All great things take their time and nothing gained overnight will last for very long.  Trust that in doing your daily best no time is lost or effort gone.  Patience is a proactive skill born from knowing why you’re persisting past drudgery and repetition, when it seems that time is resisting.  When your why is far greater than the moment of strained boredom or the self pity of effort unnoticed, your patience kicks in like a blanket resolve, and you return with your purpose reloaded!
Published 09/08/19
Life can be hard and we don’t feel like winners everyday, but do these daily practices and you’re winning anyway.  The fact that I write this everyday carries with it one huge truth; do these simple practices and consistency is yours!  Harmony from inside out, the eye inside the storm, the one foot in front of the other, the breath when things go wrong.
Published 09/07/19
When tuning in to intuition don’t strain to hear the answer that you want, be still to hear the answer.  What you want and what you need are often different things, and your gut feeling does not consider what is easy when it’s choosing.  The journey through discomfort to follow what YOU KNOW is right for you becomes a rich and rewarding process that you’re pleased to struggle through. 
Published 09/06/19
Have you ever needed a nap whilst doing what lights you up?  There is an unbreakable and unquestionable link between energy and inspiration.  Doing what you love is nature's way of lighting up, transcending tiredness, and over filling that half empty cup.  So today, do what you love and see your energy abound. You doing you is the endless fuel, in the everlasting now.
Published 09/05/19
Self esteem is built from estimable actions, it’s not dished out at birth.  From doing things you feel are worthwhile you define your worth.  Retrain esteem by small victories of doing worthwhile tasks seen through, from deciding to completing, these small wins will rebuild you.
Published 09/04/19
Don’t wait for others to make you happy, treat yourself for daily joy! Focus on the things you love, ignore what can annoy.  Happiness can be found in a cup of tea, reading, talking, laughs, driving, walking, cooking, running, cold drinks in too hot baths. We can treat ourselves to wellness with the little things we do, so treat the one you love to wellness, treat yourself, yes, you!
Published 09/03/19
The upward spiral is pushed, driven by effort and then momentum kicks in.  But slowdown and the mechanics grind to a halt, it's not downhill, it’s self propelling.  Just a little in the right direction is momentums' greatest friend, one step today towards who you must be inside your head.  And the discomfort that this takes is paid in treasure down the line, patient effort spins the upward spiral every time.
Published 09/02/19
Both worries and dreams are projected fantasy but which you choose to dominate your thinking will dictate what comes about.  Fears and hopes haven’t happened yet so put all your chips on dreams. Immerse yourself in this thought and allow the deep realisation to tear you from your attachment to worry.  Worry doesn't work! 
Published 09/01/19
If you spoke to friends as you do to yourself you’d have no friends at all, so rewrite the inner voice that makes you feel weak or small.  Take a moment now and step back from your life, remember YOU are your best friend, NOW give you some advice.  Use words you’d use for others, and cut out words you would not use, guide yourself with love and care not anger and abuse.
Published 08/31/19
When trying to be all things to all men we let our own self down. Pleasing all the people, all of the time, can be a heavy torch to drag around.  Trying to fit to others' lives perfectly leaves you mishapen and worn.  Be your own shape!  There’s no perfect fit, you are perfect by being yourself.  Fulfiling yourself, becoming ALL OF YOU, is the only and ultimate wealth.
Published 08/30/19
Welcoming or resisting change defines how good you feel, we tend to cling to what we have and fill our future days with fear. Just by sitting now and thinking through the warmth on darker nights, of rusting trees in radiant flare, brightens up this passing light. By leaning in instead of yearning for this time next year again, we embrace the falling leaves and setting sun, as autumn's start not summer’s end. 
Published 08/29/19
You are allowed to shine as brightly as only you know that you can, to reach, on your own terms, the limits of ‘Who I Am’.  Don’t dim your light for anyone, seek no bush to hide your flame, you paint your own picture and only you define the frame.  Being less than best to fit how you think others need you to be is all imagined fear; let go, expand, you’re free.
Published 08/28/19
You can’t think your way out of a problem that your actions got you into. You must act. By doing little bits of what you CAN you build trust in yourself. No longer are you the victim of some imagined force that controls your mind through negative channels of the past. Move forward, build solutions in today. How we got here is as it is, but we are not just our yesterday.
Published 08/27/19
What we give attention to is the recipe of the life we live, so focus on what inspires you to give your life that lift.  Today we can do our very best and move, eat well and help.  We can find some stillness, work and listen to others...not just ourselves!  We can read something that lights us up and we can rise on music’s ear! These ingredients bake a life that’s light and full of air!
Published 08/26/19
There are few plateaus more confounding than when your purpose seems to wane, but be patient and know it will come back again.  Keep on keeping on one day at a time and the world will turn and new purpose will unfold, the fire in you will ignite. And you will feel it’s warming air carry you in new directions, meaningful and full of zeal, with purpose and intention.
Published 08/25/19
Would you take something if it helped with stress, anxiety, blood pressure and mood? Take it if it helped you focus, boosted your immune system, and rewired your brain to feel good? I’m sure you would so go ahead and take it, and what to take is time. Time to breathe whilst on your own, deeply in and out, a few minutes meditation, the scientific sort you out.
Published 08/24/19
Confidence is learnt from your repeated actions confirmed with results. Confidence is the sculpture formed from the chisel blows of challenge, overcoming fears and finding that you’re fine, pushing past resistance just one more time. Real confidence is learnt from little victories of daily actions over fear. Confidence is knowing yourself, saying, "I CAN OVERCOME because I HAVE DONE and I WILL AGAIN."
Published 08/23/19
Are you grasping tightly to something beyond control? Gripping the world's steering wheel whilst letting your best spoil?  Spilt milk, others' choices, technology shifts and trends are all beyond your immediate control but should not spell the end.  Seize the chance to leap ahead as one that sees the shift, clench your hand around changing now, accept the strain and lift. Acceptance means fluidity and going with the flow, using your energy where it is free and needed most.
Published 08/22/19
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. This is reiterated by so many exceptional people from Confucius to Gandhi, from Richard Branson to Napoleon Hill, as to make it resonate too strongly to ignore as some magical mumbo jumbo. Thoughts become things. As we think, we behave, and our actions dictate our reality.
Published 08/21/19
Vulnerability is a strength not a weakness, the antidote to shame and an open hand to connection. When asked "How are you doing?" or "How was your day?" don't say "Fine" or "Yeh, good", just say the truth. Insipid responses dilute our potential to connect with others. So be open, be honest, vulnerable and strong and you’ll find more sisters and brothers.
Published 08/20/19
A morning routine doesn’t take time, it makes time. In the stillness of morning you can hear your true voice, and with focused intention you begin with a choice. A choice that will run through the seem of your day, you make time by not doing the things that would get in your way.
Published 08/19/19
A morning routine doesn’t take time, it makes time. In the stillness of morning you can hear your true voice, and with focused intention you begin with a choice. A choice that will run through the seem of your day, you make time by not doing all the distractions that get in your way.
Published 08/19/19
A morning routine doesn’t take time, it makes time. In the stillness of morning you can hear your true voice, and with focused intention you begin with a choice. A choice that will run through the seem of your day, you make time by not doing all the distractions that get in your way.
Published 08/19/19
A morning routine doesn’t take time, it makes time.  In the stillness of morning you hear your true voice, and with focused intention you begin with a choice.  A choice that will run through the seem of your day, you make time by not doing what gets in the way.  This morning awareness of knowing your way creates time by choosing actions that define your whole day.
Published 08/19/19
A morning routine doesn’t take time, it makes time.  In the stillness of morning you hear your true voice, and with focused intention you begin with a choice.  A choice that will run through the seem of your day, you make time by not doing what gets in the way.  This tool to the freedom of owning your way creates time for the actions that define your whole day.
Published 08/19/19