The Chris Lieto Podcast
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Overcoming Self Doubt to become an Ironman World Champion  “Just continue to push just lean into and push, and at no second give up.  Because at the end a race is just a collection of moments, a collection of time, a collection of seconds, and you want to win ever second and every battle you have...
Published 08/19/20
Dealing with Identity, Training, and a little more Insight  “You finish no matter what… but Sometimes in life you have things that you have to look at and you need to correct or you need to withdraw or just need to reevaluate...” - Chris Lieto  This episode I wanted to share a little more about...
Published 08/09/20
“Having the faith that it is going to work out, regardless of how dire it can seem at times, how far it can seem but just having the faith that it is going to work out and you are going to get to your destiny...” - CJ Hobgood CJ Hobgood is a World Champion Surfer who worked his way up the ranks...
Published 07/27/20