In going down the winding rabbit hole that is John Edmond’s Stardust Ranch Odyssey one could be forgive for thinking they are being sold a bill of goods; a Franken-fairy tale cobbled together out of various winding occult roads, supernatural subdivisions and ufological cul-de-sacs, until a seemingly complete and (at least to the paranormally inclined) authentic road map emerges, one that feels real but it utterly fictional. This could be forgiven because even for those of us well-versed in...
Published 01/08/24
In the summer of 1997 a family of four arrived at a picturesque cabin surrounded by lush Oregon forest nestled on the high cliffs above the Pacific; a paradise on Earth. But—as they unpacked, looking forward to what ought to have been an idyllic fortnight on a stunning stretch of American woodland—they could little have suspected that their dream come true was destined to devolve into a living nightmare that thrust this well educated couple and their unsuspecting children headlong into a...
Published 12/25/23
December 11th, 2023—never before in humanity’s long and tumultuous tethering to (and fascination with) the UAP or UFO phenomenon have we, as a species, been closer to the truth: a truth that may well herald a new epoch (for better or worse) of human history. On the cusp of what may well be one of the defining moments for all humankind, it behooves us to consider some of the potential implications that such a revelation might have on ourselves, our allies, our enemies and all future...
Published 12/18/23
According to legend the untamed hills and hollows of Kentucky were once home to a population of small, semi-simian humanoids. Reports state that at the turn of the 20th century these pernicious proto-humans were wiped out—much like the Tasmanian Tiger—by overzealous hunters, but there’s evidence to suggest that these diminutive cave dwellers managed to survive at least until the 1990s when they once again made their presence known to the horror of one family and their unsuspecting friends. ...
Published 12/11/23
Considering that the East Coast is by far the most populated region of the US, it would be easy to assume that any mysterious monsters that once lived there would have long since vacated the area, but nothing could be further from the truth. These two bizarre cases prove that anomalous entities have not only managed to survive, but thrive in the small, densely, forested pockets that remain on the eastern seaboard. The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast  ...
Published 12/04/23
This little blue orb we call home is chock-full of anomalous aquatic animals. According to published reports, 94% of the world's living species live underwater and 91% of those have yet to be discovered, described or cataloged. Today we offer a sample platter of the evidently endless paranormal parade that makes up this moist menagerie of monstrosities.  The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast  The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores: Cryptonautmerch.com - ...
Published 11/27/23
One of the most bizarre phenomenons to hit the paranormal arena in recent years are run-ins with pale, cadaverous, crawling humanoids who are nocturnally stalking not only the remote wooded areas one might expect, but also the once safe suburbs and even desolate city streets; forcing one to wonder if we might be bearing witness to a silent invasion of creepy crawlies that are both horrifying and—according to some reports—extremely dangerous. The Cryptonaut Podcast...
Published 11/20/23
In 2008, a young, Chicago athlete was struck by a series of wracking chest pain. After being rushed to the hospital, the high school student’s biggest fears were the end of his basketball career and the surgery he’d have to undergo. But after just one night in this hospital from hell—during which the teenager endured a nightmarish odyssey in a freakishly familiar word—he was left with the lingering knowledge that the true horror he’d faced was the nebulous nature of reality itself. The...
Published 11/13/23
Two Cryptonaut Podcast listeners, inspired by hearing past episodes, realized that they’d had similar paranatural experiences to those discussed. The first, reported a near—and potentially sinister—contact with the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Council… the second had a run-in with one of the most enigmatic entities ever chronicled a; haunting, patchwork, scarecrow-like, inter-dimensional, wood-based being known as Sam the Sandown Ghost Clown… and this time, this bizarre being was not...
Published 11/06/23
It is a sad truth that children—more so than any others in society—are tormented by those bigger and stronger than themselves. Exacerbating this already troubling trend is the fact that these misanthropic yobbos can be corporeal, inhuman or decidedly dead. In this episode we explore terrifying true tales of kids being antagonized (or outright attacked) by an array of massive, red-eyed, moist-footed monstrosities as well as a tiny, toothy goblin with a taste for human flesh and a sinister...
Published 10/30/23
In the wild world of Cryptozoology, spontaneous sightings of one off weirdos is the rule rather than the exception, but every now and then we come across an account, revealing that what seemed to be a one and done encounter is actually just the beginning of what will become repeated run-ins with these anomalous animals. Here we present two never before heard eyewitness accounts from folks who claim to have seen these potentially malefic monstrosities a second time! Copenhagen...
Published 10/23/23
The shadow, shrouded woods of the world harbor all kinds of bloodthirsty predators. Humans are all too familiar with most of these carnivorous critters, but there are few who seem to defy the zoological record; dwelling in that nebulous void between the unknown and high strangeness. It is with these seemingly insidious entities that we concern ourselves today. The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast  The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores: Cryptonautmerch.com...
Published 10/16/23
Since the dawn of history, children have loved puppets. Long before Kermit, Gonzo, Lamb Chop, Howdy Doody or even the violent 16th-century antics of Punch and Judy, kids worldwide have been delighted by small lumps of clay, wood and fabric being brought to life by master storytellers. Even with all the distractions of the modern world, puppeteers still manage to delight young and old alike… but there’s a ghastly yin to this goofy yang: terrifying accounts of kids who've had harrowing...
Published 10/09/23
At his absolute lowest, John Edmonds received a call from a strange woman telling him she was a psychic who’d been hired to help him in his war against the Greys. Skeptical, John agreed to let her come never once suspecting that her arrival would set off a series of incredible incidents that would open his eyes to a new reality and result in a spectacular sorcery-infused showdown between interdimensional forces of light and darkness: a showdown that would transform some—while driving others...
Published 10/02/23
After over a decade of being called crazy, a liar or worse, John Edmonds was about to prove that aliens exist. But on the threshold of this paradigm shifting event, he was dealt a devastating blow that left him reeling. With no foreseeable end to his hellish ordeal, John found himself at the end of his rope. But—just when it seemed as if he was about to drown in a sea of high strangeness—the rancher was thrown a lifeline from an unlikely source: the Galactic Council.  The Devil’s Academy: ...
Published 09/25/23
As John Edmonds’ bloodlust reached a fever pitch, the universe blessed the bedeviled rancher with a razor-sharp release for his wrath, a katana which suddenly put him in possession of the Holy Grail of ufology: irrefutable proof of the existence of extraterrestrials. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast  The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores: Cryptonautmerch.com - ...
Published 09/11/23
Enough was enough. After enduring years of abuse at the hands of an uncanny array of arcane abominations, John Edmonds strikes back with a vengeance. As the bloodshed intensifies into an orgy of chaotic carnage and inter-dimensional portals rip through the fabric of space-time, John, like the mythic heroes of yore, receives a razor-edged gift from the proverbial gods The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut Podcast...
Published 09/04/23
With alien abductions, animal mutilations and anomalous entity attacks on the rise, John Edmonds goes public with his story, incurring the wrath of would-be assassins, the notorious Men in Black and violent greys. But just when things were at their darkest, John would find it within himself to fight back against the malevolent monstrosities arrayed against him in order to save the woman he loves. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut...
Published 08/28/23
Having declared war on the malevolent metaphysical forces slaughtering his animals and infesting his home, John Edmonds was unprepared for the escalation of violence and stunned by a new wave of sinister spectral assailants. But what he’d initially assumed were just the restless dead proved to have more divergent origins as the bulk of these beings seemed to hail from both hell and space. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut Podcast...
Published 08/21/23
From the moment he moved onto the ranch John Edmonds found himself the victim of a malignant metaphysical manifestation which seemed hellbent on not only driving him from his dream home, but quite literally out of his mind. As he learns about the property’s brutal history nefarious paranormal forces drew first blood forcing the homeowner to declare war. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut Podcast...
Published 08/14/23
Take the supernatural antics surrounding Skinwalker Ranch—including UFOs, bizarre beasts, animal mutilations, poltergeist and portals—add to it black-eyed doppelgangers, M.I.B. and alien factions caught in a turf war; top it all off with a '70's samurai-sploitation cherry and what do you get? The ultra-bizarre yet unnervingly true case of the notorious Stardust Ranch... welcome to the weirdest, wildest paranormal hot spot in the west.. The Devil’s Academy: ...
Published 08/07/23
Fortean lore is riddled with anxiety inducing accounts of creepy critters, but few of these anatomical anomalies are more alarming than the eerie entities who are, inexplicably born without a face. How these bizarre beings manage to stalk their prey lacking eyes, ears and a nose—let alone consume it without a mouth—is an enigma that perplexes all who ponder the existence of these faceless, fear inducing fiends. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ ...
Published 07/24/23
“It crawls.... It creeps.... It eats you alive! Indescribable... indestructible... insatiable! Bloated with the blood of its victims! Nothing Can Stop It!” These are just a fistful of the gloriously hyperbolic taglines used to market one of the 50s’ most memorable creature features—“The Blob”—but while nearly every movie fan is at least familiar with this amorphous, undulating mega-mass from another world, very few are aware of the fact that the likely genesis for this sinister,...
Published 07/17/23
These two brief, yet bizarre—and in one case extremely brutal—cases are emblematic of the kind of unexpected encounters that human beings across the globe claim to have had with creatures that lurk beyond the pale of rational explanation. Are we dealing with cryptids, aliens, faerie folk, occult incarnations, inter-dimensional entities or something that, as yet, defies description? Let’s dig in. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ Research by Cole...
Published 07/10/23
From fetid, stump ridden swamps to murky lakes infested with slippery, tentacle-like strands of seaweed that wrap around your ankles with uncanny strength to backwater bayous and even roadside drainage ditches; life thrives in the dark, wet corners of our world. In this episode we’re exposing some of these strange, semi-aquatic critters to the light. The Devil’s Academy: https://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Academy/dp/B0B8528ZB6/ The Cryptonaut Podcast...
Published 07/03/23