Unlocking Your Motivation for Success   In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, I want to focus on understanding, identifying, and overcoming the challenges of motivation in both personal life and business. We'll talk about how common it is to feel tired or struggle with motivation, attributing these feelings to cycles of high and low periods in our lives. it is importance to recognize the causes behind a lack of motivation, such as burnout, lack of clarity, environmental influences, and...
Published 04/03/24
I want ot share an episode with you today that I covered about a year ago.  It really is a fundamental and core concept you MUST learn and master if you want to design your BEST LIFE...   Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do?  Of course our thoughts and emotions shape our behaviors and results in life, but what truly influences our conscious and unconscious thoughts on a day to day basis?   I’ve put a lot of thought into this and we have discussed many different influencing...
Published 04/02/24
Mastering Persistence for Massive Success In the final edition of the eight-step series on the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III emphasizes the paramount importance of persistence in achieving success. He starts with a quote from Calvin Coolidge highlighting that persistence trumps talent, genius, and education in achieving one's goals. Persistence is a key value and its role as outlined in Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich', the most widely bought and read book after the Bible....
Published 03/28/24
The Power of Accountability in Achieving Success Today let's talk about the role of accountability in pushing oneself towards success. I want to talk with you about the importance of having accountability partners, like mentors or coaches, to overcome challenges with sheer willpower. We will talk about repetition and mastering fundamentals for personal growth and the necessity of adopting a positive perspective towards accountability, seeing it as a growth opportunity rather than a burden....
Published 03/27/24
The Power of Discipline for Massive Results In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, we discuss the essential role of discipline in overcoming obstacles, creating momentum, and achieving massive results. Discipline is necessary in every area of life.  It leads to happiness by creating positive habits and allowing individuals to focus on what they can control, while letting go of what they can't. Discipline, more than motivation, is key to creating sustainable habits that drive success. HSo,...
Published 03/26/24
The Power of Taking Action: Overcoming Inactivity for Success This episode of The Daily Mastermind podcast, hosted by George Wright III, delves into the importance of taking action towards achieving goals and creating massive results in life. Emphasizing the need to move beyond inactivity and the paralysis of decision-making, Wright encourages listeners to focus on taking the next step, rather than getting overwhelmed by the bigger picture. He discusses how actions lead to solutions and...
Published 03/25/24
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III continues the series on the eight key steps to creating massive results in life, with a focus on overcoming perfectionism and the importance of certainty. He discusses how perfectionism can hinder progress by fueling self-doubt and the constant search for a 'better version' of our actions or outcomes. Wright emphasizes that the main issue individuals face is not the inability to make decisions but the habit of second-guessing them,...
Published 03/22/24
In this episode of 'The Daily Mastermind,' George Wright III explores the critical aspects of making effective decisions in the process of reinventing and realigning your life. Highlighting Stephen Covey's quote on being a product of decisions, not circumstances, George emphasizes the importance of decision-making and its role in shaping our lives. He breaks down the process into three essential components: making the decision, committing to it, and having the resolve to stick with it....
Published 03/21/24
In this episode of the daily mastermind, we talk about the eight steps to creating your best life, with a focus on the importance of finding clarity. Clarity, the second step, is not innate but something one must generate through self-inquiry and reflection. Clarity affects one's direction, self-esteem, and confidence, and is crucial for setting and achieving meaningful goals. By asking the right questions about identity, relationships, business, and lifestyle, listeners can clarify their...
Published 03/20/24
In this episode of The Daily Mastermind, George Wright III emphasizes the importance of having a vision to lead a purposeful and passionate life. He introduces the concept as the first step in a series of eight for re-envisioning one's life. Wright draws on examples from Earl Nightingale and Stephen Covey, stressing the negative impact of drifting through life without direction and highlighting the significance of beginning with the end in mind. He also discusses how purpose fuels vision, the...
Published 03/19/24
Today on the podcast, I want to talk about and encourage you to realign and redefine your life by outlining eight crucial steps for success: Vision, Clarity, Decisions, Certainty, Action, Discipline, Accountability, and Persistence. These steps are designed to help you specifically realign your personal and professional life, and I'll break down each step in detail over future episodes. By really spending time to think about and analyze each of these steps I know you can significantly improve...
Published 03/18/24
Lets talk today about Fear and How it is Holding You Back...Fear is a natural human emotion that often holds us back from pursuing our dreams and living our best lives. The importance of acknowledging our fears and understanding that most of them are unnecessary barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential.   Strategies for Overcoming Fear: 1. Acknowledge Your Fear: The first step in overcoming fear is to acknowledge it. By bringing your fear to light, you can begin to face it...
Published 03/12/24
Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind! Today, I want to share with you an episode I did a year ago that talks about how to overcome your Fears fo Failure.  I hope you will gain some valuable insights from it.   Show Notes: Many of us view failure as a negative aspect of life, something to be avoided at all costs. But have you ever considered that failure could actually be a stepping stone towards success? George challenges us to rethink our perspective on failure and understand that it is...
Published 03/11/24
Let me ask you a question...   Are you creating clarity in your life or chaos?   Clarity?   Entrepreneurs & High Achievers chasing Success... faster and better... lack of patience... need for perfection...   Focus is key to results we know this to be true, yet... FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful   Why do we say this? because distraction is the enemy to progress. because clarity only comes from focus... when you load up priorities and modify your plan you create...
Published 03/08/24
In today's fast-paced business world, confidence plays a crucial role in the success of business owners and CEOs. It is not just about appearing self-assured; confidence is a fundamental element that empowers leaders to make decisions, take risks, and drive their businesses forward. Today, lets talk about the importance of confidence in the business world and provide practical strategies and daily rituals to help you build and maintain confidence as a business owner or CEO.   Importance of...
Published 03/06/24
Today on The Daily Mastermind I want to share with you a classic episode from just last year that created a lot of great feedback and results for listeners. I hope you enjoy it. The message is: Tell the world what you want…   I love the idea that you need to tell the world what you want.  But how many of us do just that?  Not many…   We might think about what we want.  We might even talk about it once in a while.  But most of us don’t declare or tell the world what we want for several...
Published 03/05/24
Welcome back to the daily mastermind! Today, we're going to dive into the powerful teachings of T Harv Eker and explore his 17 wealth files. These wealth files are not just about accumulating financial abundance, but about transforming your mindset to create the life you truly desire. So, let's get started! One of the most significant lessons we can learn from T Harv Eker is that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. If we want to thrive and achieve our goals, we need to adopt a...
Published 02/28/24
Denzel Washington did a Commencement Address at University of Pennsylvania where he talked about how failure is the key to creating success in life. He had a very unique way of talking about how most people seem to avoid risk and hedge their risks with "back up plans" which only keep you from yoru potential. I want to share that audio with you today on the podast in hopes it might inspire you and give you a perspective on challenging yourself more in life.  I hope you enjoy. Thanks for...
Published 02/27/24
Today I want to focus on finding ways we can Create a State of Mind that brings more Happiness into our lives...Prosperity Pillar #7 I choose to be happy... Many of us spend much of our linves chasing success and happiness only to find out tha the "things" will never bring you happiness.  You can only create happiness by learning to create the emotions and feelings that we are trying to search for more of... Ultimately, it is a lesson that we will either learn once we get the things we are...
Published 02/26/24
Today I want to talk with you about NOT letting your environment or curcumstances affect your direction. I want to talk about how you can create YOUR OWN direction by instilling principles and disciplines in your life.... In a world filled with constant change and uncertainty, it can be challenging to maintain momentum and achieve your goals. However, it is crucial to remember that you have the power to create opportunities and shape your own path, regardless of the circumstances around you....
Published 02/23/24
Today I want to talk about the importance of self-awareness for entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business owners. Self-awareness is described as a superpower that can significantly influence business growth. It helps in identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, and unique talents which can positively guide business decisions. We will talk about practicing daily meditation and journaling, getting feedback from peers or mentors, reading valuable books related to self-awareness and emotional...
Published 02/22/24
Let's revisit a classic today...After 25 Million copies sold in 40 languages, this book has become an icon in the field of personal development and leadership.   More importantly, Stephen R. Covey has become well know for the lessons, thoughts and habits that he taught the world for transformation as a leader and increasing your effectiveness in life.   Today I want to do a high level review of the entire book for you in order to inspire you with ideas and potentially rekindle your...
Published 02/21/24
7 Ways to Shift Problems into Solutions The more you love what you are doing, the more successful it will be for you.-Jerry Gillies The more you align with your Unique Talents, the more success you will create...especially if you focus on solutions  I Focus on Solutions - Pillar #5 1-Your Perception of Your Problems It's not the problem itself, it's the meaning that you attach to the problem. Step back for a moment and realize that the meanings you attach to situations are going...
Published 02/19/24
The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement by Napoleon Hill: A Deep Dive   In this episode we talk about the 17 Principles of Personal Achievement by self-help author Napoleon Hill. The principles discussed range from definiteness of purpose, maintaining a mastermind alliance, applying faith, learning from adversity, maintaining a pleasing personality, initiating personal initiative, creative visioning, maintaining a positive mental attitude, enthusiasm, self-discipline, accurate thinking,...
Published 02/13/24
Today lets talk about the importance of adopting an attitude of abundance for prosperity. We will talk about the book 'Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude' by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. We will discusses how a positive mental attitude acts as a gateway towards abundant thinking. Key strategies include developing gratitude practices, visualization, setting realistic yet challenging goals, and affirmations. My goal is to help you cultivate a mindset that sees adversities as...
Published 02/12/24