is it time to simply say publicly what so many knowledgeable say privately. Donald Trump wants a second shot. But what he really wants is to become his country's first authoritarian and let's go one step further, America's first Fascist President....Let me take you to the Front Page of the venerable NY Times. "Trump’s Dire Words Raise New Fears About His Authoritarian Bent" Here' just one excerpt from a powerful piece of front page analysis. "During a Veterans Day speech, Mr. Trump used...
Published 11/21/23
We have a combination of Armchair Generals and Armchair Peacemakers weighing on Israel vs Gaza.  A Ceasefire is needed now And after a ceasefire. a two state solution. Question: Do people pushing for this know anything? Jonathan Freedland writes columns for the Guardian in Great Britain. In recent days he decided to impart something that so many activists, slacktivists, academics, journalists and even western government officials seem to lack - Knowledge. If knowing things matters to you this...
Published 11/18/23
Nate Pike is a frontline paramedic in Calgary. Nate also hosts his own podcast The Breakdown. On his podcast he goes over the ongoing changes to Alberta Health Care as well as overarching politics in Alberta. In this episode, Charles and Nate dive into the current issues tied to the Manning COVID Report as well as how health care in Alberta is being affected. Nate and Charles also discuss how many provincial issues, especially in Alberta, are often scapegoated and sent federally. This...
Published 11/17/23
I view my columns the same way that I view my podcast episodes: As a personal letter to my audience. Whether it's Manitobans, who make up the bulk of the Free Press readership or Canadians and Americans who make up most of people listening to this, it's always a personal message to you. If I fail to come across as writing or speaking to you one on one face to face, heart to heart, what's the point of touching the keyboard? And so when I was thinking of the veterans, I was thinking of a dream...
Published 11/15/23
Because Matthew Perry is still very much on my mind. Because I am still not sure why he died. Only know that they found him unresponsive in a Jacuzzi. Don’t know what he did before he climbed into the tub. Don’t know whether helped any alcohol or any other substance to climb into his capillaries. I don’t know what I don’t know. And maybe when I do I’ll stop thinking about Matthew Perry. But for some reason I don’t think I ever well. A long time ago, I lay awake for hours, terrified that they...
Published 11/01/23
From Alberta Podcaster Nate Pike, he hosts the breakdown.. Today Danielle Smith was asked if she would apologize for the $100,000,000 she wasted on knock off Turkish Tylenol.  Her response? "Nope" Then she claimed that her actions alleviated the crisis. They didn't. The supply chain corrected before her drugs even arrived. Those are Nate Pike's words which are undeniably true. Now these are are my words in response. To say that Danielle Smith lies easily, casually and frequently is to repeat...
Published 10/29/23
Jason Markusoff has worked in Alberta for the last 20 years at the Edmonton Journal, the Calgary Herald, MacLeans and now the CBC. He joins Charles Adler to discuss the ongoing banter surrounding Alberta Separation, and the notion of the province leaving the Canada Pension Plan which has received opposition from diverse groups, including labor unions, academics, and conservative politicians. In this episode, you will hear Charles express his concern about voting for the pension plan without...
Published 10/26/23
Matt Gurney returns to The Charles Adler show once again, to discuss the impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza: What it's already done to foster anti-Jewish hate in North America, and what it means for countries (and Jews) around the world. Matt Gurney is a contributor at The Line, a collection of Canadian newspaper and magazine writers creating an outlet for engaging, irreverent writing. He also hosts The Line podcast, which interviews former and current military personnel to explore...
Published 10/24/23