    In this episode, Brendan speaks with global executive coach and author Aneace Haddad as he shares his insights on personal and professional growth, leadership, and transformation. Aneace discusses the ‘five-step framework for growth’, the importance of embracing change, and the power of detaching from labels and adopting a mindset shift. Aneace also explores […]
Published 07/09/23
    In this episode, Brendan speaks with Jessica Weiss, Managing Consultant for Human Tribe Consulting and Training Company. Jess shares her insights on conducting effective interviews and leveraging behavioral-based questions. With many years of experience in the field, Jess emphasizes the importance of proper preparation and understanding an organization’s culture and values when selecting […]
Published 06/25/23
    In this episode, Brendan welcomes Nina Sunday, Founder of Brain Power Training and host of the Manage Self, Lead Others podcast. With over 30 years of experience, she is a certified speaking professional and an expert in leadership development. Nina is passionate about helping new leaders avoid common mistakes, build thriving cultures, and […]
Published 06/11/23
    In this episode, Brendan speaks with Robert Jordan, leadership development expert and CEO of Interim Execs. Robert is the creator of the FABS leadership assessment, shares insights on the four dominant leadership styles – fixer, artist, builder, and strategist. He explains how exceptional leaders develop their unique processes, approaches, and systems over time […]
Published 05/28/23
In this episode, Brendan speaks with Robert Jordan, leadership development expert and CEO of Interim Execs. Robert is the creator of the FABS leadership assessment, shares insights on the four dominant leadership styles – fixer, artist, builder, and strategist. He explains how exceptional leaders develop their unique processes, approaches, and systems over time and how […]
Published 05/28/23
    In this episode, Tim Garth and Dan Osborne, self-titled “podcountants” and hosts of the Two Drunk Accountants podcast, discuss their experiences as millennial leaders and share insights on leading millennials. They advise leaders to build a strong, sustainable culture that resonates with their millennial workforce and emphasize the importance of giving millennials a […]
Published 05/14/23
    The Culture of Leadership podcast has reached quite a milestone – our 100th episode! Joining today’s episode 100 is Dr. Christopher Avery, Founder and CEO of The Responsibility Company, one of the go-to organizations for executive leadership development and change management training. They have been in business for over 30 years. What makes […]
Published 04/30/23
    Today’s guest is Colleen Doyle Bryant, a ‘Common Decency Expert’ and author of five books and more than 50 learning resources about character and values. Her latest book, Rooted in Decency, her first book for an adult audience, looks at the decline in common decency in society and ways that we can build […]
Published 04/16/23
    Today’s guest is Jem Bourouh, Investor, eCommerce industry leader, keynote speaker, and founder of AdCubator. Jem shares his five leadership lessons for running his business, supported with examples, and discusses traveling, moving, and living in different countries around the world to learn all he can from people with other viewpoints. Even though he […]
Published 04/02/23
    In this episode, I welcome Bretton Putter, CEO of CultureGene, back to the podcast for his second appearance. Bretton shares his expertise on how leaders can successfully navigate hybrid work post-pandemic by focusing on collaboration, people management, and team culture.  Brett discusses the importance of maintaining a strong company culture in a hybrid […]
Published 03/19/23
    Statistically, very few people have had the type of life-changing event that you’ll hear today’s guest talk about. Speaker and filmmaker Brett Connellan, of Honest Boys Productions, joins the podcast to talk about being attacked by a shark on his surfboard, nearly losing his life, his second chance, and what he’s doing with […]
Published 03/05/23
    In this episode, my guest is world-renowned empowerment coach Donna P. Dahl, M.Ed.. Donna is the Chief Empowerment Officer of Donna Dahl Empowerment Coaching International. She’s a leading executive strategist who employs neuroscience-based coaching to disseminate skill development, empowerment, and engagement. She was named to the 2022 Top 20 List of Empowerment Coaches […]
Published 02/19/23
    Most people live a life filled with regrets.  Boldness is the solution, and fortunately, boldness can be learned. Today’s guest is Fred Joyal, CEO of TruBlu Social Smiles, a video testimonial platform. Fred is a bestselling author, international speaker, and entrepreneur. He co-founded the most successful dentist referral service in the country, 1-800-DENTIST. […]
Published 02/05/23
    In this episode, Brendan and producer Marc Charette review the top ten takeaways from all our fascinating guest interviews of 2022.   Every one of our top takeaways focuses on experiences, both good and bad, and touches on the most important behaviors and qualities that make excellent leaders. Being deliberate, observing, listening, being intentional, […]
Published 01/22/23
    In this episode, Brendan is interviewed by producer Marc Charette about challenges being faced by leaders as we enter 2023.  You’ll hear Brendan’s take on the new normal of the working environment, and finding and retaining great employees.  The changes that Covid forced into reality continue to challenge leaders around the globe. Establishing […]
Published 01/08/23
    Today’s guest is Hailley Griffis, Head of Communications and Content at Buffer, a social media management software aimed at helping creators and small businesses build their brands. For years now, Buffer has operated as a totally “transparent” organization.  Internally, employees have visibility into everything the company does, and what other departments are doing, […]
Published 12/25/22
    Video messaging and content are the new normal. Think about what you see every day as you scroll through your smartphone apps. This isn’t “the new direction” – it’s already here.  I’m joined today by Julian Mather, a man who has seen the world through many lenses. Through a telescopic sight as an […]
Published 12/11/22
    Welcome to the first episode of The Culture of Leadership.  I’m joined today by Matt Kelly, Head of Regional Operations North for Healthe Care.  Matt started his career in health as a registered nurse working in Newcastle and the UK. He has worked in Intensive Care Units around Sydney in both clinical and […]
Published 11/27/22
    In today’s episode, the tables are turned on host Brendan Rogers as he is interviewed by producer Marc Charette about the future of The Culture of Things podcast.  Brendan’s interviews so often center around the essentials of building leadership. It is this focus that is driving a pivot in the focus of the […]
Published 11/13/22
    My guest today is Gary De Rodriguez, CEO of Peopleistic. Recognized as an internationally acclaimed expert in the science of human excellence and known as the People Mechanic, Gary De Rodriguez has had over 35 years of experience in designing and integrating the most influential models of psychology-based systems of success in leadership, […]
Published 10/30/22
    Are you holding yourself, your employees, and the company “accountable?” Are you “fair but firm?”  My guest today is Dan Cockerell, former Vice-President of the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, Florida, and now a keynote speaker and executive coach. Join us for an intriguing discussion about the concept of accountability.  It takes […]
Published 10/16/22
  https://youtu.be/92ipwtHMoyE   Have you ever started a job and felt like you were thrown into the deep end all by yourself, or that you were “drinking from a fire hose” and the process was completely overwhelming and negative?  Marc Reifenrath, CEO of Spinutech, wants to make sure that never happens to his new hires. […]
Published 10/02/22
    If you can’t lead yourself, how are you going to lead anyone else? This is the core tenet behind former NRL Head Coach Matty Elliot’s “The Change Room.” Combining his background, education, and qualifications -a Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sports Science), performance coaching experience, and extensive research into well-being, Matt has […]
Published 09/18/22
    “If leaders don’t understand how the human brain works and how people perceive information, they’ll struggle.”  That’s a quote from today’s guest, Phill Agnew.  Phill is Sr. Product Marketer at Buffer, a product marketing ambassador at the PMA, and host of Nudge, the only podcast dedicated to consumer psychology. Phill specializes in consumer […]
Published 09/04/22
    Daniel Gaebler has an ambitious five-year goal – to reduce the number of suicides in Australia to zero. Dan is a Sydney plumber and has written a book “The Centred Tradie” about facing his inner demons and mental illness. Dan writes about confronting life events, and his mental health journey, and exposes his […]
Published 08/21/22