It's never a good time to be generic in your career or your work, but that has never been more true than now. Why do so many people have such generic resumes, portfolios, and personal brands that blend into the crowd? In this episode, we will define...
Published 09/14/20
We will discuss the questions you will need to ask when you start to negotiate, how to understand your value, and what to expect from the negotiation process.
Published 08/31/20
The third of the #ShareTheMicNow episodes was created by Jackie Velasquez Ross (senior recruiter), Dorcie Lovinsky (engineering manager), and Christian Clark (strategic renewals manager) sharing their history, struggles, and hopes of what it is like to be black and work in the tech industry.
Published 08/24/20
A look at the things that stop organization and cultural change, and how we need to approach our problems to create change no matter your role or seniority.
Published 08/17/20
The second of the #ShareTheMicNow episodes was created by Sylvia Baffour on how to approach the work around us, emotional intelligence, and being aware of the emotional after taste your leave with the people around you.
Published 07/20/20
The first of the #ShareTheMicNow episodes is an intimate and honest conversation between design industry icons Maurice Cherry and Debbie Millman about the state of the world, their work, what's going on with some of the design organizations, and much more.
Published 07/06/20
Today, more than ever, it is NECESSARY that we all join #ShareTheMicNow to create unifying actions centered around Black, Brown, Indigenous and/or LGBTQ+ lives, stories, and calls to action. I wanted to create this short episode to talk about why I will...
Published 06/23/20
We are often influenced, if not even controlled, by the things we think we need to do and the person we think we need to be in our lives and careers. Chasing and repeating these broken narratives is exhausting, and any deviation from them is met with...
Published 06/08/20
The Amazing Design People list was created as a worldwide, community-led talent base to help those creatives who have recently been laid off or furloughed. It started as a simple Google sheet, but thanks to Felix Lee and James Baduor it has grown into a...
Published 05/17/20
The 8 characteristics I see in the most successful and creative people I know and talk about how you can make them a part of your career development.
Published 05/11/20
A look at the practical and emotional steps you should take when you get laid off or furloughed, some helpful resourced, and how you can use this to help change your career.
Published 04/27/20
The Crazy One is now on YouTube with the most popular episodes, tutorials, keynotes, interviews, live streams, favorite videos and more. Subscribe now!
Published 04/08/20
A look at why we struggle with change, why our feelings about it are normal, and some things we can do to try to deal with it in healthier ways.
Published 03/23/20
A few insights and perspectives that I've been sharing with friends, co-workers, leaders and other creatives to try and help in these unprecedented times. I hope it helps.
Published 03/23/20
A recap the basics of Design Imposter Syndrome and then look at some of the factors that are contributing to the explosion of imposter syndrome and go through the best advice, insights, and resources that came out of the three Conversations.
Published 03/02/20
Creating a standout portfolio is essential because it helps you stand out from the crowd, is one of the main faces of your brand, and your first introduction to prospective employers and your industry. The problem is that it is equal parts art and...
Published 02/17/20
A look at why I think boredom is essential to creativity, why it's in incredibly rare supply, and how you can find more of it.
Published 02/03/20
The newest addition to The Crazy One platform - Crazy One Conversations, a new series of free themed monthly online group conversations where I want to help us all share, learn, grow and push each other.
Published 01/29/20
A look at why we struggle to keep a support system through our career, the 4 parts of a good support system, and how you can start building one that can help you.
Published 01/27/20
Look at the 4 different personality types you experience at work, why you have to deal with difficult people, how to do it in a productive way, and what to do if it doesn't work.
Published 01/20/20
A look at how design and creativity are often confused and misunderstood, how they should be defined, why the difference is important, and how to apply them to your career and team.
Published 12/23/19
A look at the problem we are up against in getting promoted, look behind the scenes of the promotion process, understand why your current strategy probably isn't working and give you a new way of looking at how to build your career to get better results.
Published 12/02/19
A look at a few of the trends taken from the new Design Trends Report I co-authored that affecting how we find, recruit, hire, and train the best creative people.
Published 11/18/19
A look at the different types of trust, understand where trust is important, look at how to assess the various aspects of trust, understand human-centered transformation, and some of the best ways to build trust.
Published 11/04/19
A new perspective and understanding of what introverts go through, why their way of work is really valuable, some tips for those of you who work with introverts, and some things introverts can do to find more support and understanding at work.
Published 10/21/19