It’s Day 3 in our series on the book, “Every Shot I Take” by Davis Love III. At Imagine Golf, we love talking about course management. But according to Davis, sometimes less course management can lead to better scores. Here’s how.
Published 01/12/23
It’s Day 2 in our series on “Every Shot I Take” by Davis Love III. Davis says, “You have to forget the bad things or you’ll be doomed to repeat them.” Today he shares his two-step strategy for letting go of mistakes and turning weakness into strength.
Published 01/11/23
This week, we begin a new 7-part series based on the book “Every Shot I Take” by Hall-of-Famer, Davis Love III. Today, Davis shares how learning to cope with the tragic loss of his father led him back to the heart of the game.
Published 01/10/23
If you think about how to execute the movements of an acquired skill, such as putting, you’re likely to become incapable of effectively performing it. Today, we’ll discuss how to get out of your own way on the putting green.
Published 01/09/23
Billy Casper won over 50 times on tour. When we refer to the Big Three as Gary Player, Arnold Palmer, and Jack Nicklaus, they say it was really the Big Four. Casper wasn’t long off the tee, but he made up for it on the green. Today, he offers a stroke-saving tip on judging distance.
Published 01/08/23
The time to begin reading a green is when you’re approaching it from the fairway. The slope is determined in part by the general lay of the land. You can best see the green in this perspective from a distance. Today, Johnny Miller turns this tip into a helpful visualization.
Published 01/07/23
With Instinct Putting, when we stroke the putt, we look at the hole instead of the ball. That makes sense for straight putts. But what about breaking putts? If you look at the hole, and hit the ball to that spot, you’ll miss. Here’s how to solve that problem.
Published 01/06/23
When you perform at the most instinctive level, you don’t consciously think about how to make things happen. You simply allow your body to do what it knows how to do. This is called “athletic intuition” and you don’t need to be a pro to develop it.
Published 01/05/23
When you putt looking at a target, your brain is directly influenced by a continuous flow of visual information. This includes important factors such as where the hole is located, whether you’re putting uphill or downhill, and the speed and break of the green. Here’s how to test this theory on the practice green.
Published 01/04/23
This week, we begin a 7-part series based on the book Instinct Putting Revisited by Dr. Bob Christina, Dr. Cary Heath, and PGA Master Professional Eric Alpenfels. Instinct Putting is based on the idea that visual input is stronger than memory. When you look at the hole, there’s a visual link between what you see and what you want to do. When you look down at the ball, you break that link.
Published 01/03/23
Do you have a pre-round plan that helps you play your best? Annika says, “I follow a strict warm-up routine. After some putting and chipping, I head for the range. Then it’s back to the practice green.” Here’s how to create a warm-up routine of your own.
Published 01/02/23
Most pros play a few practice rounds before a tournament, taking notes as they go. Annika has a different approach. She says, “I walk each hole backward, from the green to the tee.” Turns out, that strategy can help us score lower too.
Published 01/01/23
Annika says, “I was a mediocre junior golfer. By 15, I was shooting in the mid to high 90s. No one would have said I was going places.” Then one rainy day on the range, her dad offered six words of advice that changed everything.
Published 12/31/22
“To score low,” Annika writes, “you must conserve your energy and your focus for all 18 holes. One way to stay sharp is to go on a vacation between shots.” Psychologists call this “the incubation effect” and today we’ll learn how to use it.
Published 12/30/22
In 2003, Annika decided to do something no LPGA player had done since 1945: compete in a PGA tournament. She was so nervous on the first tee, her hands were shaking. Annika shows us how to manage our anxiety under pressure.
Published 12/29/22
As a junior golfer, Annika was so shy she’d lose on purpose just to avoid attention. When she got to college, she feared she wasn’t good enough to turn pro. Today, she shares the story that helped her overcome a lifetime of doubt and fear.
Published 12/28/22
This week, we’re launching a new 7-part series based on the book, Golf Annika’s Way, by Annika Sorenstam. Annika says, “If you catch me on the practice range, you’ll see me hitting balls with a club lying on the ground in front of my toes, pointing toward the target.” She’s checking her alignment. How basic can you get? But that’s the point. Annika practices like a beginner to play like a pro.
Published 12/27/22
It’s hard to stay positive on the golf course. But negative self-talk is like shooting yourself in the foot—on purpose. Instead of trying to stop the self-talk (which is almost impossible), here’s how to manage it by simply changing the tone of your voice.
Published 12/26/22
A post-round review is one of the most effective ways to improve. If you skip this step, you’ll miss out on the nuggets of gold that only your own experiences can give you. So today, let’s learn a simple post-round strategy that can speed up your progress.
Published 12/25/22
Has golf become too ego-driven? When our self-worth depends on the outcome of a shot, we’re walking an emotional tightrope. Today, we’ll hit some drives into the ocean to remind ourselves that golf is what we do, not who we are.
Published 12/24/22
Yesterday, we talked about the shot selection magic of Seve Ballesteros. Where does visualization fit into that process? Today, we’ll learn Seve’s two-step process that can help you see and choose the best shot every time.
Published 12/23/22
Do you ever feel like you’re throwing away scoring opportunities? According to our experts, the real problem isn’t your ability to hit the shot—it’s your ability to select the right shot in the first place. Here’s how to improve your decision-making skills.
Published 12/22/22
We all want to hit more fairways. But our fairway focus might be causing us to miss our best scoring opportunities. Think about it: even pros only hit 10 to 11 fairways per round. Here’s how to change your priority from “fairways” to “scoring.”
Published 12/21/22
Why does focusing on your score often produce the worst results? Part of the problem is due to “perceived control.” It’s the difference between being a passenger in a plane and driving a car—and understanding this concept can change your game.
Published 12/20/22
If you’re serious about lowering your handicap, you have to put in the hours on the driving range. But according to the research, knowing when to stop practicing might be even more important. Today, we’ll learn two “stop signs” from Jack Nicklaus.
Published 12/19/22