Animated GIFs on Facebook desktop – GONE!
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If you do Facebook on your desktop or laptop computer, you probably see a lot of posts that have a bunch of comments that are just animated GIFs. I find nothing more annoying than that. But now I don’t see them any more!   There are actually a lot of things that I find [...] Read more »
More Episodes
I’m still seeing a LOT of these showing up, and clients still contact me to see if they are legitimate. Here’s how to identify this scam.   There’s a good chance you’ve gotten one of these emails at some point over the past several months. The scammers have been sending out a LOT of them –...
Published 11/22/21
Published 11/22/21
Do you have all your photos automatically saved to your Google Photos account? What if you want to download all those photos and save them to your computer? Here’s how.   Storing all of your photos on Google Photos is a good thing. It’s kind of like an automatic backup for the photos you take...
Published 11/08/21