The question needs to be addressed: how do we honor parents or in-laws who are difficult? If we really want to honor our parents, we need to walk in forgiveness toward them. This episode is packed with encouraging truth! Listen as Nate and Gabe give encouragement on how God desires to free us from bitterness toward our parents and enable us to honor them even in difficult situations.
Published 12/25/23
It is important to  see that not only does Scripture address those under authority - it also addresses those in authority. Being in a position of authority is a weighty responsibility. Parents are accountable before God for how they lead their children. Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss how one of the greatest ways to encourage your children to honor you is by living and walking in an honoring way.
Published 12/18/23
It is all too common for us to have a list of excuses for why we don’t have to honor our parents. While there may be situations in which we need to “obey God rather than men”, most often we are just looking for an excuse because honoring them is hard and uncomfortable. It all boils down to our heart - if our heart is to honor our parents, we will look for ways to do it.
Published 12/11/23
Honor is not just an outward action; it is something generated in a heart that is humble before God. Honoring our parents will flow from a heart that is honoring God. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will share important truths from the Word of God on this often overlooked command. As we humble ourselves before God and choose to give honor to our parents, we will see His blessing on our lives.
Published 12/04/23
Have you ever pondered the meekness, lowliness, and humility of Christ? In this episode, Nate and Gabe open up several scriptures revealing the humility of Jesus. As you listen, your heart will be moved to yield more fully to the One who’s description of Himself was “meek and lowly in heart.” One of the marks of a person who is walking yoked to Jesus is this same humility and meekness.
Published 11/27/23
The key to walking the Christian life is learning that it is not about me — it’s not about my effort, my abilities, my strength. It’s about yielding and surrendering to the ability and strength of Christ. Join Nate and Gabe as they explore more of the beauty of allowing our weakness and inability to be yoked to the power of Christ.
Published 11/20/23
How is it that Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light? The key is realizing Who we are being yoked to. As we are yoked together with the Lord Jesus, He does the heavy lifting - He is the One who carries the weight and responsibility of fulfilling God’s commands. He does in and through us what we could never do on our own.
Published 11/13/23
Have you ever considered what it means to be yoked to Christ? The picture is a beautiful one – an immature, inexperienced ox being yoked together with a mature ox full of experience and strength. Join Nate and Gabe as they explore the precious implications of being yoked with Christ. This command is an invitation to rest and relationship.
Published 11/06/23
Have you ever asked the question, “How do I know if God is speaking to me?” This is a very important question! Sometimes we can get confused by our own thoughts, our own desires, or our own feelings. Listen in on this episode as Nate and Gabe discuss key truths we can employ to confirm the Lord’s speaking and direction in our lives.
Published 10/30/23
We know from Scripture that God wants to speak to His children. But what hinders us from hearing God’s voice? Join Nate and Gabe as they share key hindrances that block our ability to hear from God. We may feel like God doesn’t speak to us, however often the problem is that we cannot hear Him because we are listening to something else.
Published 10/23/23
Have you ever wondered “How do I learn to recognize God’s voice?” or “How do I know what God’s voice sounds like?” In this episode Nate and Gabe share encouraging truth on this topic. If you were to hear your parent’s voice over a phone, you would know in an instant who it was. But how? Because you’ve spent time listening to them! It is the same with God — as we take time to listen to His Word, we will learn to recognize His voice.
Published 10/16/23
There is a big difference between hearing with your ear and perceiving with your heart. When Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear,” He wasn’t just talking about physical ears. God doesn’t just desire for us to hear with our ear and understand with our mind. He desires that His truth would enter our hearts and transform our lives.
Published 10/09/23
Imagine growing up in a poverty stricken family in Communist China, having financial and political aspirations, taking part in the Tiananmen Square protest, being labeled an “instigator of unrest” by the government, then being brought to public shame that led to despair and almost suicide. All this was the backdrop for young Bob Fu’s life, and became the means that led him to open his heart to the living God whose Word says that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are...
Published 10/01/23
From Daniel who continued to pray openly to David who ran toward Goliath, Scripture gives many examples of those who lived boldly and confidently in the midst of fearful circumstances! The strength that these men demonstrated in the face of fear was because they kept the gaze of their soul on God and Him alone. If we as believers walk in the fear of the Lord, our lives will not only be free from compromise, but we will also embolden other believers to fear God and stand for the truth.
Published 09/25/23
In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe expound on several Scriptures that address fear. This episode paints a beautiful picture of how treasuring the Word of God in our hearts is directly connected with learning to live in the fear of God. His words hidden in our heart becomes a shield that protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy. It is when we forget the words and works of God that fear creeps into our lives.
Published 09/18/23
Have you ever been confused by the fact that we are commanded to “fear not” while also being commanded to “fear God”? In this episode, Nate and Gabe give beautiful descriptions of what it means to fear God while maintaining a proper view of Who He is - a God Who loves us and cares for us, but also a God Who is righteous and holy. As we gaze upon God and know Him for Who He truly is, we are delivered from all our fears.
Published 09/11/23
Fears plague us - fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of man, fear of financial loss, fear of the opinions of other people. Is it even possible to be free from fear? Listen as Gabe and Nate share from the very words of Jesus telling us how we can walk in trust of our loving Heavenly Father and be free from fear.
Published 09/04/23
In this episode, Nate and Gabe share stories from the Bible of ones who exemplified this command being “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. From Gideon to Moses to Stephen to Paul, the Bible has countless illustrations of how this command can be applied, how it should impact our lives and the lives of those around us.
Published 08/28/23
Our human tendency is to fight “fire with fire.” But in God’s kingdom, this is not how things are to work. God wants our lives as believers to be marked by the disposition of a lamb and a dove. Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss how this command is not insinuating that we be “wimpy” as believers. But on the contrary, it is learning to walk in total dependence on the life of Jesus allowing Him to love the wolves through us. We overcome the wolves by laying down our lives in surrender to the...
Published 08/21/23
What does it look like to be a “sheep among wolves” and to respond as a harmless dove? In this episode Nate and Gabe delve into what Jesus meant when He spoke of the harmless attributes of a dove. As believers, our attitude toward the “wolves” should be one of love, tenderness, and compassion, desiring that they too would become sheep following Jesus as their Shepherd.
Published 08/14/23
In Jesus’ command Be Wise as Serpents, have you ever wondered what wisdom and snakes have in common? Snakes usually have a negative connotation, right? Even in scripture, they are very rarely referenced in a positive way. In this episode, Nate and Gabe will share fascinating insights into the positive characteristics of snakes that Jesus intends for us to emulate.
Published 08/07/23
“Listen to them! Listen to them! They’re right! I will spend the rest of my life searching for this God!” Dean couldn’t have been more shocked to hear these exclamations coming from a Russian professor of the high school he was visiting that day. The setting: the 1990’s post communist country of Russia. The country was filled with millions of people who had never heard the gospel; this would become Dean’s mission field! Listen as Dean shares his unforgettable experience that would lead him to...
Published 07/31/23
What do you think of when you hear the word “missionary”? Do you need to go to a foreign country? Do you need to have formal training? Or do you need to learn a foreign language? Unfortunately, we tend to stereotype missionaries leading us to define mission work unbiblically. In this episode, you won't want to miss what Dean Kershner has to share as he biblically defines mission work, shares precious stories and gives practical insight on learning to be a missionary as God defines it!
Published 07/31/23
Even if we can’t personally meet a need, we can pray for God to send laborers to meet it! In this episode Nate and Gabe exhort us to take time to allow God to share His heart of love and compassion for others with us. How is God stirring your heart? Has He given you a burden for a specific area? As He moves on your heart, pray!
Published 07/24/23
One of the greatest things we can do for others is to pray for them. As Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer isn’t preparation for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe cover practical questions such as, “How do we pray for laborers?” And “What are we to pray for laborers?” Through prayer, we can actually play a huge role in the labors of other people!
Published 07/17/23