Can you train running & lifting? Or will you just lose your gains? This is the the concept of the interference effect. What is the interference effect? In this episode we break down what it is, what research says about it, and the limitations of the research examining it. Listen in & let us know what you think!  
Published 07/13/23
Can you train for both running & lifting at the same time? This episode explores how Sam sets up his training to prepare for both a marathon & a strongman event at the same time. Looking for a training program? Check out CitizenAthletics.com for programs covering specific mobility deficits, comprehensive strength programs, and a ton more!
Published 07/06/23
Want to learn how to individualize your training & plan out track sessions? This episode dives into how Teddy has individualized his lifting program and built out his track sessions. Looking for a training program? Check out CitizenAthletics.com for programs covering specific mobility deficits, comprehensive strength programs, and a ton more!
Published 06/22/23
Bringing you the best evidence based advice for your health & fitness needs. In this episode, Teddy and Sam sit down and discuss the inception of Citizen Athletics, their origin stories & starts in the coaching world, and more! Along the way they each share lessons from their journey and provide golden nuggets of information you can apply in your path. Dive into this episode and let us know what you'd like covered in future topics!
Published 06/15/23