On Day 3 of our 12-Day Roadmap to Parenting Clarity & Purpose for 2024 Challenge, we: ✅ Explore the impact of your personal faith journey on your parenting approach. ✅ Learn practical ways to incorporate faith into your daily interactions as a family. ✅ Commit to remaining strong in your spiritual journey. Join the free FB community for Christian parents for engagement, support, and GIVEAWAYS - https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianparentingcommunity It's not too late to sign up...
Published 12/03/23
Welcome back to Day 2 of our empowering 12-day journey to Parenting Clarity & Purpose in 2024! 🌈 Today, we dive deep into reflecting on the challenges of 2023 that may have hindered your ability to show up as the best version of yourself as a parent. We explore the importance of and the practical methods to prevent similar challenges in order to best set ourselves up for success moving forward.
Published 12/02/23
Welcome to our 12-day parenting adventure! 🎉 I'm so excited and so grateful to have you join this empowering journey towards clarity, purpose, and success in parenting for 2024. The Christian Parenting Community is a wonderful place to share your journey, connect with others, and participate in the giveaways!! Roadmap Overview: Today is Day 1, where we'll set the vision for 2024 and create actionable goals. Each day unfolds a new stop on our road trip, guiding you toward parenting...
Published 12/01/23
Are boundaries biblical? Let's ask Noah, Abraham, Lot, Joseph, Moses, and JESUS. As parents, we're no strangers to stress, overwhelm, and the urge to take on everything for everyone. There's a purpose and a peace behind the protection boundaries provide.   To learn more and sign up for our FREE 12-Day Roadmap to Parenting Clarity & Purpose visit https://www.covenantcollections.com/2024     To join our free FB group The Christian Parenting Community, visit...
Published 11/26/23
 Do you want to be a better parent in 2024? Are you a Christian parent who wants clarity, vision confidence, and an action plan for how to handle parenting in 2024 and beyond at your VERY best?! If so, I have something super exciting to share with you. 🥁🥁🥁 December 1st – December 12th, 2023, I will be offering a FREE 12-day learning series hosted in our Facebook group ‘The Christian Parenting Community’, and this is designed to provide parents with a clear vision for 2024, help you to...
Published 11/18/23
On today's episode of The Christian Career Mom podcast, we're diving into a topic close to the hearts of Christian moms everywhere— the search for a supportive village. Join us as we explore practical ways to connect online, answer the question of where to find supportive communities, and discover the power of building connections in the digital space. In this episode, we'll discuss: 👉 The Loneliness of Motherhood 👉 The Digital Landscape 👉 Facebook Groups 👉 Social Media Platforms 👉...
Published 11/11/23
5 Tips for a Peaceful and Efficient Home In this episode, we discuss the valuable insights and parenting methods that come from leadership principles. You'll learn how applying these skills can lead to a more peaceful and efficient home. We dive into the disparity between leadership research and parenting research, which highlights the importance of integrating leadership principles into our parenting journey.   Key Takeaways: -Effective parenting doesn't have to be complicated, but it...
Published 11/04/23
Today we have a really good question to answer: Are there flexible job opportunities for Christian moms who want more time with their families? It's a question that's been on the minds of ... Well, probably all of us. In this episode, Katy shares her personal journey as a single mom, healthcare director, and business owner working on her doctorate. She discusses the challenge of balancing her career with her desire to spend quality time with her son. Katy emphasizes the importance of...
Published 10/28/23
The Christian Career Mom Episode 15: A Month of Gratitude Challenge In this episode, Katy introduces a transformative Month of Gratitude challenge, emphasizing the power of building habits. Whether you're tuning in for this episode in November or beyond, the principles discussed are universally relevant and beneficial for all families. Katy shares insights on establishing a culture of gratitude, focusing on manageable daily activities tailored to your family's unique schedule. The episode...
Published 10/22/23
In this episode, Navigating Family Conflict Resolution with Biblical Wisdom, we explore common challenges that lead to conflict in the family, delve into biblical wisdom for peaceful conflict resolution, and uncover the importance of forgiveness, humility, and reconciliation. Visit www.thechristiancareermom.com or www.covenantcollections.com to access social links for conflict feedback --> Visit www.covenantcollections.com/bonding to grab your copy of The Ultimate Parent-Child Bonding...
Published 10/14/23
In 'Lifelong Bonds With Our Children', we talk about an amazing, new-release, free-for-a-limited-time resource called The Ultimate Parent-Child Bonding Journal! It is 59 value-packed pages full of prompts, guided exercises, reflections, and more that is designed to nurture the parent-child connection for ALL ages. This is FREE for a LIMITED-TIME only so I definitely want you to grab your copy while it’s available to you at no cost. My hope for offering it FREE is that I can give you all an...
Published 10/07/23
Let's talk about Biblical Principles for a Peaceful Home. And I know it may not need defined, but when I say ‘peaceful’ I don’t mean quiet, lacking excitement, or boring. I mean the legitimate definition of the word which is “freedom from disturbance”. It’s a home where conflict exists, but is managed in a healthy way. Where emotions are felt, but are handled intelligently. Where busyness exists, but time management runs the show. Where each member of our families feels content regardless of...
Published 09/30/23
The focus of this episode is really around the adage that you cannot pour from an empty cup. I’ve noticed a trend in my coaching clients where those who come to me with parenting or family concerns, truly at the end of the day want and need the permission, the time, the space, and the ability in general to have time for themselves. They want to have it all because they’re juggling so many plates, and they’re each so important, that none can afford to be dropped or sacrificed to make time for...
Published 09/23/23
As parents, we often underestimate the power of our leadership skills in shaping our homes and parenting journeys. Just as effective leadership can transform organizations, it can also create a more harmonious, joyful, and efficient home environment. Today we will explore five practical ways to leverage your leadership skills to improve your home and enhance your parenting experience. Your leadership has the power to inspire and guide your children towards becoming the best versions of...
Published 09/16/23
Have you ever faced a challenge that you just wished God would simply remove from your path? Oftentimes, rather than take our problems away, God leads us straight through them - Just as He led the Israelites through the Red sea, He doesn't always remove our obstacles but promises to guide us through them in faith. We're reminded to embrace challenges as part of God's plan, trust in His perfect timing, step into the unknown with faith, and find comfort in His constant presence. This message...
Published 09/09/23
Join us as we discuss navigating work, life, faith and family.  In this podcast episode, we discuss valuable insights on striving to find that graceful balance in your life. Don’t forget, it's a journey, and it won't always be easy or perfect. But with intentional time management, setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care and faith, and finding support, you CAN and you will navigate this beautiful season of life with grace and joy.    Free Facebook...
Published 09/01/23
Learn a little about your host and the heart behind rebranding Covenant Conversations to The Christian Career Mom. Link to FB group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/596626895976537 Link to our upcoming Leadership Style/Parenting Journey program (FREE) - https://www.covenantcollections.com/leadershipstyle Link to downloading our Family Devotion Starter Kit for free - https://www.covenantcollections.com/starterkit Email us - [email protected] Website -...
Published 08/26/23
Are you a mom who struggles with finding time for God in between everything else on your plate? Let's review some scripture and practical tips for remaining close to Him in the busy seasons. You are not alone! Link to our FB community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/596626895976537/
Published 08/18/23
In this episode, Christian parents learn how to introduce the importance of prayer to our children, ways to teach comfortability with prayer, and options for introducing prayer into our children’s day to day lives.
Published 08/12/23
Join us as we discuss how David and Solomon’s progress and faith hit a wall with their descendant Rehoboam- and how to guide our children in a way that creates a foundation of faith for generations
Published 08/06/23
Let’s dig into not only our responsibility to teach our children about God but also the hands down best ways to achieve that directive. Let’s cover how to meet our children where they are and effectively welcome the Lord fully into our families and our day-to-day lives.
Published 08/06/23
A lesson on the true intentions of our hearts and the impact those intentions have on our lives and our relationship with God. A reminder that everything we have belongs to God. A success story in praying for our children. A role model in selflessness and serving others.
Published 08/06/23
We talk about how we can relate as parents to the way David set his son Solomon up for success with his purpose. We also dig in to the ways that God, our Father, often does the same for us.
Published 08/06/23