30% of the internet content is porn with over 2 billion web site searches in 2015. 88% of porn contains violence against women. We talk to some boys about the impacts of porn and how it effects their experiences and expectations. Be advised this episode contains discussions around sexual content.
Published 10/31/17
Year 7 students arguably face a challenging year from transitioning from primary school to high school. We talk to year 7 about mental health, how they have felt going into high school and the challenges they have faced.
Published 10/18/17
Matt talks to the boys about a very interesting topic that is important - Sex. Hear what the boys have to say about this topic!
Published 09/20/17
Matt and Ben challenged year 9 to think outside the box. Did you know you could start a business in school as a student? What opportunities are around you in a big high school that you could capitalise on?
Published 09/05/17
What would our actions look like if we didn't care what anyone thought of us? The answers may suprise you.
Published 08/23/17
We've heard somewhere in our lives "you become who you hang around". Is that the case? What effects do friends have on us if we know that we cannot control what people say, do or think? Matt and guest little brother Ben talk to some year 9 students about their experiences.
Published 08/12/17
The boys claimed that there isn't a helpful careers focused class that gives them tools to figure out what to do for a career. Matt teaches on the GPV framework.
Published 06/27/17
In light of the terrible attacks in Manchester and London, Year 10 came into this session with questions: is religion behind terrorism? What drives people to do these acts of violence? Should we be careful of everybody who holds a certain belief? Don't miss out on this important episode.
Published 06/08/17
In this episode we talk to some year 10 boys about harsh jokes and banter and how to defend yourself and others when things go to far.
Published 05/31/17
PART 2: This week we meet with a new group of year 10 students were Matt teases out their current views on same sex relationships in their school, stereotypes and more.
Published 05/11/17
This week we meet with a new group of year 10 students were Matt teases out their current views on same sex relationships in their school, stereotypes and more.
Published 05/03/17
Part 2! We speak to some year 8 male students about teenage relationships. Why should students date if they are so young? What do girls and guys base their relationship on? What is a good relationship?
Published 04/13/17
We speak to some year 8 male students about teenage relationships. Why should students date if they are so young? What do girls and guys base their relationship on? What is a good relationship?
Published 04/05/17
We're back for our first episode of 2017! We are diving into some big topics this season with all new students and different topics. Late last year we interviewed a year 7 student Zac. He tells us a little about his story about his mental health condition, the challenges with bullying and feeling misunderstood and how he thinks mental health education should be mandatory in schools.
Published 02/22/17
As we wrap up both a term at school and our first full year of Code of Kings, Matt debriefs a little and gives some advice on how to end your year positively and productively and get a head start on some of next year's goals.
Published 12/07/16
Last week we asked you folks to send in some questions for the students and here are their responses. Do they think they're a good or bad influence on people around them? What are their worst habits? What's something new they want to achieve? What would they change about school? Tune in for these and more!
Published 11/30/16
Last week we talked about goals, so this week Matt & Michael have a little chat about how they decide what goals to pursue, what led them to the points they're at now, and why some of our goals get left behind.
Published 11/23/16
We all have goals, whether we realise it or not. What makes some of them work and others fail miserably? Believe it or not, there are actually ways to craft your goals so they're easier to achieve and more likely to get done. Matt & Michael talk the students through some of these tricks and learn that none of them can say the word 'specific'.
Published 11/16/16
Matt & Michael sit down on a sweltering weekday afternoon to touch on some of the things that came up while talking to Year 8 boys about peer pressure.
Published 11/09/16
Welcome back everyone! It's Matt, Michael & a fresh batch of Year 8 boys running through the gist of the podcast and then talking about pressure. What do we feel pressured to do at school and around our friends? Do we dress and act to please other people? What does it take to be cool? We get down to the core of all that & more. Thanks for listening!
Published 11/02/16
Ian & Michael talk to the students about what they appreciate about their teachers & school, and what they find more challenging. We hear examples of good ways teachers can solve problems and what part of the school experience is most fun. This is our last live school session for the term so thanks to the students for their openness and honesty!
Published 09/21/16
Finally, the students defeat the masters... Well not quite, but they do ask Matt & Michael some questions about their adult lives. But that doesn't mean they're safe! M&M have some questions of their own. It's everything you've ever wanted to know about the other generation! (Ok, about 20 minutes worth.)
Published 09/14/16
What is your identity, and how did you get it? Did it come about naturally or was it given to you by other people? Are they right about you? The boys talk to Matt and Michael about identity, social groups, and times they were told discouraging things about themselves.
Published 09/07/16
In between school sessions, Matt & Michael follow up on some of the job discussions from episode 11 by looking at the job market, how it changes and how we can adapt to it. Michael challenges people not to attach their emotional wellbeing to an unstable job market and does a great joke about the Terminator working at McDonalds. If you have any thoughts on the topic, please share them in comments or message us on facebook!
Published 09/02/16
How do our expectations determine our choices? What about other peoples' expectations of us? Can high expectations lead to disappointment? Are we more likely to make bad decisions if people expect us to? A challenging episode where we cover topics like drugs, peer pressure and the zombie apocalypse.
Published 08/24/16