The Crypto Ethics' Tansy and Anja get into a discussion about FEAR and who is stirring them in us. The Crypto Ethics' Tansy and Anja get into a discussion about FEAR and who is stirring them in us.  Anja shares her own fears around what has been happening in the space and how the media, the government and nefarious actors have driven this fear deeper. Tansy shares why these actors seek to create fear within us, how it causes us to feel disempowered, and to take actions that don't align with...
Published 11/27/22
Tansy and Anja return to discuss the recent FTX collapse, the bitcoin vs crypto debate, the importance of not leaving crypto coins on an exchange, and heartfelt understanding and support for any users' of FTX suffering losses from this fallout. The Crypto Ethics is a space for education and bringing a heart centred crypto community together founded by Tansy Baigent (who is also the lead coach), and Anja Claus is the program editor. Together they run a flagship crypto program teaching the...
Published 11/20/22
The Crypto Ethics' founder and lead coach, Tansy Baigent, and Ethic editor and liaison Anja Claus, offer their insights and reflections on what Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC's) are why Governments around the World are pursuing their adoption and why there is reason to be worried.  Tansy even wears her red dress as warning that in this one she gets passionate and pervasive powers of control that limit freedom.   To find out more about The Crypto Ethic visit the website:...
Published 11/12/22
The Crypto Ethic’s Tansy and Anja (who both have professional histories in the environmental sector) tackle this question head on and chat about one of the biggest attacks on Bitcoin - its' high energy usage.    We discuss the 'sustainability' criteria which Bitcoin is being held to, the innovative means by which miners are seeking cheap, renewable or wasted energy and why bitcoin ultimately uses the energy that it does (proof of work) - and why thats important to the security of the...
Published 11/06/22
In this video Tansy and Anja return to discuss key tools, perspectives and tips to surviving a bear market (extended period of investment asset price decline), financial portfolio diminishment, or even a financial collapse. Do you want to panic or run away as you watch your portfolio lose value? If the answer is yes... you need to watch this! With their positive persona's and Tansy's background as a counsellor, Tansy & Anja help to guide the listener toward a place of emotional...
Published 10/30/22
In this video Tansy and Anja return with a conversation about a key statement within the crypto community which is 'banking the unbanked', as well as discussing financial inclusion and the sentiment of 'unbanking the banked'.  Tansy also explores a connection between Bitcoin, this time and a classic children's story..  The Wizard of Oz. To reach out to Tansy or Anja use: [email protected]   Or to discover more about what we offer visit: www.thecryptoethic.com
Published 10/16/22
The Crypto Ethic’s Tansy and Anja take a deeper dive into the question of what Bitcoin is; with discussions of nodes, miners and the blockchain (distributed ledger technology).   This conversation provides a good build upon our previous conversation of bitcoin when we reflect on why we are so interested in the bitcoin space.   To find out more about The Crypto Ethic visit: www.thecryptoethic.com
Published 10/11/22
The Crypto Ethic’s Tansy and Anja chat about what the term 'fiat' means, it’s history, its' shortcomings, and how Bitcoin helps to offer a solution as a suitable form of money.   Tansy Baigent is founder and coach of The Crypto Ethic: https://www.thecryptoethic.com/  Anja Claus is the crypto program editor and liaison officer.  
Published 10/01/22
In this video The Crypto Ethic founder and lead coach Tansy Baigent and program editor Anja Claus chat about their personal reflections of Bitcoin; including how we got into the crypto space, how bitcoin operates on a trustless peer to peer network, why it is important that the creators remained anonymous and how it offers new ways of accessing financial freedom and a global community.    This episode also showcases the magical capacity of Anja's cat to appear and disappear at will.. a...
Published 09/25/22